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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Urgent Information for Political Candidates

By Anna Von Reitz

I cannot possibly overstate the urgency of the information I am sharing with you.  

The actual sovereign government and its immediate structures is shown in red.  The Federal Government operating under powers delegated to it by the sovereign government is shown in blue. 

Here's how the American Government actually organized and authorized delegation of power: 

People form Families and Families form Family Farm Communities = Colonies

The United States (original) -- formed by the Colonies via The Unanimous Declaration of Independence and State Declarations.   The Colonies did not disappear. The Colonies went on to form themselves into republics --- for example, The Maine Republic (land jurisdiction) and The Republic of Maine (sea jurisdiction).  See The    Ultimate Supreme Republican Declaration of the United Colonies of America.  They also formed independent States = Estates doing business as Georgia, Maine, New York, et alia.   The separate States hold the soil (national) jurisdiction and The United States (original) holds their national level soil jurisdiction in common for the purposes of the Declaration commitment. Soil is defined as the first six inches of the Earth's surface.  

The United States of America (original) -- formed by the Second Continental Congress - September 9, 1776  -- dba of The United States for the conduct of private international trade, a holding company in the form of a Federation of States.    Member States are Georgia, Maine, New York, et alia.  The United States of America holds the international land jurisdiction of the member States Land is defined as the Earth below six inches of the surface. It also acts as a Holding Company for all other international and global powers the States delegate to it to be exercised in commonThis is where the delegated powers are collected together and delegated from to create the "Federal Government".  

All of these entities, The United States and The United States of America and the Statesare unincorporated in the business sense.  The States function as sovereign governments.  The United States and The United States of America function as unincorporated business organizations belonging to and operated by the States.   The business of these organizations is conducted by Continental (land jurisdiction) Congresses. 

NOTICE that there are no "States of States" associated with or part of any of these organizations.  Here, you are dealing exclusively with States and organizations of States. 

_______________Land (international) and Soil (national) and non-delegated Sea (international) and Global Powers above this line______________________
_______________Land (international) and Soil (national) Jurisdiction and Non-Delegated (international sea) Jurisdiction held above this line_____________________

_______________  Delegated Maritime and Admiralty (international sea)  and Global Jurisdiction held below this line_________________________

States of America (original) -- formed by the  Continental Congress - March 1, 1781 - The Articles of Confederation --  for the conduct of public and commercial business in the form of a Confederation of States exercising delegated international powers as the Federal United States.  Member States are The State of Georgia, The State of Maine, The State of New York, et alia.   Exercises  nineteen enumerated and delegated powers via The Constitution for the united States of America (1787).  All delegated powers held by the Federal United States are in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  This version of "United States" is strictly limited in scope and has no soil or land jurisdiction at all.  It effectively ceased functioning in the wake of the Civil War.  Reconstruction was never completed.  The assets were transferred into trusts doing business as the Georgia StateMaine StateNew York State, and so on.  

Territorial United States theoretically agreed upon via the Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, in which it is agreed that British "inhabitants" will remain in America to provide"essential government services" and this quid pro quo is implemented by the adoption of The Constitution of the United States of America in 1789.  The entity formed, "the United States of America", is a doing-business-as name of the Territorial United States and is not the same as The United States of America, though the almost identical names have provided for no end of confusion and fraud.  The Territorial United States which originally occupied only the District of Columbia and actual territories of The United States reorganized as an incorporated business chartered in Scotland in 1868 and established its own [Territorial] States of States which it substituted for our original States of America -- thereby usurping upon The State of Maine, The State of New York, et alia.-- as a merely presumed trustee and Executor de Son Tort during "Reconstruction".  The Territorial United States has always been British-controlled, and so the Territorial States of States---again, very deceptively and similarly named as the State of Maine, the State of Ohio, and so on, took over in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract, and have been functioning in lieu of our original States of States ever since.   The people of this country were never given anything like full disclosure, never told of any necessity to complete any Reconstruction process, and were instead victimized and their States occupied by the secretively usurping Territorial United States which owed them --and still owes them---nothing but Good Faith and Service. 

Municipal United States was created in 1790 by the adoption of The Constitution of the United States (notice -- no "of America" involved here).  This was originally intended to provide a capitol city government under the plenary control of Congress to be maintained as an international city state where all the states could come in peace to accomplish their mutual business affairs.  After the Second World War the Municipal United States government provided by the members of the Territorial United States Congress (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17) was emboldened to create Municipal STATES OF STATES, such as the STATE OF COLORADO, and use these private incorporated franchises of a Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) to pillage and plunder our people and our lawful States of the Union--- despite the fact self-evident from all the public documents that the Municipal Government was always limited to the ten square miles of the District of Columbia and no such intrusion into our States or usurpation of authority from our government was ever intended or allowed.  

