By Anna Von Reitz
This Public Notice is addressed to
all Readers, all Agents, and all Principals worldwide. It is a matter of urgent
national and international concern.
Following the unresolved mercenary
conflict known deceptively as The American Civil War, Territorial United States
Agents in the form of Union Army Generals seized upon land and assets belonging
to their Employers, the American States and People, and placed these assets in
various Public Trusts.
These included the US Trust, the
United States Trust, the Public Charitable Trust, the Northern Trust, the
Southern Trust, and so on, as well as individual State Trusts all operated under
similarly styled names: The New York State [Land Trust], the Ohio State [Land
Trust], et alia.
The False Presumption involved was
that the actual government had disappeared, together with all the People of the
various Several States. In fact, our erstwhile Federal Employees didn't bother
to tell us what was going on, as they acted secretively "in our names" far
outside any granted authority to do so.
The actual Federal Constitutions
require that any circumstance or matter that is not explicitly addressed by the
Constitutions remains an issue standing within the purview of the Reserved
Powers of the States and People. See Amendment X of all three Federal
The disposition of our assets remains
with us, the American States and People, to this very day, and not with our
Hired Help, and not in accord with their attempts to unlawfully convert our
private and public holdings.
There are now Fifty State Assemblies
present and this circumstance signals the collapse of all public trusts held in
the names of our States, e.g., The New York State [Land Trust] and the Ohio
State Trust, and all similar entities, as well as all the other national and
regional trusts and international trusts that have been established in our names
and the names of our States and our Regions and our Country.
When what is true appears, what is
false must pass away.
When the actual States and People
"return" and present themselves, as they have, all pretense that we are "lost"
or "missing" or are otherwise incompetent to manage our affairs must cease.
Our assets must be returned to us,
free and clear of debt or encumbrance, together with all rents, fees, lease
payments, profits from mortgages, and other forms of insurance and escrow
payments owed to us, minus legitimate expenses related to our stipulated
constitutional agreements.
Furthermore, gradual usurpation by
the Washington DC Municipal Government authorized at Article I, Section 8,
Clause 17, and evasion of the limitations imposed by all three (3) Federal
Constitutions in our purported "absence", has led to the presence of no less
than 185,000 Municipalities and Municipal Government organization on our soil,
where they have no right, reason, or cause to be.
These Municipal entities, owned by
the Pope's Municipal Government as franchises, are now being bankrupted and no
longer have the funding to pay their own police forces, so they are asking for
UN Corporation assistance in the form of "UN Peacekeepers".
The plain fact is that neither these
municipal government organizations nor any "UN Peacekeepers" should be here on
our land and soil.
By Operation of Law, the unauthorized
Municipal Corporations, including those that have acted as the governments of
major cities, should simply be dissolved and their assets should be lawfully
converted to the ownership of the actual State.
It is unfortunate that these
organizations ever saw fit to usurp against their employers, but having done so,
they cannot complain against the long-published Public Law, including the
Federal Constitutions, and cannot raise any objection based on their contract.
So, in the interests of our Public
Law and our Public Duty, we ask for the understanding and sympathy of all
governments and all people everywhere; we were duped by our own employees, who,
for the most part, were also duped and misdirected by foreign governments acting
in Gross Breach of Trust.
The UN CORP, United Nations, Inc.,
and the United Nations Organization will all be held individually and severally
100% commercially and personally liable for any incursion upon our land and
soil, will be charged for any death or destruction they cause at a rate of $1
trillion dollars in gold per each American civilian killed or maimed, and the
same for any and all U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States who were
born on our shores and who cannot be proven to be Federal Employees or direct
Dependents thereof.
These organizations and the
Principals responsible for the existence of these Municipal corporations and
governments existing on our land and soil in contravention of the plainly stated
constitutional limitations cannot correct their errors or improve their
financial situation by causing more destruction here.
All the aforementioned organizations
and guilty Principals can do is cause more senseless destruction and harm to
people to whom they have always owed Good Faith and Service.
In these and in their actions
usurping against and deceiving and plundering their employers under color of law
and force of False Legal Presumptions, these Parties and Principals have clearly
acted as crime syndicates and have participated in organized constructive fraud
for purposes of unjust enrichment and coercive power, in conspiracy against the
Federal Constitutions, against the Geneva Conventions, and against the Hague
Conventions, too.
In all these respects, we are faced
with a specter of knowing criminality on the part of respected western
governments that have been similarly commandeered by banking interests, and
seduced into operating as incorporated commercial ventures.
The End Game, so far as we can
perceive it, was to reduce all governments to the level of private commercial
corporations, eventually leaving the Holy See as the only unincorporated
government left in the world; whereupon the Holy See would invoke both its
ownership interest in all the commercial corporations, and its standing as the
only remaining unincorporated government, to impose a worldwide theocracy
substituting national corporations for living monarchs in a system of Corporate
Feudalism, which would seek to destroy the divine nature of Mankind by genetic
pollution, and excuse its hideous cruelty and criminality by further pretending
that the victims weren't actually men and women, but GMO products subject to
corporate ownership--- and corporate disposal.
These are offenses that go beyond any
political dispute and which clearly enter the realm of moral insanity and
criminality of a kind that must be opposed by all mentally and emotionally
competent people on Earth. The offending corporations must be liquidated and
their assets returned to the States and People to whom the assets actually
While this most venal plan has been
discussed for years in some circles, by far the largest percentage of the
population of this planet has been deliberately misled and left in the dark, as
indeed have the many public employees who were expected to carry out the
murderous instructions of the perpetrators much as Nazi Storm Troopers did,
mindlessly informing upon and incarcerating and harming their countrymen in the
name of an authority stolen from those same victims and operating in their
We are not afraid of addressing "the
elephant in the room". Failure to admit to its existence and source has been the
bane of many generations of people and so we propose that the seven billion of
us each take a bite out of the elephant, until there is nothing left of it at
all, but a sad reminder of the dishonesty and greed and cruelty and criminality
that has ruled this world "in our names".
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of
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