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Saturday, July 6, 2024

International Public Notice: Reply to Germany

 By Anna Von Reitz

The problem in Germany and in all other illegally occupied countries including The United States has been caused by being "represented" by British Territorial (USA, Inc.) Persons who are themselves limited by their allegiance (feudal fealty) to the British Monarch, who is a vassal of the Pope. 

They, the Occupiers, have no land rights and are permanently at sea, so their Monarch takes over as their Trustee on the land and soil, but if the Monarch vacates the land and soil, as the Brits have done circa 1703, the jurisdiction of the land and soil is vacated entirely and the law of those jurisdictions is also.  

The last land and soil jurisdiction Queen of England was Queen Anne (1702-14).  The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has been vacated for over 300 years and they are now scrambling and going in all directions trying to make up for their deceit -- to their own people and everyone else.  

Technically, with the thrones of those nations secretly vacated, those countries have not existed for 300 years.  That's why all of a sudden you hear about "King Charles of Scotland" and the Irish Clan Government, and our push for people everywhere to declare their birthright political status and realize that they are not "citizens" of these corporations and not subject to their foreign, private, corporate tribunals that were brought ashore under conditions of secrecy and deceit.  

All these courts operate in either Maritime Commerce or Admiralty jurisdiction.  

This is why their judges fall silent when we bring land law or soil law into their courts, or mention the Constitutional Guarantees we are heir to and which they actually owe us.  

They know that we have concurrent superior general jurisdiction, but out of loyalty to the Pope (in Municipal Courts) or the British Monarch (sea courts) --- not to mention their own bottom lines, as they collect booty and prize money on the side --- these officers have bullied it through and acted as privateers.

This has been accomplished by impersonating us as foreign citizens and misrepresenting our countries' land and soil jurisdiction government as being "vacant".  Whether England, The United States, or Germany, the game plan and scheme is the same. 

This is not a matter of political, religious, or racial differences; this is a matter of criminal constructive fraud.  The answer is hand-cuffs, not war. 

The English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh thrones have all been vacated since the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714) in favor of the "throne" of "Great Britain" -- an international land trust and trading corporation operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

The situation in Germany and through the rest of the world varies; so far as we can determine, Germany succumbed to this "occupied status" in 1918.  Australia in 1910.  And so on. 

The pattern resulting in each country being defrauded by its very own version of the British Raj in India is the same:

(1) Some kind of mercenary conflict or confusion or murder spree (as recently seen in Ukraine and Libya) either destroys or leaves the land jurisdiction government in chaos; (2) the British "Territorial" Government (usually using USA, Inc. Mercenaries or NATO Mercs (or NAZI Mercs?)) moves in on an "emergency" basis to "restore public order"; (3) they pretend that the lawful land jurisdiction government is "missing, whereabouts unknown" and this becomes their excuse for settling in and illegally occupying the victim country without the knowledge or consent of the people who live there; (4) they hire members of the Bar Associations to act as Mercenaries on Commission and set up foreign Maritime and Admiralty Courts on shore; (5) they impersonate and register the native population as "citizens" owing fealty to their Monarch and as "wards of the Crown" without the victim's knowledge or consent and use this to subject the victims to their foreign "law"; (6) they create franchise corporations operating under very similar names to familiar units of the actual government and substitute these for the familiar units of the lawful government so that the substitution goes undetected; (7) they set up their own "representative government" --- which represents their commercial interests --- and use legislative "statutes" and "codes" enforced by their own private corporate tribunals and private corporate police forces, to racketeer against the native population under color of law; (8) using these means and methods, they act as parasites, using the physical, intellectual and performance assets of the victims as collateral to borrow against, and cyclically bankrupting their own corporations to offload their debts onto the victims of this gigantic fraud and impersonation scheme; (9) meantime, the profits from all this are being exported offshore and money-laundered through foreign corporations named after the victims; (10) the split from all this is 60/40 between the Pope and the British King, as it has been since King Henry the Eighth.  

There are additional insurance and taxation frauds, monopoly interests and commodity rigging schemes that are very lucrative for the inland pirates. 

Every case that gets docketed in their courts is a bond, which gets traded in an elite "bundled bond" market that returns 96% conviction rates. 

We are each made to pay for life insurance policies on our own lives, which the Bounders collect on.  

Legal tender "laws" have forced us to trade actual goods and services in inequitable exchange for promissory notes that aren't even negotiable instruments. The list goes on and on and on.  

This is, obviously, an old evil. The modus operandi mimics clandestine operations of the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars -- sneaking into harbors under False Flags, swarming the wharves of foreign ports and claiming booty, while setting fire to all the other ships in the harbor before they can weigh anchor. 

But this isn't war.  It's a vast commercial crime.  All the elements of the entire schtick are recognized as crimes of fraud, impersonation, barratry, conspiracy, commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, racketeering under color of law, and so on.  The answer is hand-cuffs, not war. 

Of course, your priority is organizing your traditional land and soil jurisdiction government as quickly and intelligently as possible, so as to rebut any supposition that their continued occupation (and embezzlement) is in any way needed or desirable.  

The Rothschild banking interests have been central to all of this; the French Rothschilds have managed the Vatican's shady deals since 1823; the British Rothschilds have managed the British interests well-before Waterloo; the Swiss Rothschilds have received and keep the records of all the loot.  

This is why the Rothschilds and their Rockefeller collaborators and their banks are such a focus of world attention. 

This is why the Bank for International Settlements and the other Usual Suspects are pushing to develop "Mbridge" as a replacement for the SWIFT System and pushing "Central Bank Digital Currency" and also hoarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts" --- which they calculate will bring them back to solvency, even though the gold in those accounts has been stolen from other parties entirely.  

Neither the Department of the Global Federal Reserve (Rothschild et alia) nor the Octagon Group (their version of a mutually assured destruction pact) nor Bank for International Settlements (63 co-conspirators) nor the IMF (the Bag Man in the group) are coming clean about any of this skullduggery. 

They have to come clean and all this fraud has to stop, or there is literally no sane way to conduct business nor any reason to trust any conventional banking institution. 

So, we recommend reclaiming your stolen identity and birthright as a start, getting your bank account with the Global Family Bank set up, and restoring your lawful land and soil jurisdiction, government, court system, and everything else. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 6th 2024


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