By Anna Von Reitz
We've had some real rats as Presidents.
Gangsta quality guys. Robber barons. Even pukes like Slick Willie.
There are no --- repeat, no, none, zero, zip, nada --- choir boys in the ranks
of the Presidents. Number one, they can't be Candide and get that far, and
number two, if they were all sweet and cuddly and a box of rocks, they'd make
terrible Presidents.
The trick most of them employ is to: (1) look good;
(2) say whatever people want to hear (Obama is an excellent example of this);
and (3) follow the political maxim of "do whatever you want, so long as you
don't get caught".
This means that in addition to not being Choir
Members, most Presidents are tremendous hypocrites. Not all, but most of
them, don't believe in or care about anything but money and power and how best
to benefit themselves and their pals at the public
That's why when someone like Trump comes in without
a ticket, it upsets the whole DC Beltway
Trump is not a Choir Boy,
The difference is that he is a really astute
business man. And he's not nearly the world-class hypocrite that most US
Presidents have been.
He actually sees --- and values --- the power and
potential and beauty of America. He knows in his own terms what the
"American Dream" is.
That's the truth about Donald Trump, as proven in
the pudding he has served up over the last four
By their fruits you shall know them.
The American Dream runs counter to the Democrat
Dream of controlling the work force via Labor Union bosses just like the
Overseers on their beloved plantations.
Most people don't realize it, but the modern
Democratic Party was birthed by largely German Communists who came here after
the 1848 Worker's Rebellion and settled in my home state of Wisconsin.
They were joined by the "traditional" Southern Democrats who were the remainders
of the Southern elitists leftover after the Civil War. This unlikely
marriage of what superficially appears to be radically different partners wasn't
so strange after all.
It turns out that the Communists have a lot in
common with the traditional Southern Democrats, though for wildly different
reasons. Both groups are elitist. Both believe in deceit and that lying is
an acceptable means to an end. Both readily adopt to either/or thinking patterns
and use "pillar" to "post" control systems to divide and conquer. Both
groups are hypocrites. Both believe in subjugation of the inferior masses
-- while spieling the exact opposite message from both sides of their
Just so we are clear, I don't venerate either
political party and I did not start my life despising the Democratic
Party. Far from it.
I grew up in hardscrabble Black River Falls,
Wisconsin, in a working class farm family and almost everyone I knew who
bothered to vote --- was a Democrat. I considered myself a Democrat at one
time and I continue to embrace many of the broad-minded egalitarian principles
that the Democrats pretend to champion.
That's the
They pretend to champion all these high ideals of
caring about communities and working class people and sharing with the less
fortunate and education for all ---and, as it turns out, the Democratic Party
doesn't actually care about any of those things. The Democratic Party is ruled
by thugs with connections to big crime syndicates and populated with staffers
and wannabes too stupid to notice that all the rhetoric is
Stone cold fake. And on
I had to learn that the hard way, by pouring
through piles and piles of voting records on major issues and pieces of
legislation that have been severely damaging to working class people and people
of color.
I've got a tip for you -- in every case I examined,
and that ran a gamut from the Civil War to 1973, Democrats created the evil
legislation, spoke loud and long against it, and then, by wild margins, voted
FOR it. In every single case.
I remember kicking back in my chair and staring at
the ceiling of my college dorm room, feeling like I had been slapped up the side
of the head. It was like the time I kept track of the "nightly news"
stories for content and discovered that I was being fed a steady diet of stories
about death and sex, and virtually nothing of use or benefit to me or anyone
So I turned off the Democratic Party like I turned
off the Nightly News.
Back then, with all my youthful idealism
intact, I thought Democratic politicians believed in the stuff they talked
It's only when you look at actual voting records--
at what the Democrats do, rather than what they say-- that the brutal truth
shoves firmly into view.
This also explains why -- despite having super
majorities for entire decades -- the slave-like, destructive welfare state
has burgeoned into a huge population of people who are literally entrapped by
the welfare system.
