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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

In Regard to "Burning Question" Below:

Since the Constitution was based in Common Law, if you abolished the Common Law wouldn't that extinguish the Federal Government too?

by Anna Von Reitz

The problem is the US Government, not the Federal Government. Two different animals entirely. Any attack against the Common Law or any part of the Law of the Land is an attack against the Republic. Hasn't anyone been listening to date? US Government is the problem. US Government = Law of the Sea = Sea Jurisdiction. Federal Government = Law of the Land (Constitution) = Land Jurisdiction.
Is that how they finished the corporate setup and dissolved government?
Nobody "dissolved" our government. The various units of government either stupidly or with malice aforethought incorporated. Any time you incorporate anything it goes from the jurisdiction of the land to the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. It removes from the Law of the Land and the guarantees of the Constitution to the Law of the Sea and the Dog-Eat-Dog of maritime and admirality law.
Not sure they could do that lawfully since the foundation of our laws came from Common Law.
The problem can be swiftly addressed in one of three ways:
(1) Bring enough pressure to bear to force the existing incorporated "Counties" and "States" to dissolve their corporations and function naturally as unincorporated business entities again; (2) Do an end-run around the existing incorporated "Counties" and "States" by organizing the landowners in each county and then each state as unincorporated body politics and electing parallel offices designated to operate in the land jurisdiction, as in "Sheriff on the Land" or "Judge on the Land" so that there can be no more confusion or obfuscation.
The offices of the land jurisdiction are all Public Offices that have been "vacant". The offices of the sea jurisdiction are all "similarly named" private corporate offices that have been used to mimmick the public offices---- allowing those in these private corporate offices to improperly wield the powers of public office without the responsibility of public office and also allowing them to abuse what merely appears to be a public office for their private gain.
The third option is to start over with a huge public discussion, a full disclosure of the political status options, and potentially an end to all separation of the land and sea jurisdictions owed to this country.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. didnt the "government" dissolve itself by not reconvening/adjourning called sine dei?!

  2. didnt the "government" dissolve itself by not reconvening/adjourning called sine dei?!

  3. I can practically guarantee that neither options will be a viable alternative for the majority of people because the sheeple just refuse to believe Truth!!! I'm not stating "don't do anything" but if we pin our hopes on getting the majority to make "change" it isn't going to happen. The "Free State Movement" couldn't get enough people interested in moving to the counties in the US stipulated to make any change in the "system"!!! the studies showed that all it took to change a politics in a State was just ONE county. Change THAT and you change the State. Too few were interested and so we have the problems that we do today. I think the ONLY way that things will change and that is to BANKRUPT these criminal corporations and your lien on the BAR is a good start. Now, if we could only get liens on the rest of these "corporate" non-government offices then something will be done to make a difference.

    1. I believe that New Hampshire was one of the states and I couldn't see moving farther north into the snow belt.

  4. I believe that you said it was the Federal Government that is the Law of the Sea. I could be wrong. It was in one of your more recent writings. If what I am saying it needs to be corrected.

  5. The word Federal imbues Confederacy and the Articles of Confederation 15 November 1777 creates a perpetual union Article I is Article I.
    The Style of this confederacy shall be "The United States of America." and thus the Federal Government is The confederacy, the United States of America. The Constitution of the United States creates a new government with legislative powers Article I

    Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. notice the article "a" Congress of the United States... and creates a new union...Article I section 2 clause 3 "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union", This would be the beginnings of a United States government by legislation for the territory owned by and under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States of America, the confederacy of the perpetual union. Now this information comes from the Organic documents themselves and aren't subject to argument. Thank you. The authority for the New union comes from the Northwest Ordinance 13 July 1787 and Articles of confederation Article X.
    The committee of the states, or any nine of them, shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of congress, such of the powers of congress as the united states in congress assembled, by the consent of nine states, shall from time to time think expedient to vest them with; provided that no power be delegated to the said committee, for the exercise of which, by the articles of confederation, the voice of nine states in the congress of the united states assembled is requisite.

  6. Anna you said: "Nobody "dissolved" our government. The various units of government either stupidly or with malice aforethought incorporated."
    How does one dissolve (unincorporate) a unit of government?
    If a unit of government incorporated my name, can I unincorporate my name? Where is the public record of the incorporation of my name?
    It seems to that to become incorporated unit of government all that is required is a statute. In New Jersey Statutes I found this: 40:43-1 which reads: Every municipality a body corporat
    Anna you said : "Nobody "dissolved" our government. The various units of government either stupidly or with malice aforethought incorporated."
    In New Jersey it appears that the legislature made a sweeping declaration in a statute (below).
    How does one dissolve (unincorporate) a unit of government?

    If a unit of government incorporated my name, can I unincorporate my name? Where is the public record of the incorporation of my name?

    In New Jersey Statutes I found this: 40:43-1 which reads: Every municipality a body corporate
    The inhabitants of every municipality shall be a body corporate in fact and in law, and by its corporate name it shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, have a common seal, and purchase, acquire, lease, hold, let and convey real and personal property for the use and benefit of the municipality.
    and this: 40:43-2. Records of municipal incorporations prior to March 28, 1930
    The clerk of every county shall, at the expense of the county, record at length in appropriate books in his office to be designated "municipal incorporation records" , the result of any election held prior to March twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, on the question of the adoption of any act of municipal incorporation, the consolidation of any municipalities or change of corporate name, as well as all papers relating to the incorporation, consolidation or change of name, of any municipality which have been filed in the office of the county clerk.e
    The inhabitants of every municipality shall be a body corporate in fact and in law, and by its corporate name it shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, have a common seal, and purchase, acquire, lease, hold, let and convey real and personal property for the use and benefit of the municipality.

  7. The Minnesota Common Law Court has already ruled using Biblical Law; If his people do not come out of HER then Revelation 16:3 says 3 [a]And the second Angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it [b]became as the blood of a dead man: and every living thing died in the sea.
    That is very sobering, because that means that families of Israel will eventually die off. This is and has been happening for some time. The good thing is there is ONLY ONE LAW and that is the Biblical/Torah common(Royal) law described in James 2:8. The corporation very simply CANNOT be allowed to be on the land. It must be made permanently unlawful with severe penalties. Will this come to pass as the Minnesota Common Law Court has already ruled? YES, as it says AGAIN in Revelation 21:1 And [a]I saw a new heaven, and a new earth: for the first heaven, and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea.
    We are assigned to prepare the Kingdom for his coming.


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