Highlights of today’s Situation Update:
- Miles Guo of Gnews says that the intelligence agencies of the world are fully aware Trump will be President for a second term.
- Guo warns that China’s domestic economy will instantly collapse as certain events unfold. Trump’s second term will make sure this happens.
- Defense Dept. official Andrew Knaggs lays out the spectrum of action President Trump may invoke, from the least controversial (the courts) to the most controversial (military martial law).
- Knaggs confirms Trump can appoint a special counsel himself and does not need the AG to do it.
- Discussion of the explosion in Nashville, and why it may have been a pilot test run to find out how easily telecommunications infrastructure can be taken out with conventional explosives. (Note: New video has since emerged, revealing this attack appears to be a missile strike from an aircraft, not merely an RV vehicle bomb.)
- Nashville Mayor laughs and smiles when discussing the bombing.
- The US Army may be plotting a physical coup against President Trump, to remove him from the White House.
- Militia defenses may soon be needed at the White House and the D.C. area.
- An analysis of militia structure and effectiveness.
- What happens when cities begin to fall: Survivors exfil to neighboring communities.
- The 20th Amendment and how it changed Inauguration Day from March 4th to January 20th.
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Trump Proves He’s Been Part of the Swamp All Along – Do NOT Go to D.C. on Jan. 6th! https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/28/trump-proves-hes-been-part-of-the-swamp-all-along-do-not-go-to-d-c-on-jan-6th/
Any information connected to "the Health Ranger" is automatically suspect.