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Monday, May 3, 2010

Wolf parasite: A Second Air That Kills

Canadian wolves were illegally introduced into the United States infected with a parasite that is lethal to humans.

Those parties responsible for this knew this parasite readily infects and kills humans. Federal and state agencies have known about this parasite for over 50 years and remained silent to the danger.

The Montana Constitution guarantees for the people the right to a healthy environment. This right has been blatantly ignored by federal and state agencies. It has become incumbent upon the citizens of the state of Montana to demand accountability from all governmental agencies for knowingly putting its citizen’s lives in imminent peril.

Vermiculite and asbestosis are two words that have brought tragedy into the lives of Lincoln county residents. It has proven to be an air that kills. With full knowledge of deadly consequences, federal and state agencies, along with a host of environmental groups, have brought a parasitic killer into our state; they have brought us all a second air that kills.

Without authorization from Congress, Canadian wolves were introduced into Montana and elsewhere. $60,000,000 in United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) funds were misappropriated for this purpose. They knew the wolves carried a highly contagious parasite that infects both humans and domestic animals. It never existed in the lower 48 states prior to this illegal introduction.

“With money in hand, they went up to Canada, got the wolves and brought them down to Yellowstone. Everybody said: “oh, there are wolves in Yellowstone!” Boom! They’re being released and they’re being acclimated. Once they were there, Congress couldn’t do anything about it. It was too late. Congressmen did not want to anger those powerful environmental groups. So there was never any follow-up.” Jim Beers, retired USFWS, Wildlife Biologist, and whistle blower, was forced to retire early due to his efforts to bring this to public scrutiny.

Parasites depend on other animals, or host, to reproduce. This usually involves several animals. It is a circular cycle that ensures the survival of the parasite, and many times causes the death of the host.

The life cycle of this parasite includes all canines, deer, elk and sheep, both wild and domestic. Infected wolf scat contains millions of eggs. These eggs can remain alive for long periods of time in the scat and are scatted by wind or disturbance. Deer and elk eat egg infected grass or shrubs; they become a carrier. A wolf kills an infected deer or elk, it becomes infected, and the life cycle of this parasite is complete. Over 60% of the wolves tested in our area are infected with this parasite. Some reports state that 40% of the deer and elk population are carriers.

Anyone that is involved in dressing and processing of wild game to those that walk through infected grass or shrubs can bring the eggs back to their homes and families. Wives that handle the clothes, children that play on the floor, dogs that are handled are then exposed to this parasite. It can infect the human body through our mouths or by breathing the eggs into our lungs.
The CDC, federal and state wildlife agencies have known about this parasite for over half a century and knew of the agonizing deaths it causes in humans. It can remain undetected in our bodies for 10 – 20 years. They remained silent, even in the face of opening a wolf hunting season.

Dr. Delane C. Kritsky, Professor emeritus, from Idaho State University, is one researcher that has spent decades studying this parasite. He asked the USFWS, state agencies and wolf advocacy groups, “Who will pay for the health bills and funeral expenses for those who will ultimately become infected as a result of wolf introductions into Idaho, Montana and Wyoming?” He further stated “The only way that the parasite will be eliminated from our area is the elimination of the wolf.”

Senator’s Curtiss and Hinkle were the first elected officials to bring this to public attention. Since this information has started to surface, some have tried to twist the facts, inferring that those who dare to make this information public are conspiracy theorists; wolf haters. There is a world of difference between fact and fiction. In this case, it is the difference between life and death. .

There are solutions. The first step is education and awareness of the enormity of the problem. Only then, will the people be willing to take the steps necessary to bring the perpetrators to accountability and implement real measures that will remove this killer from our state and lives. Political science created this crisis, science can solve it.

May 15th, Senator Greg Hinkle will be in Libby at the VFW speaking to this issue.

Rhoda Cargill


  1. You have forgotten Rep. Chas Vincent's letters and past works against the wolves. Being the Chair for the Environmental Quality Council back in Helena he has had an eye on the "wolf issue" for years.
    On April 8th 2010 he has also wrote to the Western News a Legislative Report regarding the wolves. ( )
    Rep. Vincent has also made his voice heard on National issues. He joined Senators Curtiss, Hinkle and about 70 other Republican legislators in Montana that sent a letter to Attorney General Steve Bullock urging him to file suit against the healthcare reform bill.
    He did the same for Cap & Trade. 186 state and national leaders, Legislators, heads of think-tanks, activist groups, business owners and organizations representing millions of American families, taxpayers and energy consumers, we urging Chairman Barbara Boxer of the Committee on Environment and Public Works you to oppose H.R. 2454, “The American Clean Energy and Security Act,” also known as the Waxman-Markey plan (or Cap-and-Trade/Capand-Tax). Only 5 signers were from Montana, Tsk Tsk on the rest.
    So please be inclusive of all those who are working on Montan's behalf... even if you are running against them. Give credit when credit is due.

  2. You have forgotten Rep. Chas Vincent's letters and past works against the wolves. Being the Chair for the Environmental Quality Council back in Helena he has had an eye on the "wolf issue" for years.
    On April 8th 2010 he has also wrote to the Western News a Legislative Report regarding the wolves. ( )
    Rep. Vincent has also made his voice heard on National issues. He joined Senators Curtiss, Hinkle and about 70 other Republican legislators in Montana that sent a letter to Attorney General Steve Bullock urging him to file suit against the healthcare reform bill.
    He did the same for Cap & Trade. 186 state and national leaders, Legislators, heads of think-tanks, activist groups, business owners and organizations representing millions of American families, taxpayers and energy consumers, we urging Chairman Barbara Boxer of the Committee on Environment and Public Works to oppose H.R. 2454, “The American Clean Energy and Security Act,” also known as the Waxman-Markey plan (or Cap-and-Trade/Cap and-Tax). Only 5 signers were from Montana, Tsk Tsk on the rest.
    So please be inclusive of all those who are working on Montana's behalf... even if you are running against them. Give credit when credit is due.

  3. A coward is Anonymous.

    If chuck had this information two years ago, WHY DID HE NOT INFORM THE PUBLIC?????

    I agree...let's put credit where credit is due.


    Rhoda Cargill


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