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Friday, March 17, 2017

Solutions? You Guys Want SOLUTIONS???

By Anna Von Reitz

Solutions? You Guys Want SOLUTIONS? 
Well, how about this?

The court system is messed up because it has been turned into a giant debt collection agency run by the creditors of the Federal Government and its "State of State" franchises. 
The rest of the story is that they are collecting on fraudulent debts--debts that (1) don't exist for the most part and (2) aren't your debts.

Moreover, these courts are being run as quasi-military tribunals in military districts, under the pretense that the "American Civil War" was ever an actual war. 

It wasn't. It was never Declared by the actual Congress and no Peace Treaty ending it exists, either. It was and is nothing but an illegal commercial mercenary operation on our shores that has been enforced and promoted by disloyal military commanders and criminals in Congress and clueless Presidents. 
So, given the fact that these "courts" are foreign military tribunals here on our soil as the result of an illegal and immoral commercial mercenary action now 150 years old--- and that they are collecting on debts that are odious and fraudulent by nature.....

And given the fact that Donald Trump is now the "Commander in Chief" and able to order the District Commanders to shut these so-called courts down and reopen the courts we are owed....

Why not light a firecracker up Commander-in-Chief Trump's rump and suggest that he do so, post haste?  Tell him that Judge Anna can show him precisely how and when this system got set up and how it has been abused, and what his power is with respect to ending the hideous mockery that "stands for" a court system in this country right now.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.    


  1. Firecracker???

    We need to light a damn bon fire under Trump's rump!!!

    1. well he certainly is not happy with the courts at this point and i think he is shining a light on them for anyone that will see. this last obama block is very easy to see...

      haha i think trump is much more aware than most think and he is trying to toe the line long enough for the people to pay attention and so they dont kill him and his family. i think they have plans. he is keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.

  2. Once I read ex part vs Milligan, about 5 minutes time, google it, it is obvious the United States over stepped its agreement with the States who did have civil ( unincorporated land courts ) functioning and in place in the communities. This system, so well researched and presented by Anna and others who have been doing all the work, can be re-established. It is because no one or nearly no one has been doing it since 1860s that the United States, the corporate business, hirees of the people, have got things so screwed up. Is it not the States of America that are united or the people, but this greedy corporate infestation amongst the gardeners who can be told by the land government ( people) to get in line or else. It is already a system set up and ready to go just fill the offices that gather dust, and wait for those who will fill them. BAR card business attorney goons and banks are the worst of the vermin to be weeded out so peace and tranquility can return or at least appear as getting closer.

  3. Let's try to get a million tweets to Trump about this. I'd hate to see him turn into "Trump the Chump"!

    1. "Let's try"? ... If we can quibble about firecrackers and bonfires, why not consider dropping the word "try" completely from our vocabulary?

      Just do it.

      While we're at it, look how far these words get us: "belief" and "but".

    2. @AnnCoulter @realDonaldTrump @PressSec Courts are being run as quasi-military tribunals in military districts Solutions? You Guys Want SOLUTIONS???

  4. I have been sending a letter once a week since end of January, pertaining to ending we the subject matters of those criminals court. I figure sooner or later that bad noise will be exported and shipped out. Deport the illegal criminals court felons.

