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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Stench Rising from Libby Montana AGAIN

One of my sons saved this young man's life after an auto accident a few years back.  I met him a couple of times.
He was UNARMED when he was shot outside of this woman's home. What lethal force or imminent threat of bodily harm could have justified this killing?
If it was me that did this shooting the way it was done they would lock me up and throw away the key, but this woman hasn't even been charged with manslaughter let alone murder, and was never even arrested. Something smells very rotten in Libby Montana government.
I even heard a rumor that he was shot in the back, not the chest. How about that Bernie?  When will you release the results of an autopsy? Or maybe you didn't even do one, and swept that under the rug?  HOW ABOUT SOME ANSWERS BERNIE?
Paul Stramer.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephan
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 1:13 AM
Subject: Uninvestigated Murder in Lincoln County

Hi, Paul

Here is a petition for you to send out to your list. Bernie Cassidy is at it again, and this time it is bad. Please sign this petition for the mother’s sake and to piss off Lincoln County. If you want more details, let me know. I am writing up a public records request for the mother to try and get some answers. It has been over a month and no one has talked to her family about the nature of the relationship between the mother in law and wife.

Thanks to everybody who signs.

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