Entrapped, dependent, believing that there isn't
enough of anything --- not enough money, not enough food, not enough of anything
--- and that the only way to get more is to push for more welfare spending and
more welfare programs.
It never occurs to them that they are being kept
poor and dependent and miserable on purpose. And by the very people they
believe are their champions.
Most people forget or miss the point that the
government is in the business of providing services and that having a large
captive population totally dependent on such services adds up to big profits for
them and big meal tickets for bureaucrats---- and large dependent voting blocks
for scumbag politicians who deliberately create poverty and break families and
stifle job opportunities so that they have a big captive population to
Thus, Black and Hispanic and other Minority voters
put these rats into office year after year, decade after decade, vainly hoping
for change and a better life, and never once realizing that their purported
champions are the ones doing them the damage and keeping them
Like other Americans, Minority Voters don't check
voting records and don't know the history of the Democratic Party. They
don't read the horrible damaging legislation proposed by Democrats, then
repudiated by Democrats, and then, quietly voted for ---- all by
"Keep them hungry and keep them stupid." is the
unofficial motto of the Democratic Party at the highest levels. Believe
me, because I have been there in my younger days and no matter what they say or
pretend, I would never go back again.
Don't believe me? Go look at the actual
voting records on key topics.
Enfranchisement ---as in Dairy Queen
enfranchisement. Electoral votes (actual voting rights) for women and
people of color. Municipal corporations. Taxes. Abuse of Social
Security funds. CPS. Land ownership. Marriage "licensing"
laws. The Buck Act. And why in the Hell didn't they recognize the "Natural
and Unalienable Rights" of colored people, instead of pulling yet another
sleight of hand and offering "Civil Rights" instead?
If you are a rat, born to the breed, then you would
find it deliciously amusing, just how easily misled and stupid American voters
have been, and how many generations of us have taken politicians at their word
and never checked their actual voting records and actual
Let's finally get to FDR, the King Rat of them
I am going to quote the guts of Executive Order
2039 which created the perpetual private trusts on March 6, 1933 --- the
very same day that the Conference of [Territorial ] State [of State] Governors
"pledged" their "states and the citizenry thereof" as collateral for loans
from the Municipal Government.
"....the Secretary of the Treasury, with the
approval of the President and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is
authorized and empowered (a) to permit any or all of such banking institutions
to perform any or all of the usual banking functions, (b) to direct, require or
permit the issuance of clearing house certificates or other evidences of claims
against assets of banking institutions, and (c) to authorize and direct the
creation in such banking institutions of special trust accounts for the receipt
of new deposits which shall be subject to withdrawal on demand without any
restriction or limitation and shall be kept separately in cash or on deposit in
Federal Reserve Banks or invested-in obligations of the United
So, what are we really witnessing
At the Conference of Governor's meeting taking
place that same day, FDR got the rats to "pledge" all the Territorial
"citizenry" as collateral backing loans from the Pope.
The same day, "clearing house certificates" were
allowed to be issued for "new deposits".
He's talking about birth certificates and the "new
deposits" were American babies being deliberately misidentified as "United
States Citizens" and used as literal bank collateral to fund the bankruptcy
reorganization of "the" United States of America,
The Pope and the then-King are consolidating their
operations on our shores, moving to run both sides of their Papist
Commonwealth-Roman Municipal scheme under one consolidated governmental services
corporation --- and all at our expense.
Think of it. You are the Pope and you are in
the business of providing "governmental services". You have two levels of
the American government under your control, one directly, and one
indirectly. Well, of course, you want to reduce your costs and expand your
services---and profits--- by doubling them up and expanding the range of
services on offer.
So you hire, on our behalf of course, two
guys to do the job of one, profit yourself from the labor of both, and charge
the clueless American public for it.
