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Saturday, November 9, 2024

They Do Protest Too Much

 By Anna Von Reitz

The past 160 years have been akin to a stage play, with characters known as "persons" playing roles and occupying offices that they were never authorized to occupy.  

This is made more understandable when you realize that the Bar Association arrived in England during the reign of King Henry the Eighth as a theater company known as The Merrie Men.  

As Roman tax collectors operating with a free hand in Britain, they were merry, indeed. 

We all know their modus operandi, rallying call, and pirates main song: 

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die." 

One can only hope.  

Along with the theater introduced by the Bar, we had the proliferation of a multitude of different kinds of corporations, created by and promoted by the Roman Curia.  

These actors created their own world and have continuously attempted-- with more or less success-- to immerse everyone else in it.  

This trenchant observation comes from an anonymous document of Spanish origin: 

"Nations were formed as companies or corporations to exploit their citizens as merchandise. 

Corporations are fraudulent constructions because they are considered a person with rights under the law, and because the owners and controllers of the corporations can disregard responsibility for crimes committed by the corporation. 

That is fraudulent. 

Corporations are not people and therefore cannot have rights. 

Corporations are also monopolies that use subsidiaries to hide their dominance over industry. 

Private companies cannot compete fairly with (public) corporations. 

Citizens are also classified as legal persons (companies), robbing them of all their (natural) human rights. 

Corporations shouldn't exist." 

*** Notes in parenthesis above were added for understanding of the context. ***

This rampant lack of accountability on the part of the theater managers and the corporations, both, has led to criminality against the Public Interest on a scale that hasn't been seen since the days of Ancient Rome.  

The entire excuse for the existence of most corporations and the motive for incorporating a business is to gain (a) lack of individual accountability and (b) bankruptcy protection at Public Expense.  

It was argued that some occupations and businesses (production of gunpowder and explosives, for example) are so intrinsically dangerous and risky that people would not naturally wish to invest in them, so that if a government wanted gunpowder, they would have to underwrite and guarantee lack of liability and bankruptcy protection for businesses engaged in the sale, manufacture, and transport of these dangerous materials. 

From that limited beginning, the plague of incorporation has spread like a cancer, with every Tom, Dick, and Harry incorporating businesses that are not involved in any particularly dangerous or risky business, in order to avoid personal liability and bankruptcy protection at public expense. 

Clearly, hotel chains and fast food franchises aren't in the same league as Krups and Raytheon, yet they claim these same benefits of incorporation and when this scheme is organized in terms of parent corporations and umbrella corporations holding vast numbers of subsidiary and franchise corporations, as when a "government" service provider indulges itself to build such a structure, the conflict of interest and the risk to the Public is clear.  

The past four years of the Biden Administration has been a stage play designed to denigrate and marginalize the Democrats; Joe has merely played his part as the bumbling, confused, and ineffective President, while Kamala has played her part as the brainless, motionless teleprompter-reading sidekick. 

These are parts no less than the roles of Romeo and Juliet, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, or Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney Fife. 

That this was all "put on" and all a show is evidenced by Joe Biden's concession speech; suddenly, the stooped and confused, bumbling, demented, ineffective Joe Biden, a man so feeble that he had to be relieved from the burdens of office, appeared on stage, straight as a pin, totally coherent, wishing Donald Trump well. 

It was exactly like an actor appearing on stage for a curtain call, out of character, celebrating a job well done--- because, from Biden's perspective, he had performed flawlessly in bringing down the Democratic Party and was handing this victory back to Donald Trump. 

Not only were Republicans handed the Presidency, but the Senate and House, too.  

This was only made possible by Joe and Kamala and their Epic Fail. 

Whether you fight a friend and pretend to be his enemy, or undermine your friend's enemies while pretending to be one of them, it results in much the same effect. 

After serving as Obama's stunt man, Biden was the perfect choice to play the role of the dirty and incompetent Democrat. Being an actor, it was all the same to him. Just another role to play. 

If you think about it, the whole Biden Administration and its performance has been too fantastically bad, too overblown, they've hammed it up too much, made every possible wrong move, and after that performance -- literally -- couldn't be expected to perform as well at the polls as they apparently did, even after importing millions of illegal aliens and shipping them into swing states. 

So are any of the election results real?  Credible? 

We don't believe so.  In our view, it is -- and has long been -- nothing but theater designed to fool the Public and keep attention focused on the wrong issues.  We are not alone in this opinion:


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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