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Friday, October 14, 2011

RevolutionPAC :60 TV ad "Plastic Men" RON PAUL CAN WIN!

"Plastic Men" to Air Preceding CNN Debate October 18

Revolution PAC's Ron Paul ad targeting integrity-deficient rivals to make national TV debut.
Northbrook, IL - October 13, 2011

Revolution PAC has secured three 60-second national prime time spots to air its acclaimed ad "Plastic Men" in conjunction with next week's CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate. Featured by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal when it launched in mid-September and logging more than 100,000 YouTube views since that time, the video sharply differentiates limited government champion and fiscal hawk Congressman Ron Paul from his establishment-driven GOP rivals.

The CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate will be broadcast live from Las Vegas at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on October 18.

Revolution PAC expects the airing of "Plastic Men" to further diminish Rick Perry, who has plummeted in the polls and failed to impress in recent debates, as a viable option for conservative leaders. Perry's Texas executive order requiring HPV vaccinations, Mitt Romeny's Massachusetts health care mandate and the economic miscues of a host of Republican candidates are spotlighted in the ad.

"'Plastic Men' is an exercise in distinguishing Ron Paul's consistent, principled record from those of the GOP field's many pretenders," explains Revolution PAC Advisory Board member Gary Franchi. "Unabashed TARP supporters Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, for instance, stand in stark contrast to Ron Paul, who began warning of the housing collapse in 2001 and who has never voted for a bailout. The media consistently downplays Dr. Paul's prescience on this and other vital issues; Revolution PAC aims to correct any misperceptions."

Timing of the ad, Franchi continues, could not be better. "Cain was caught this week brazenly denying his criticism of Ron Paul's Audit the Fed push. Now that the investigation has proven fruitful, revealing $16 trillion in previously undisclosed loans by the Federal Reserve to foreign and domestic banks, Cain claims to support transparency."

The bottom line message of "Plastic Men" is clear, insists Franchi. "Regardless of slick packaging, political expediency will not win votes in 2012."

Rep. Paul's strong states' rights outlook engenders strong support for his campaign throughout the West. In September, Paul won the California GOP Straw Poll by a wide margin. In the 2008 GOP presidential primaries, he earned second place-finishes in Nevada, Montana, Idaho and New Mexico.

A recent Harris Poll showed Ron Paul prevailing over Barack Obama 51 percent to 49 percent in a general election race.

Revolution PAC is bolstering Ron Paul's consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising campaigns complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.

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