Just go on the internet and do a search for
something that should be simple --- like "Alaska Department of Natural
Resources". What you will find is a multitude of such entities listed, all
with slightly different names, different addresses,
There's the Alaska Department of Natural Resources,
the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the Alaska DNR, and so
Now, you may think that these are all the same and
all part of the same government, but they aren't. What you are seeing is
the duplication for profit scheme in action---- a Territorial DNR, a Municipal
DNR, a Regional (UN) DNR, a State Trust DNR....... and so it goes, the
"government services" proliferating like a rapidly growing
And stupid people clamoring for more.
And of course, the "Legislatures" which are just
elected Boards of Directors for these governmental services corporations, have
no motive to stop it, so long as they can charge you for it and profit
themselves at your expense.
Having created a completely redundant second or
third or fourth set of workers, you can then use all the extra help for
political and other profit making
The final details of the 1933 take-over transition
were finished four years later in 1937 with the signing of The Declaration of
Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.
At least they had enough class back then to admit
that they were "in" The United States.
I happen to have and to have securely archived an
original signed copy of this document implementing Corporate Feudalism---which
was handwritten on over-sized sheets of rag paper in India ink, like something
from the Middle Ages.
Please notice that the main Issuer and Purveyor of
the bonds related to FDR's Executive Order 2039 action was the Depository Trust
Company (DTC) and that the underlying holding company in possession of the
"deposits" --- i.e., Birth Certificate Applications, was Cede and Company ---
all managed by the newly created Vatican Government (est.
Also notice that from FDR's side of the "New
[Undisclosed] Deal" his profits from selling you into slavery and confiscating
all your assets were poured into the Federal Reserve Banks and that "special
trust accounts" were established in the names of all the "new
This is where "YOU" came in, along with the all the
undisclosed escrow accounts siphoning off your money, the value of your labor,
and your natural resources--- including your
When we started tracking it, the money trail led
from DTC to the Vatican Bank (the Pope gets his share first) and then to the
Bank of Canada (the Queen's "Commonwealth" share) and having been laundered
through both these banks, the filthy loot of the Slave Traders comes back to the
Mellon Bank (the share of the American traitors and their "progeny" --- mostly
members of The Pilgrim Society) -----and finally, the remainder lands in the
Federal Reserve Banks closest to wherever the victims were
All the lucre raised from selling "me" that was
left after the scumbags took their shares is sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago, under a CUSIP/AUTOTRIS "Social Security Number" and an account
Please note that the habit of using all capital
letters without hyphens between the words is known as "DOG LATIN" --- a venal
script amounting to gibberish that was applied by the Roman Emperor Justinian to
identify and defraud "tribal members" who were
This slave operation has been going on a long, long
time, but it is time for it to end, and for the outraged world to throw off the
yoke of men who at best could be called criminals--- and also the institutions
which have betrayed the trust and Good Faith of billions of
And there, right smack dab in the middle of the
cradle of this stinking and reprehensible modern day enslavement and
racketeering scheme, sits Pope Frances.
There are only two possibilities: (1) Frances is
the Chosen One of the evil and rightfully suppressed "Holy Roman Empire" and he
was, as is rumored, put in power by means of murder and blackmail; (2) Frances
is the loyal Jesuit "Bag Man" for Pope Benedict XVI, who has taken a powder from
public view, similar to Prince Philip who retired from public life two days
after receiving $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities"
belonging to us and the Canadians.
This is how, when, where, and by whom we were all
secretively betrayed and the reason that we all have been treated as slaves and
sucked dry by our public servants; and this is how slavery has been maintained
in the modern world, right here in the land of the free and the home of the
brave, since 1933.
This was done to us by FDR and the Democratic
Party, which deserves to be outlawed as a crime syndicate--- up front, here and
now, for sure.
I still have friends and family members who are
Democrats and Catholics, both, and I love them dearly. If they knew what
has been going on in their Party and their Church, they would be as sickened as
I am.
They couldn't imagine such evil and deceit, lurking
just underneath the surface of their government, their political party, and most
of all, their church.
But the evidence is in, and the cards are
Yes, Julia, there were Republicans in the dog
pile, too.