------- It is clear from your focus above that you have been as bamboozled by the Territorial Government sideshow as most other Americans have been, but the fact of the matter is that our actual unincorporated Holding Company, The United States of America, has summoned the States into Session to deal with this corruption. In order to do that, we have had to overcome a plenitude of legal obstacles placed in our way to prevent us from knowing about our heritage and birthright, to expedite plundering and pillaging of public trusts created "in our NAMES", to prevent us from having access to redress, and to ultimately steal and dispose of our land and other assets in payment for debts racked up by the Territorial and Municipal United States.  Instead of assisting the people and States and supporting their efforts to finish the long delayed Reconstruction of the Federal United States the Territorial United States has been attacking those Americans who have overcome falsified political status records, unconscionable adhesion contracts, and other obstacles created by our run amok employees--- and who have nonetheless returned to their birthright political standing and claimed their reversionary trust interest in their States and in their private assets. 

Read that--- our employees have been waging a mercenary "war" against us, literally stealing from us to fund their predatory and criminal acts against us-- and this has been going on for 150 years right under the noses and often with the participation of elected political leaders who have acted in private capacities while deceitfully appearing to occupy public offices.  All those Territorial United States offices, all that "Republican" and "Democrat" frou-frou-rah, is nothing more or less than private corporate elections resulting in people being elected to fill private corporate offices.  If you look up the legal definition of "President" you will see that the President is the Chief Executive Officer of a business --- not the Head of State of a Country, which is just more proof that as incredible as all this may seem to you, it is nonetheless true.  America is like Rip-Van-Winkle, waking up after a 150 year nap.  

Obama was a British-controlled Territorial United States hit man, employed to deliver the coup de grace to our Constitutional Republics, our economy, and our way of life.  Born in Kenya, raised on Communist philosophy, and indoctrinated in the Hate and Self-Pity School of Racism, he was taught to hate "America" by supporters of the entire system of British Commercial Feudalism --- the same elitists who, with their callous disregard for law and decency, are responsible for by far the lion's share of racial injustice, unemployment, and other evils that colored people have suffered in this country during the 150 year spree of bunko and mistaken identity con games the British-controlled Territorial United States has wrecked upon us. 

Trump is a far, far better businessman and therefore a far better and more able President, and certainly a man who has regard for the country that bore him and the people who have supported him, he does not appear to fully grasp the situation.  He appears to think it is a localized phenomenon, a matter of individual crime syndicates and religious cults and political radicals --- but no, this crime is institutionalized as part of the "government" as it has been run for the past 15 decades.  This crime is based on a basic undermining of the structure of our government and foreign usurpation of it.  This crime has been carried out against us by our own employees and by "Allies" that owe their own survival through two World Wars to us.  

This crime is also based on the most audacious program of human trafficking on paper, identity theft, and political mis-characterization ever attempted in the history of the world.  It has affected every nation on the planet.  It has undermined the national governments.  It has oppressed the people those governments are supposed to serve.  It has reduced the population worldwide to institutionalized enslavement, involuntary servitude and peonage via deceit and fraud----all implemented under color of law, in "the name of" the actual government owed to this country.  

Take a good look at "The Pledge of Allegiance".  What is a "Pledge of Allegiance"--- an ancient feudal act binding a serf or noble to the service of a King.  Exactly what does that have to do with our American tradition and our lawful government?  Look at the text of it --- "I (securing individual consent) pledge my allegiance to the United States of America ( not to The United States of America -- to the Territorial United States dba "the United States of America'--- a commercial corporation) and to the Republic (since when did we ever have a single Republic?  We have fifty republics....) for which it stands (and exactly why would our republics need any commercial corporation to "stand for" them?).  

Yet millions of American schoolchildren have been indoctrinated with this mindless un-American tripe, and taught to just as mindlessly claim that they are "United States Citizens" ---- with no comprehension that the "United States" being referenced is the usurping British-backed Territorial United States. 

