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Saturday, July 20, 2024

I Can, ICAN, I Can, Can, Can!

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am reposting this article from the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) explaining that there are no credible studies proving that vaccines are safe or effective. 

Instead, there is a great glob of studies proving the exact opposite.  

So now the Medical Establishment has some "splaining" to do and no matter what they do, it isn't going to be good for Big Pharma, the AMA, or all those doctors who have pretended to be experts talking down to us: 

"The nightmare for those of us who “Questioned the Science” is over.


Decade after decade, the US Government, Health Agencies, Politicians, Actors, Bureaucrats, Physicians, Pharmaceutical firms, Academia, and the mainstream media lied to you, me, and millions around the globe about vaccine safety.


They told us, “Vaccines are safe and effective.”


They told us to “Trust the science.”


They ridiculed, deplatformed, and accused us of “spreading misinformation.”


Now the claim that “Vaccines are the world’s best-studied product” has been exposed as the lie it has always been.


Thanks to you, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and The HighWire have exposed this lie week after week for years.


Here’s what just happened:


The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a story on vaccine safety authored by Stanley Plotkin, the vaccine Godfather himself, among others.


In the study, these militant vaccine advocates admitted that vaccines are not adequately studied.


That is an incredible reversal coming decades after the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, "I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best-tested things we put in our body.”


Over those same decades, parents of vaccine-injured children, vaccine-injured adults, and other stakeholders contested these claims only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies.


In the study, they pretend they never lied about vaccine safety and say that it is only now that they conclude that real safety studies have never been published.


Why are they admitting this now? Do they need something to confirm what they already believe? They need something to tell them, "Vaccines are safe, and injury is rare."


Clearly, if vaccines were indeed safe and injuries rare, their initial studies would have shown that, right?


The problem is they have no “Vaccines are safe studies.” They don’t exist.


So, they are now calling for safety studies to protect the products that have brought them fame and fortune.


ICAN is calling BS on that.


Now that we have won, The HighWire and ICAN have already proved what no one else has proved: 1) No safety trials were ever done adequately on ANY of the vaccines, and 2) all the prelicensure clinical trials had such limited sample sizes, making them worthless.


They are only asking for funding now to cover up lies for the last several decades.


So today, it’s anyone’s guess if vaccines are safe.


The doctors who made the vaccines are admitting that all the vaccine safety studies are entirely unreliable.


And when they attempt to write off the increase in autoimmune disease – that has risen from 12% to nearly 60% – they can no longer say, “It’s not the vaccines.”


With this win, ICAN is now moving into phase two – calling for…




This should be the bare minimum of any product offered to the free market. Remember, one of the chief architects behind vaccines and mandates and forcing you to take experimental drugs just admitted, Dr. Stanley Plotkin admitted in a Grand Jury Testimony in 2018 that there were no vaccine studies with placebos that measured the impact of a vaccine longer than five days.


Five days. Let that sink in.


Plotkin also admitted that studying the impact of vaccines already approved and put on the market would be unethical. Plotkin understands that conducting scientific studies after the fact would be an admission that they never did the studies in the first place."

And there you have it, some of the most encouraging news in the past eight decades --- and hopefully, an end to the vaccine insanity that began with a cover-up of pesticide manufacturer liability.  

Many people in their 60s and 70s are still suffering from the Chicken Pox Virus inoculation they received as children, only today, it shows up as cold sores and Shingles.  

It turns out that L-Lysine does more to suppress the symptoms of Chicken Pox than any vaccine.  

With parents being coerced to give their children up to ninety (90) vaccines before they enter public school, it's time to pull the plug on both the vaccines and the schools.  



See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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