Teddy Roosevelt, FDR's Cousin, was an
absolute promoter of the whole scheme, and a skilled and devious actor.
His career was launched by the Robber Barons. He oversaw the First Bankruptcy of
the Scottish Interloper doing business as The United States of America, Inc. and
he established the foundations for the Federal Reserve System and did far more
damage to this country than ten atom bombs----and he was a
But he was also a
So we had Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, doing the
set up, and we have FDR, a Democrat, doing the take
Among all the Players who have contributed to this
seething cauldron of corruption--- the name "Roosevelt" needs to be etched in
Rothschild means "Red Shield" and Roosevelt means
"Red Field".
Go figure.
These men were so arrogant, so evil --- and so
diabolically brilliant --- that they literally believed that the rest of
us would never be able to figure it out.
Yet, there it is, all neatly dissected, decoded,
and presented in a single paragraph of a single Executive Order issued back in
Let's outlaw the Democratic Party as a crime
syndicate. And then let's abolish the Political Party System and the
Federal Reserve System, too.
Lets make a clean sweep and all go home to America,
where we don't have political parties, don't buy and sell babies as "new
deposits", and are sick to death of all of this
See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:
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Actually it wasn't the Southern Democrats. At the time of the Civil War the Democrats were the conservatives and abide be the Constitution. The Republicans at that time were the liberal radicals. Lincoln was a liberal radical and he hated the Constitution. This is why he went out of his way to destroy it. In fact at the beginning of the Civil War Lincoln proposed a 13th. amendment to the southern states, that if they came back into the union they could keep their slaves. However, There was actually very little slavery in the south (The slave owners and slave plantation owners were either black or Jews. Both are notorious slave owners)and much more slavery in the north. The southern states rejected Lincoln's 13th. amendment because they knew that the 13th. amendment already existed and was ratified in 1819. Lincoln could not give the south an amendment that already existed. This is the original 13th. Amendment:
Amendment XIII
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
I am wondering if anyone has really digested the 13th. What does "or shall without the consent of Congress" mean? Methinks this is a loophole that the crooks have taken advantage of.
DeleteThe Analysis tool confirms that "There was a Great Conspiracy against America during Teddy-R and F-D-Roosevelt." So you guys are right. The conflicting / manipulated Constitution proved so. That the little European countries had NO product, other than scamming, attaching to other Energy/product producers.
DeleteShame on them.
They still believe that their thousand lies will turn to be true (if they repeat long enough). We will have to keep charging them back, with lesser Interest, so we will not look evil as they do, at 24%, based on their Thievery Courts.
@Dan Carpenter "or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power"
DeleteHope that helps.
@ Gumm Doesn't help me, I am Canadian. My point: "without consent" is the loophole. At some point, Congress may well have consented. They likely wouldn't make that public.
DeleteNothing in that clause suggests that Congress must be make public knowledge. Why not "or shall not accept ..." . Americans are just assuming Congress did not/will not consent. The clause does imply that Congress might want to consent at some time in the future in my analysis.
Ciwarrior1 and Anna are both correct. My grandmother was born at the turn of the century and her father had received his freedom from slavery before the emancipation proclamation because his owner died, and the son who inherited him was his best friend and said a man can't own his best friend. My grandmother told me that the democrats switched and became republicans and the republicans became democrats. For this reason, she said neither could be trusted because too many of the good White people were willing to allow the bad White people to subjugate human beings. She said the civil war had worn everyone out and the good White people were tired and afraid, so whenever an election occurred we were to vote Republican at the federal level and Democrat at the local level unless Republicans ran the town. Regardless, whatever business we ran had to align with the local politics because this was the nature of the beast.
ReplyDeleteAnna is correct. All those things she's mentioned must be done away with if we are to be free and independent people.
We have a lot of work ahead of us to achieve both, but Anna and all those with her have shown us the way.
