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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Here It Comes! --- Hegel, Hegel, Hegel

 By Anna Von Reitz

We don't like saying, "Told you so." but, well....

When they are developing bioweapons they are also busily developing antidotes so that they don't suffer the consequences of their own ugly illegal enterprises. 

Somewhere in the midst of this colossal mess, people have forgotten that Bioweapons are illegal. 

But we digress. 

Here's the first bit of whipped cream concerning a "possible antidote" to the mRNA injection: 

Should we be surprised?  No, but do take a look where it's coming from.  

Remember the Hegelian Dialectic: create a problem, popularize the problem, present your solution to the problem. 

Well, now, they've vaccinated two thirds of the population with something that, in clinical trials, killed all the subjects within seven years..... 

If you were vaccinated in 2020, it's now 2024. 

You have three years on the time clock, and right on time, the researchers are hitting pay dirt --- a means to turn off the mRNA snippet and stop the high-jacking of the cellular apparatus to produce the harmful spike protein.... 

And after spending billions to create the problem, the same cretins are spending billions on the cure to solve the problem they created, but of course, they ultimately plan to pass the cost of all this including the interest, to you, the consumer who now doesn't have much of a choice about buying their cure. No matter what it costs. 

After all, now your life is at stake.  

And there may be offshoots to all of this -- separate "cures" for myocarditis, for example, or cures for the impotence or female sterility or cures for the turbo cancers associated with these injections. 

If you have a problem that just showed up after being "vaccinated", the effort to find cures is in high gear and we suppose that is nice to hear.  But at the same time, we are a little glassy and fish-eyed as we contemplate the fact that all this sudden blossoming of disease and death was caused by the same people now profiting by providing the cure. 

We are not blaming Dr. McCullough, a man who has acted honorably throughout and who is now trying to get the word out about possible cures--- no, we are talking about (and blaming)  the entire medical-pharmaceutical complex that booted up and implemented the deployment of a bioweapon that has now been associated statistically with 214 diseases and conditions that would not exist at all without it. 

Stand by as the pigs stampede to the trough singing, "Hegel, Hegel, Hegel!" all the way home. 


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