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Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Universal Law of Free Will is Being Violated

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Universal Law of Free Will is Being Violated
We were given free will for a reason: so that we could learn to choose what is good.
Even Yeshuah was given "curds and honey" (Isaiah 7) so that he would learn the difference between what is good and what is bad.
We must be enabled to make a choice -- a free will choice that reflects our unmanipulated and honest will, or our existence is meaningless and nothing can be learned about our true nature.
Please see this presentation which explains how our Free Will is being destroyed and why and in very general terms, by whom:
They call it "the Brain Initiative" -- a system by which viruses are used to introduce genetically engineered receptor sites in normal nerve cells -- "neurons".
These artificial receptor sites are then available to receive signals in the form of either chemicals or light impulses, and depending on this stimulus, our nerve cells turn on or turn off.
This can be used to create pain as well as remove pain, to agitate or to calm.
You get the picture. They have been at it full bore since Obummer was a pup. He signed the funding to put this agenda on hyperdrive.
And this underlines the first stories coming out of Wuhan, China, that the happenings there were the result of "crowd control" experiments and experimental technologies aimed at crowd control.
Although these technologies might be used to calm rioters, they could also be used as virtual lobotomies, turning people into biological robots without free will.
For this reason, these technologies are extremely dangerous and should not be promoted nor allowed. They violate the Universal Law of Free Will in ways that cannot be tolerated.

Pray to the True God who gave you free will to avenge this offense against us and to drag the politicians and scientists and corporate bosses responsible for it out into the light where their activities and motives can be properly assessed and monitored and controlled by a vigilant -- and angry -- public.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Webster definition of free will

    noun. Definition of free will (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : voluntary choice or decision I do this of my own free will. 2 : freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention

    Dos God know the end from the beginning as He claims or not ?

    With free will you have no cause or DEVINE INTERVENTION

    So then God is out of the picture

    Which one is it Anna or am i going too fast

    Most of you are pretty smart do you have the eyes to see??

    1. Yes I see Webster is your Divine source of knowledge!
      Too bad the man had many detractors in his time considering him to be perverting the English language.
      Your eyes are wide open though and very fast!

  2. first info I got out of Wuhan was about the over 10,000 5G towers were recently installed, now even the fake testing is shown to be triggered from damaged cell debre from 5G, so the virus covers up the adverse health effects of 5G not to mention the 60 range waves directly effect oxygen uptake one of the first major signs of the virus, and all the quarantine mandates forced a need for more 5G and better connectivity do to the increased stay at home commerce and business demands. Everything hit as a global well orchestrated plan including the bail-out and people like Gates have his fingers in every pie from the virus to technology side getting paid from every angle.
    Now we have a masked cult following viewing the unmasked as the enemy to humanity its verging on a new inquisition time where if you dont believe in Covid your a heretic. The ultimate sacrament of the new cult is the vaccines because at any point after they can be manipulated even further to contain any concoction to further degrade fee will, they do not require viruses all the adjuvants/heavy metals in vaccines are already causing loss of free will this is Autism at all varying levels and stages of dementia and Alzheimer, the heavy metals like mercury and aluminum toxic already are further effected by the 5G and other EMF technology like being very slowly cooked in a microwave, they have already done studies on children with autism cleaning their home and bedroom reducing EMF exposures and seen dramatic improvement in symptoms.

  3. The video has already been deleted... Rats

  4. The video at "" was removed which prompted my search on this subject matter and found 4 - “...BRAIN Initiative Supporting Papers:” in PDFs at: Since these were apparently authored by Babak Kateb, MD as a principal architect of "the Brain Initiative" these papers could possibly be insightful. In any case if anyone decides to read any of these I'd appreciate any feedback!

  5. Unknown:
    >> that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention

    The Divine intervention is part of Law of the Creator. You cannot Escape this law. For example, when the evildoers doing something bad to mankind, sooner or later the victim will overcome and teach the evildoers by the help of the divine intervention.

    >> So then God is out of the picture ?

    That is your wish, sorry but you have short sight problem. God will never be out of the picture it is you who lack the vision, the logic, the understanding etc. You don't seem to know that some human can become superhuman by exercising their body or their mind. Like they said practice makes perfect.

    1. Carpenter- You are absolutely wrong about your divine assessment.
      The only thing you can't escape is divine judgement after your life, death is the beginning of your judgement for eternity, there is no redo. Always remember it always goes back to it is better not to be born than to commit even one sin (crime) against creation and that is the planet and every living things on it including humans. Do right you have might, do wrong you have chaos.

    2. > Make it happen October 14, 2020 at 11:49 PM SAID:
      Carpenter- You are absolutely wrong about your divine assessment.
      The only thing you can't escape is divine judgement after your life, death is the beginning of your judgement 
      Sounds like you are naively sure of what you saying... your projected view is based on the book you perceive Real.

      1) You have not inspected the dead and living yet. Their energies =spirit, their awareness after death. You haven't gone through the process yet Before your presumed theory to tell somewho already went through.

      2) I tell you that God is not as stupid as you think or, presumed. He does not produce mega trillion souls to sin and recover later at massive scale. That is not efficient way of solving problems on top of multiple problems. You sounded like you don't the law of karma. It exists it's invisible to Human eyes. But not to me. But one day soon I will show it to the world. You will see with your own eyes all of these are hidden from you, for reasons. What i say has nothing to do with any particular religion.

    3. > Make it happen October 14, 2020 at 11:49 PM SAID:
      Carpenter- You are absolutely wrong about your divine assessment.
      The only thing you can't escape is divine judgement after your life, death is the beginning of your judgement 
      Sounds like you are naively sure of what you saying... your projected view is based on the book you perceive Real.

      1) You have not inspected the dead and living yet. Their energies =spirit, their awareness after death. You haven't gone through the process yet Before your presumed theory to tell somewho already went through.

      2) I tell you that God is not as stupid as you think or, presumed. He does not produce mega trillion souls to sin and recover later at massive scale. That is not efficient way of solving problems on top of multiple problems. You sounded like you don't the law of karma. It exists it's invisible to Human eyes. But not to me. But one day soon I will show it to the world. You will see with your own eyes all of these are hidden from you, for reasons. What i say has nothing to do with any particular religion.

  6. Don’t count on savior Trump he’s promoting Johnson and Johnson the company in operation Gladio buying land so sleeper cells set dormant.

    1. Perhaps J&J has been purged as has been the ongoing task of POTUS to drain the swamp. Have you even looked to see what changes have been made at J&J before dropping this snark?
      Course not.

  7. The video is down BUT I suspect that the below video from Glenn Beck might cover the same topic. Don't know for sure but Give it a listen. It's been safely downloaded.

  8. Jay Rockefeller refurbed and stepped up the mental health center in Morgantown West Virginia few years ago and the main study there is this very thing brain microbiology which seems one of his main interests.

  9. We will only have free will when we eliminate at all lawful ethical cost of those who steal our free will.


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