People don't understand this, but the Democratic party is behind the racketeering in Cannabis that has gone on for almost 80 years known as the Prohibition of Marijuana. They were behind the false and misleading wire broadcast of "Reefer Madness" as a tool for fear mongering and distraction from meaningful debate on the 1936 Marijuana Tax Act. Their fear mongering and intentional mislabeling of a common plant that existed in more than 80% of American's medicine cabinets as "marijuana", a Spanish Language word that Americans wouldn't recognize, even confused the American Medical Association at that time who didn't figure out that Marijuana and Cannabis were one and the same until hours before the vote and whose letter begging members of congress NOT to pass that bill went unheeded. These same democrats used the prohibition to continue the same type of souther slave tactics and created a national slave system using the phony marijuana laws to incarcerate Blacks and the poor. They lied when they said it had no medicinal value and they knew they were lying because they had a program that sent 300 Cannabis cigarettes to a limited list of patients each month precisely for medicinal reasons. They just wanted to get their hands on the control of its manufacture, distribution and sale while continuing their southern slavery tactics at the same time. That vote in the congress needs to be closely examined and ALL SALES TAXES AND PROFITS from legalization of Medical Cannabis must go to reparations for slavery imposed by this racketeering.
Fact is all the pricks, oops i do mean prez's except 3 were related, Obummer is the 11th cuz to GW Bushit!
ReplyDeleteThe bankers manifesto
At the 19 minute mark have a listen
Well worth the listen
I suggest that everyone watch
God and the analysis tool use the same algorithm with human. That is:
ReplyDelete“Be honest, be true, work for your life in order to live.”
Anything outside this golden rule breaks the law.
I understand the bible, even after Jesus simplified things, his answer/ commandment is still vague, on the sequence of love. The term “love” doesn’t detect any human flaw or dishonesty. Even the parents of the fraudulent Bankers/thievery courts love them. They love their god(s), their parents, and their thievery banking association (as their neighbors).
Never forget this. Trump, selected by the Jesuit Order and Zionist Jewry. He's their golden boy groomed from his youth, to play a part in the Armageddon Script geopolitical fiction.
ReplyDeleteWhat proof have you in making this statement? Thank you :)
DeleteTrump is in the Club an we ain't a member please wake up SHEEPEL.. He is a choir boy of the Vatican.. Nothing is really changing only their methods of deception.
ReplyDeleteBeen going on for ever.. If Trump was what you think has a chance in hell to bring down the elite you are delusional..
Another Cede & Co, sneaker, helper, w/ familiar thievery Bankers
ReplyDeleteFounded: 27 Apr, 1971 Leader: Brian Moynihan
Not in 2012 <<== Lying new date by BankOfAmer <<== Scorpion (Pluto) Bankers
Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Ltd - Company ...
Company profile page for Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Ltd including stock price,
They created a secret company to pass people DIY Retirements into their Toxic Fake Mortgage Business, violating Rule of 401K, 408K, etc.. without people consent. Via their Secret large Depositor name “EQCC”
• Founded: Sep 04, 1991
For people who don't know what is DTCc. Here is the story, mounted around 1989. The Pope, CONgress, and GHBush scamming Affordable Housing Act 1989 (42 USC 3545(d)) is tied--> their section 911, 102(d) and to --> their altered UCc 8-102(14) {a/k/a 8-102(d) in hexcode}, also tied to -People HJR192 credits (taken by Corp.'s) to play their magic Lending/Fraud.
ReplyDeleteSigned under H.R. 5334, by GHB, Public Law No. 102 – 550, fraudulently released on Oct-29, 1992 by GH-BUSH and CONgress to direct their sub-Corp.s (Bancorps), Bar lawyers to perpetrate GREAT FRAUD, to scam all souls worldwide, but mainly in N.America.
So what is UCc 8-102(14)?
(14) "Securities intermediary" means:
(i) a clearing corporation; (DTCc, Cede & Company) or
(ii) a person, including a bank or broker, that in the ordinary course of its
business maintains securities accounts for others and is acting in that capacity.