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Monday, August 19, 2019

Now What?

By Anna Von Reitz

Most of my readers would consider my home in Big Lake rustic and remote enough, but no, we also have a cabin in the Back Beyond that is totally off the grid.  Silly me, I thought I'd "run up" to the cabin and get away just for an overnight --go sit and listen to the leaves rustle.

That was all well and good.... but sometimes during the night about ten miles south of here, a wildfire got started and with 14 knot winds, it was soon off and running through vast acres of Black Spruce and beetle-killed White Spruce and birch.

Lucky for me the wind was blowing to the west and posed no danger to me where I am, nor to my family.  It looks like (for once) all members of The Living Law Firm are going to escape injury--but certainly not inconvenience.

Meetings I had scheduled including out of town meetings have had to be cancelled and our Monday night call will be voice only-- with spotty connections made worse by burned cell towers. 

It's always something. You survive an Earthquake, only to dodge a wildfire.  This, we need to be reminded is what life on the frontier has always been like. 

We have run out of split firewood so guess what I will be doing today? 

Yes, the eternal cycle of woodcutting and hauling remains.
Fall is coming early to the Far North; the Canadian Geese are already congregating and honking overhead and the last of the Fireweed topped off last week. We have two to three weeks left before hard frost, if the old timers are to be trusted (and they are).  No long soft fall this year.  

The wild rabbits are also sounding the snow alert and showing the signs of turning grey already-- the intermediate before their backs and ears turn white.  Their paws will be brown for a month or two yet, but the warning signs of an early fall are clear, and likely, a long, cold winter. 

This is the way the weather cycle was when I first came to Alaska, except that we totally missed the traditionally rainy August.  It's dry as a tinder box out there. 

Thank God the wind has died down and is only estimated to reach a high of four knots today with rain predicted for tomorrow.  Think rain. Feel rain.  Sheets of gentle rain falling on Alaska tomorrow, drenching the fires and letting us all go home.

I made homemade bread yesterday and today I will be splitting wood enough to burn through today and another night or two. Ca-Thunck! Ca-Thunk! Axe hitting dry log has such a rhythmic predictable sound, like geese honking overhead. 

What now? My son asked me, as many others have asked.  The last few weeks have sewn up and revealed exactly who "they" are-- the Pope, the Queen, the politicians and disloyal elements in the military.  And exactly what they have been doing has been nailed down, too--

The Dead Baby Scam to steal our identities and our assets....

Crooked, foreign, carpetbagger Courts....operating under color of law....

Phony bankruptcies to protect the guilty parties and saddle the innocent with their debts....

Refusal to abide by the deals their "governments" made to provide Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions....

Theft of "Life Force Value Annuities" owed to the families of the victims of these criminals....

Refusal to refund the $23 trillion in credit owed to the American People back to the people who have earned it....

Failure to recognize that at least a very substantial proportion of the gold stored in the Philippines belongs to America and Americans and was stashed there beginning in 1898 when the rats bought the Philippine Islands from Spain (see Treaty of Versailles, 1898) and began using the US Navy to transport our gold there in conflict of interest....

And now, their attempted land grab. 

It is well-past time for us to all wake to hell up and realize who the real enemies are and have always been. 

Traitors in our own dear military, followed by foreign political lobbyists jockeying to get to the trough, foreign judges and courts set up to fleece us under color of law, "US" Navy and Marine Corps compromised by authority delegated to the Brits on "the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways".... 

I hope and pray to God that President Trump and all the White Hats worldwide are taking in the view and that whatever weapons there are, are targeted on London and Rome and Brussels and Bern and Paris, because as sure as I am sitting here marooned in the wilds of Alaska--- that's where the true enemies of America are, that's where the bulk of the enemies of mankind are, and that is where they have always been. 

As for the rest of us, it's time to get off our duffs, declare our birthright political status, form our State Assemblies, and fully empower the civilian government of this country so that there is no longer the least little bit of an excuse for any of them to be here acting "for" us in our "absence". 

Hear that, everyone? 

You've got a job to do.  Assemble the States of the Union.  Not any "States of States".  The actual States are called for and must form first before you even think of reconstructing any States of States. 

Why? Because you have to have Vermont assembled before you can create any kind of State of Vermont and because the States are fully empowered with or without the existence of any "State of State" organizations. 

We don't need any State of State organization in order for the States to function and do all necessary duties, but no state of state can be valid without us. 

That is the crux of the matter.  

If you want America back in control of Americans-- we have to act in the right capacity, have to declare our political status as American State Citizens, have to operate our States of the Union, and have to provide our own courts. Period. 

None of the organizations running around like chickens with their heads cut off can "get there from here".  They are all operating in the wrong capacity and trying to set up Federal States of States funded by foreign governments instead of doing the actual job that has to be done. 

For America to be free again, Americans must act as Americans and self-govern.  If you aren't doing the work of self-governance, you aren't getting it right. If you are depending on others to do this job, you aren't getting it right. If you are still acting in the guise of a "US citizen" you aren't getting it right.  If you are acting in any Dual Citizen status at all, you aren't getting it right. 

So far as I know, there is one and only one American organization that is up and rolling and doing everything the way it needs to be done: The American States Assembly. net. 

If you are sick of being plundered and pillaged by "friends and Allies" and robbed blind and betrayed by your own employees-- get moving. 
Get started today. 

We need your help to regain civilian control and to assert and maintain the  ownership of the land and soil of this country ---and we must act together to get this done ASAP. 

Don't be fooled by any Easy Path, because there isn't any.  The way is narrow and hard and requires work and dedication and sacrifice.  That said, we may thank the True God that there is still a path set before us and many loyal Americans who, once they understand the facts, will weigh in and make it possible.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Matt.11:28 come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest 29 take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls 30 for My yoke is Easy and My burden is light
    (otherwise ''there isnt any Easy Plan and is narrow and hard and requires work and sacrifice'')
    Take yer pick.

  2. World bank and energy poverty
    Word out today shutting down nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania
    Took out the farmers in the midwest to take the land and continue NAFTA super highway and take over the farmland and water resources

  3. People need to wake the hell up

  4. Any advise would be great here please .has everyone here got an application to verify that your wanting to get copies of bc is approved by them .please contact me and let me know I wish I could post a screen shot of this

  5. Application form for my eligitabily a sworn statement and noterized Copy sent to them .and them being from a different state .

  6. I am putting both feet into this and I'm just getting started hope it's not to late to .starting with bc has anyone we had this come at u when I got my bc in 2014 didn't got thru this.