This is the situation we are all facing, and the more people who know it, the better ---contrary to the desires of those guilty parties who are doing their best to try to stop the truth and the Truth-Tellers, and to hang their odious debts around the necks of the still-sleeping Americans, and to blame us for their sins --- every true American is called to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction, to the service of the actual government of this country, and assist in the restoration of the Federal United States. 

We have done our best to get this information to Donald Trump and have offered him the actual Office of President of The United States of America -- the Executive Office of the Holding Company that delegates all the delegated powers and to which those delegated powers return --- when, as in the current situation -- the federal service providers are rendered incompetent by bankruptcy or usurpation.  We posted a Private Registered Indemnity Bond for him and for this Public Office.  I don't think he understands that this is the true and actual Office that he should occupy and use to impose discipline and order upon the activities of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States as well. 

As things stand, the Federal United States has been moth-balled for 150 years and is just now being recalled as the States assemble, both the Territorial and Municipal United States organizations have entered bankruptcy in the past four years, thereby becoming incompetent --- so that all three "federal" service providers have failed.  The delegated powers that they are supposed to exercise for us have returned to the organization that delegated those powers in the first place --- The United States of America (the unincorporated Holding Company) and there is no agreement to assume any new service contract -- especially not any open-ended service contract in which the employees continue to run rampant and pillage their employers. 

We have called upon the governments of France and Great Britain, the principal offenders, to get their acts in order, repent their shameful behavior, and stop their mercenary actions.  We have likewise held the Holy See feet first to the flames for their part and failure to discipline and police the Municipal corporations and the hideous extortionate behavior of the Bar Association Members who are not lawyers--- but are foreign Shipping Clerks--- run amok on our shores. The gross corruption of our courts has, if anything, gone far beyond and outstripped the corruption of our government.  Just as privately owned and operated franchises of Territorial corporations merely calling themselves "the State of Florida" substituted themselves for The State of Florida, foreign private "courts" substituted themselves for the courts we are owed. These private Territorial and Municipal Courts have no right to even address our people, much less prosecute them.  Twenty-five million Americans have been jailed by these criminal organizations as part of a Prisons for Profit scheme, most of them for non-violent statutory offenses that they were never actually subject to obey. 

Day after day, I wonder how much more are the American people going to take?  How much longer before the American military wakes up?  How much longer before the political leaders who were elected in good faith stand up and do the job that needs to be done, regardless of what anyone else thinks or threatens?   How much longer before the vast masses of American people who have been abused and robbed by their own employees rise up?  How much longer before the people of other nations who have been similarly oppressed and abused by these monsters in suits take up the work before us?  We know who they are.  We know where they live.  How much longer before the pendulum swings?  And the longer that relief and restitution is withheld and these abuses increase and continue--- what hope is there that this transition can be the peaceful and non-violent affirmation of Justice that it needs to be? 

Those who created this "System" of crime and abuse and Breach of Trust, are all long dead.  Must we really enter into yet another bloody round of violence and revolution to simply address institutionalized crime in our midst?  Isn't it enough to simply realize that it is crime and deal with it as such?  Arrest those who won't repent, and go on with restoring and rebuilding the national governments we are owed?  This is not a matter of politics. It is not a matter of race.  It is not a matter of social class.  It isn't even a matter of money.  It's a matter of crime left to gradually infest and eat away at the moral fabric of many nations, destroying our institutions of justice, our schools, our medical care, our science, our futures and our beloved Earth.  

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Send this to everyone of the Congressmen and women and the Senators also.

    1. en mass reproduction and circulation IS necessary by ALL awakened Now!!
      I intend to print, copy and send to ALL sleeping americans I personally know via postage paid mass mailing!! It IS time to Wake and SHAKE all the sleeping giants into reality Now.

      This IS another well done and priceless writing you have gifted us with Anna, Thank You!!!

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

    2. Just an "FYI",, so many people do this,,, "Congress" is made up of the "House of Representatives" AND the "Senators".
      So to say the "Congressmen" AND the "Senators", would be like saying the "Cows" and the "Bovines". Would`nt it ???

    3. Totally agree Kelli. I think it may be a good idea to get this into as many newspapers as possible bc it's mostly the asleeple sheople who read the newspaper anyway.

    4. Yes, letters to the editors...I can afford that, lol Even if the editors don't print, its sure to wake a few in the local newsrooms. I'm game!!

      Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

  2. Re: "I don't think he understands that this is the true and actual Office that he should occupy ..." - What can be done toward assuring Trump's essential understanding?