  5. Just for your information judge Anna, i did post a comment or two on his website that specifically ask everyone to suggest solutions on how to "make America great again". And i did tell him about you as an advisor to him about our "true history" and to rewrite it and implement this knowledge immediately in our public school systems, making it mandatory to be taught at least the jr high level and throughtout high school. I also told him there has to be criminal penalties if not taught properly against both the teacher and the Administrator if they insist on teaching "THEIR" version of history instead of the "True" version and proven by all students by passing a test before they can graduate. Because if we dont teach this generation the truth, it will be lost forever. Ours is the last one to carry the torch of freedom and liberty if our generation dies out. Ive asked some of these millinials, even ones claiming to be christians, if they understood the meaning of the number 666. They have no clue. They have never heard that number before...!!! Thats how much work we have ahead of us. But I also told him before we can turn anything around, he first has to do something about all these traitorist BAR Attorneys, who were directly responsible for much of this because of the fraudulent unilateral contracts they created for the banks and against us, while enjoying a privaledged status, with all the beniffits and high pay, along with it. Because they dont work for you or us. There oath is to Great Brittain and QE2. And if you dont do something about it soon, you are going to be destroyed by them. He got that comment way before these judges started defying his recent "executive orders" pertaining to his stance on "immigration" and proper vetting on everone coming into this country, before they are allowed in.But i never heard from him. I wonder if he is being informed about peoples comments on that site. Ive tried 5 or 6 times now to him imploring him to contact me either by phone, which i gave to him or my email. I told him i dont "TWEET". I even told him that your the first president i would actually take a bullet for...what else can i tell him. I think he is being sheilded by the people he picked to surround him....especially someone like me, who did actually tell him a little about the fraud and the short history of how it got this way hoping he would be curious enough to call or email me to see if i was telling him the truth and needed to know more, which i was more than willing to give it to him...Nothing. Thats why i told you we need a "petition" with thousands of signitures of everyone on this site at least and send it to him to get his attention. He cant ignore thousands of signitures wanting nothing more than to help him. He does know alot, but he still doesnt understand how our courts actually work because he has always relied on attorneys to win his cases. Im open to any suggestions on making contact with him... he needs our help.

    1. Revelation 13:8-16-17-18 (KJV 1611)8 And all the dwel vpon the earth, shall worship him, whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lambe, slaine from the foundation of the world:16 And he causeth all, both smal and great, rich and poore, free and bond, to receiue a marke in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, saue he that had the marke, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name:18 Here is wisedome. Let him that hath vnderstanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is sixe hundred threescore and sixe.

    2. First start with the truth with your whole team. You're absolutely right about the part that the BIBLE is saying to us all. Open and your eyes and see - This is Wisdom - " Let him that hath understanding (wisdom), count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a Man (human), and his number is six hundred threescore and six. So the problem is not the system, the problem is the men (humans) at the very top that stole all the gold of the world to whom which is ALL PRIVATE and owing no allegiance to NO flag, follows no RELIGION, and is paying everyone in this country fiat and gold coins to keep the enslavement of man kind on their plantation.

      Mark 10:21 ... Jesus looked at him, loved him, and said to him, "There is one thing you lack: Go, sell everything you have and give ... Then come back and follow me (but you know that is parable in the spirit sense). Now here is wisdom - Rome Vaticans, England's Queen, and Washington DC (The British of Columbia) don't have any real standing here in the North west Amexem, Northwest Africa, The North Gate (North America, Central America, South America and the adjoining Islands. And for that reason they need to make the Treaties go away and the Organic Constitution (that is designed to keep "government in line to protect the substantive right of People) and get their goon thugs (American Slaves, bankers, lawyers, church magicians in black robes, dummy presidents that is the chief executive officer of the military, and the are security guards "police" of the UNITED STATES corporation ) to enforce ADMIRALTY and MARITIME piracy which ain't nothing but forced contract laws. Everything they do in essence is above the land (territory meaning corporations and enclaves). Proverbs 6:1-4 My son, if you have become surety for your neighbor, Have given a pledge for a stranger, ...follow my advice and save yourself, for you have placed yourself at your friend's mercy. Now swallow your pride; go and beg to have your name erased. Everything they did is above the land on paper (a unilateral adhesion one sided contract), so as long as you use that full name on the birth certificate (private security bond they own), the voters registration, marriage license, driver's license, your domicile (their Address), your private conveyance automobile (their motor vehicle), your private bond ( their insurance companies - holder in due course of "your" promissory note), etc, etc. Your are the one they need to voluntarily sign the slave / masters contract, and NO LAW nowhere can't change that because you are the one born with the unalienable right endowed by the creator to be equal to every man and wombman! Christ said give everything back! If I can just get you to thinking you will Free your self. Shalom.

