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Sunday, October 6, 2024

International Public Notice: Disaster Status Update

 By Anna Von Reitz

Over a hundred American Counties in seven States have been damaged by Hurricane Helene.  Thousands are dead.  Millions are homeless or living in damaged structures, without potable water, many without access to food, clothing, or winter fuel. 

Unfortunately, efforts have been impeded by FEMA and other former-Municipal Agencies preventing helicopter rescue efforts, and stealing food and clothing and other supplies.  

We have made it clear that all public employees, including subcontractors at all levels, are required to: (1) not obstruct rescue in any way, and (2) required to render good faith assistance to the rescue effort -- on pain of death. 

This obstruction has been multiplied by the natural exigencies of a disaster, as we have struggled to establish staging areas and storage centers and flight centers to be able to stockpile materials and distribute food and water and organize rescue and relief efforts on the edge of the danger zone. 

This will be a long term recovery effort that requires elasticity and transport over rough terrain and over multi-State distances.  There will be a need to supply and repeatedly re-supply transfer hubs with food, fuel, clothing, and in many areas, water, even as we begin the effort to repair and rebuild homes and infrastructure.  

All of this requires massive manpower and logistical support as well as funding.   

Hundreds of civilian owned helicopters are now engaged in unimpeded rescue, relief, and recovery efforts throughout the disaster zone.  Convoys of trucks are enroute and dropping supplies so fast that make-shift tent cities are springing up as temporary storage facilities are constructed. 

Early reconnaissance of radar and broadcast frequencies indicate that this storm was deliberately cloud-seeded and then steered into the heart of America by Black Hat Mercenaries formerly employed by the Municipal United States Government.  

These operatives were given a three-month funding extension by the U.S. (British Territorial) Congress, without which, they would not have been able to do this damage to our country.  

They imprinted Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Kirk with the same numerical codes: United Kingdom, Prince of Wales, and related labels indicating a relationship between the storms and the British Government. 

All this taken together potentially makes the U.S. Congress an accomplice to acts of crime and genocide against this country and its people, by aiding and abetting known criminals that have, among other things, blown up the Nordstream Pipeline and engaged in other acts of Terrorism.  

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is under the gun to reallocate funding for immediate disaster relief.  

Make no mistake: this is illegal, undeclared weather warfare promoted by commercial mercenaries, pre-planning to seize lithium deposits for their corporate interests under color of law.  

Any British interests seeking to use former Municipal Government agencies to do their dirty work have been and are being exposed. 
We have already replied to their offers to exercise non-existent "Federal" Eminent Domain in the disaster areas.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 6th 2024


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