  3. How much Longer? Not another minute! I've brought these things to family and friends, no one seem to get it. To me this is the most important thing one should be concerned with in this vital hour. Yet no one seems to care. I am here in Orange County California and I'm reaching out to anyone who may read this and be willing to put their shoulder to the task.

    1. I,too,live in Orange County, CA.It's good to know there's someone else in my area that is connected to a Anna!

    2. We are from So. Cal.; been in Texas for 20 years. It's good to see more Californians becoming aware of the criminality going on in our nation and looking for information and solutions!! YHUH bless to all!!

  4. Trump is an intelligent man and has his strategies. I would like to think he is aware of how this usurpation has come about and is not yet playing those cards, perhaps for security reasons for the nation. I think he understands that until certain deeds are complete, changing status on paper is of little use considering the forces he faces.

    1. I hope you're right, Dan! I follow Qanon and really happy with the things that Trump has accomplished so far.

    2. Look at what Slick Willy and George W have done concerning "N.E.S.A.R.A."

    3. its being slow played strategically and about to happen. if they brought it out too soon it would not work due to cognitive dissonance and people not believing it due to trump just flipping it like he tried to do in the beginning. once he saw it wasnt working he backed off and brought it slower while making the people and dems think they were in trouble, but it makes perfect sense. keep the faith. rv/gcr going to break any day now all entities and forces are in the proper place

  5. Pedophilia is the one ring of power that binds the corporate NWO together; has Trump been corrupted by this evil? this may very well be the reason he does not get it...

    1. Are you kidding me, Michael?? Trump is taking down the pedo rings and sex slave owners!! he wants his presidency defined by these actions and he will go down in history for what he is doing! I'm not sure what news you're following but there are enough alternative journalist that are covering this and following Q, who is high level military intelligence.

    2. completely agree charlene and michael how can you not be aware of this? do not watch MSM or you will never see what is occurring. it is there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. havent you seen that NXIVM sex cult and back page website go down this last week or so human and sex trafficking? Huge. they are trying to desensitize the public, which is why they pulled back on pizza-gate too soon, or there will be too much cognitive dissonance. watch the unsealing of weiner's laptop this week or next, when that happens watch out. supposedly it made season cops barf and traumatize them...

      look at trumps tweets today, he coming after them now that they released the mole placed into trumps campaign as well through the DOJ. stuff is about to hit the fan which is why you see the royal wedding and texas shooting to distract this damning evidence that is going to fry all involved with HRC and their foundation.

    3. Come on Michael...let us know u NOW get this 😎

  6. Can you please point in the direction to where the bankruptcy in progress is filed or where past bankruptcy filings are recorded?

  7. Orange county lives in a "bubble" of ignorance and all of them are making tons of FR NOTES and have no incentive to change anything...thats why if a job paying more money comes along , they immediately change ships to the Company that pays them the most money...!! The consequence of this is that both parents have to work , leaving the kids to either be raised by Nanny or babysitters...!! My brother is there right now visiting his son and he says everyone there is driving a new cars and homes are all worth about $500,000 No matter how old they look, and even if they never put one penny into for nothing..!!

    1. James, I live here in Orange County and grew up here, and what you're saying is not true! There are wealthy and not so wealthy people who live here and there are a lot of very good people who are not happy with what is going on and are very involved in making a difference in our upcoming election, to turn this state around! Yes, the cost of living sucks and the average price of homes is probably higher then $500,000...and liberal policies have ruined California! But, we are all in this together...doing the best that we can with the things that we know, and the things we are learning through people like Anna Von Reitz. To whom much is given, much is required. Cheers!

    2. Charlene, I've seen way too many pictures of all the homeless in california, and they are from the far north to san diego. The statistics show that as soon as they get some into shelter or housing, more new homeless population lands out on the streets. CA has just about the largest homeless pop in the country; even some who work in silicone valley. All due to insufficient wages and excessively high cost of housing, rents and living in general.
      There is an agenda going on there, which is meant to drive out the ordinary caucasian population and hand it over to illegals, aliens, and the lesser educated types. I just don't think elections are going to change any of that now anymore.Jerry Brown has lost his mind already along with all his crony communist leaders.

  8. the Moors must get involved and are the missing link to most of this in history and the republic

    1. do you mean Moors as in Black Muslims??? how are they a missing link???