    3. TRY THIS

      Patriots: Petitions at WhiteHouse.Gove Need Your Immediate Attention! | iPatriot


    5. Andrew and James Pancini, especially. Amen, spot on. The rest of you opinionated. Egotistical morons are pimples not solutions. Fade away. Why didn't you do this from the gitgo, Anna. Lay it out and summon signatures. I'd have been first. Instead its article after article of admonishing us for not knowing. John, you are a hero. Anna, write to that website and complete more with less. Geesch! Common sense at last!!!!

  6. Any one looking for help from the enemy is peeing in the wind, and D.C. is the heart of the monster. Trump is surrounded by people who would jump off a cliff before allowing him to know the truth. And if he should wise up he is toast.

    1. I agree with this post, and take it a step further. Trump would NEVER have gotten into office if it wasn't intended he be there...period. The people didn't put him there, "they" did. Just look at his cabinet...all of them members of the CFR for crying out loud. His cry to "Make America Great Again" is akin to Obummer's cry for "change". Wake up peeps. Either we do it, or it doesn't get done.

    2. keep in mind he was the only one ever to point the mainstream to vociferously to 911 and the fake BC of obama. its going down. hes got the military and knights of malta backing him.

    3. Thank you penny..
      Olddog: shut up and learn some new tricks. And marge, no negativity needed. You are why Anna slaps us all!

  7. Margy, what do you suggest is the right solution then? It's easy to criticize when you don't have a plan that will work.

    I say if Trump were sincere about reigning in his out of control judiciary he would get out his pen and just pardon every political prisoner in the USA including the Hammonds, the Bundys and all their patriot friends, and especially Schaeffer Cox from Alaska. Until he does something like that to send the corporate judicial tyrants a message to stop their crimes we won't get any change. Just think what that would do to the leftists. But I don't see anything even remotely close to that happening at this point.
    So again, what's your plan Where Trump is concerned.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The squeaky wheal gets the oil!!! We have to KEEP sending Trump messages, … continuously, ,,, so he knows WHO to contact. And, I thank Judge Anna for having the history and insight to articulate what needs to be said. History is NOT erased and we follow the generations that have given their lives to dig it up, studied it, and made it part of the PUBLIC RECORD. We have all helped by writing about it and giving it the LIGHT it has needed (particularly with this internet tool). We just have to use that ENERGY and OUR PRAYERS to MANIFEST and make PERMANENT THE BRIGHT LIGHT OF TRUTH!!! This is the TIME set aside for all of us and YHUH will continue to guide us through it, because there is NO MORE TIME to wait for someone else to make the necessary moves; ITS NOW!!! God bless you Judge Anna and all good Americans in Christ!!!

  10. Let's build that wall around Washington D.C. and contain the worst of the predators. Within a month they will eat each other alive, and we can get busy living with the $3 trillion a year that we no longer hand over via the IRS.

  11. Anna, bless you and all of your hard work. Thank you! May I suggest you publish a book / Ebook with all of the powerful documents you discuss in a step by step basis for people to buy and use? You have the docs, please just put them in order in an easy step-by-step guide and let's get this movement started. Thank you.

    1. Yes yes yes. Thats what I'm saying, so frustrated I can't stand all this jibber. We all need a map. All this time wasted harping, Anna, and publishing, Peter. Enough. Teach as if its a classroom, because in effect it is. Preach to to the varmits, not the students.

  12. People who promote real change pay for it with their life, JFK, MLK, Ghandi, Malcom X, Gary Web, Mike Hastings........................................................Etc.......the rest is just theater or the eater as in the fed...feed us...

  13. Edward Johnson wants to use thair codes to fight them with.all well and good if you know thair system backwards and forward . We get called insurrectionists.and just yesterday ed said trey goudy.said nationalist are the first ones to deport I kinda doubt that but you see we will be resisted with names.rebels, constitutioists, NAZI , same the trash trump supporter .

    1. Stand strong, like rocky marcanno short no reach but determined Bob and weave take afew blows to get inside and deliver.


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