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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021 – Competing Trump scenarios; breaking the spells of FEAR and SCARCITY

(Natural News) On the surface, it appears certain that Trump has thrown in the towel and is preparing for Biden to be sworn in as president. If that’s true, then all conservatives, Christians, gun owners and Trump supporters across America must prepare to be persecuted like never before. The death squads will be initiated by Democrats as soon as they complete their illegal coup and seize the White House.

But another point of view on current events notes the many anomalies that cannot be swept under the rug, such as the fact that now 20,000 armed National Guard troops are descending on Washington D.C. even though Joe Biden won’t even be inaugurated there. He will be sworn in, if that happens, in front of a green screen in a studio where he can attempt several takes to maybe get the words right.

With Italy’s government now collapsing, and the Pope rumored to have been arrested, and a raid having taken place on the Leonardo company that provided the satellite infrastructure used by the deep state to steal the election, it’s obvious that major events are under way on the world stage, all pointing to something much bigger taking place in the next seven days.

Some people close to Trump are in a state of despair, according to reports, but others are defiant and remain convinced that Trump will take office on the 20th (or soon thereafter).

We don’t know the final answer to all this, but we know the importance of proceeding in a way that keeps us in faith and personal integrity. If we are about to march through the fire and be persecuted, then let us do so with absolute adherence to the principles that our wicked opponents despise: Truth, honesty and obedience to God.

In today’s Situation Update, I cover:

  • The coming persecution of conservatives, and what it means for all those who hold Christian values.
  • McConnell’s delusion and why he thinks he can save the GOP by throwing Trump under the bus.
  • Why the FBI is setting up false flag staged attacks on 50 state capitol buildings.
  • Why nearly everything you see from the media, the FBI and Big Tech is pure theater for weak minds.
  • How the FBI will use left-wing crisis actors to dress up as Trump supporters and carry out staged attacks while CNN’s cameras capture the theatrics to further the dark spell of deception on the world.
  • Why most people are living under an actual spell of witchery, and why this spell requires constant fear to maintain, which is why the media is incessantly promoting fear.
  • How to break the spell of fear and scarcity and set yourself free.
  • If Biden is sworn in, he will use the staged violence to call for nationwide gun confiscation. The purpose of this is to provoke civil war, which is what China wants to occur in the United States in order to weaken the country before they attack.
  • Gen. McInerney says World War III has started. China used biological weapons, cyber warfare and now psychological operations (and vote rigging) to attack the United States. Many agents in the US — such as the FBI and most lawmakers — went along with it because they too are compromised by the CCP.
  • Discussion of the recent Joint Chiefs letter that claims Joe Biden will be sworn in as president. Many elements of the military do not report to the Joint Chiefs. SOF report directly to DoD head Chris Miller.
  • Why we have much to thank Trump for, including forcing the wickedness of the radical Left to come out in full view. Trump forced the media, Big Tech and the insane left-wing culture to reveal their true demonic, authoritarian agendas. Trump also gave us four years to prepare for what’s coming next.
  • Why Pelosi claims Trump might order a nuclear strike: Because she is working with the deep state to threaten Trump with a nuclear bomb or dirty bomb false flag operation on U.S. soil.
  • AirBnb is banning all conservatives. So are insurance companies, banks and airlines. Conservatives are the new oppressed class in society.
  • How news networks like CBN propagate lies by deceptively editing Trump’s speech to falsely make it appear like he was calling for violence at the capitol building.
  • PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller caught inciting violence against Trump supporters in a radical leftwing rant (Project Veritas bombshell).
  • Trump signs new executive orders and directives for hot fusion mobile energy devices that can power spacecraft and help humans colonize other planets. This same technology can be used to provide essentially “free energy” to humanity here on Earth.
  • The White House also launches an Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiative.


  1. I thought American was to be First.Now we hear about all of these other countries that have issues. Especially Italy and Rome. Of course American will handle then first to keep the world in harmony. Where is this leaving America. Same old. Same old. It bothers me that we are fighting the worst kind of evil in Our Universe as we know it to be. So what do we do? We treat all of this Evil with respect and kids gloves. While they torture, performed sadistic acts, mutilate ( made red shoes 👠 out of there skin ), and devoured them.How much pain have they caused the parents of this World. Read the Samarian tablet an the Book of Enki. I'm of the opinion that Aliens bred with Humans. There Offspring is the Cabals family history. If the Cabal can use assinnations. Why haven't our military leaders done the same thing. A small team of elite snipers(call them Minutemen) starting in 1964 could have changed history. I am of the opinion that this will carry on to keep the world controlled until Planet 7x does its crust displacement.

    Semper Fidelis
    Donald J Brickham


  2. This natural news guy is in a constant nerve out.Tell him to eat a great
    big ribeye get away from all the plant food.He ain't helping.
    Here is a short video very reassuring and real,many thanks to this u-tuber.

  3. Could well be breaking free from the artificial reality construct. Surely hope so.
    God Bless.