    2. because youve been lied to neo you live in a matrix.

      where does the word slave come from? what "color" are slavic people? indentured servants or slavs? what if the maps were turned upside down? did black used to mean white and white black? what if the new world is really the old world? what if jeru-salem was really peru-salem? who would the chosen people be? did george washington write letters to the magnanimous sultan asking permission to settle/work in the americas? is this really the americas? was it re-named? does the topography in the bible describe many of the mounds in the "new" world? does the grand canyon contain many artifacts? of whom? have they hidden this from us? is this the Empire of Morocco? was philadelphia the capitol of the republic? what if that was marakech? who are the real aboriginal people? same as in Australia? do you think what they did there they didnt do here? what if all knowledge was reversed that you have learned? what if you have been shanghaied and hoodwinked from birth? do you think everything is cyclic? do some due diligence and see what you find out. how is this relevant? haha just ask yourself some questions...

  9. I happen to think that trump is in the dark on a lot of this Reality. I don't think he knows the half of it. It also seems to me that there is a problem getting communications through to him. There seems to be NO meeting of the minds between what Anna is trying to accomplish....and trump.
    Seems to me a Face-to-Face needs to happen between the Head of State, Mr. Belcher and trump. If you cannot make that happen, and get your foot inside Our House, then how can we think 'you' can accomplish anything else?


    2. think about it who was the ONLY one who dared to bring up birth certificate and 911 in the past? he is aware of many more things than even we are...especially now!

  10. Hey penny4yt, can you provide more info or resources on the "Moors" you speak of please?
    Thank you, and also for all your insightful contributions as well!!

    Much Gratitude, Love and Peace

    1. congressional records in the archives, the george washington letters and when rocks cry out just to start ;o)

      here are some other questions to ask yourself and do some due diligence.

      where does the word slave come from? what "color" are slavic people? indentured servants or slavs? what if the maps were turned upside down? did black used to mean white and white black? what if the new world is really the old world? what if jeru-salem was really peru-salem? who would the chosen people be? did george washington write letters to the magnanimous sultan asking permission to settle/work in the americas? is this really the americas? was it re-named? does the topography in the bible describe many of the mounds in the "new" world? does the grand canyon contain many artifacts? of whom? have they hidden this from us? is this the Empire of Morocco? was philadelphia the capitol of the republic? what if that was marakech? who are the real aboriginal people? same as in Australia? do you think what they did there they didnt do here? what if all knowledge was reversed that you have learned? what if you have been shanghaied and hoodwinked from birth? do you think everything is cyclic? do some due diligence and see what you find out. how is this relevant? haha just ask yourself some questions...

  11. In the 70's when I was told I had to say the pledge of allegiance we were just mindlessly repeating words we were not told what those words actually mean.

    1. Holly, yeah how about that ''liberty and justice for all''. Isn't that just a hoot, Lol.

  12. Here is something I found on king world news: 51 Million Households cannot make ends meet. This means 43% of households cannot afford basic middle class life. 16 million households live in poverty.
    Take Note that this says Households, not numbers of people.
    The real unemployment rate is 22%......NOT 4%. 95 million capable workers are not in the labor force.

    Anna, take this info to your board of Trustees.

  13. What organic law document can you identify that mentions "The State of Georgia?" I have found several that mention "the State of Georgia," but never a "The State of Georgia."

  14. I just noticed on the Alaska State Legislature Home Page, it stated that on May 15, 2018 it adjourned Sine Die. It almost sounds like something from 150 years ago! Time to reset to True Law of the Land, eh?

  15. People some get poorer, business in small towns closing, yet others seem happy paying 70 percent and more of their labor knowing not where it goes. Just being obedient, here is your check, I do not want to know what you do with it. I recall people on the west coast once in the 1970 boycotted grapes, the price changed after only one week. Now people do not even know what a boycott is and some would say it is a conspiracy theory. While the wake up grows it needs to speed up, while any of the problem remains, it will continue business as "normal". Digging up the planet, blowing stuff up, hiding technology so everyone is forced to use cars invented 100 years ago. Oil, once fake worried about scarce is now plentiful is appears no gas lines or running out. People live in a dream thinking cars, roads and cities, central education controlled camps, jail anyone who thinks or tells the truth, people think that they did it all for our benefit and that today's world is the most advanced in the Universe, cars go really fast making you feel super smart. In a hurry to have your nation stolen, ignore it so you can get on with entertainment. No worries like the guy in Germany who watched as government order followers took their neighbors in steps. Bad women first, blacks next, Jews, others and finally when they came for the guy no one was left to help him.

  16. That'for sure....get back on the land, phew


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