By Anna Von Reitz
There are two (2) capitols in our country; the actual capitol is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; the so-called "Federal Capitol" is established in the District of Columbia as a meeting place for our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors to meet on neutral ground and conduct their business, which is and has always been, separate from ours.
The Official Language adopted by our Congress and by the original United States Congress (our American Federal Republic operating under The Constitution for the united States of America) is English. Not Legalese. Not Dog Latin. Not French. No use of any language other than plain English is approved for the purposes of our Government, nor is the use of any other language by Federal Subcontractors approved,
And misuse of any language for purposes of fraud, obfuscation, theft, misrepresentation, monopoly interest or other criminal mischief is prohibited.
We mention these facts because of the unseemly attempts by Russell J. Gould operating under an assumed name in a foreign language to "capture" any remaining assets of the bankrupted UNITED STATES, INC. which he imagines are up for grabs, along with the Federal Capitol holdings, long after we have already claimed these assets and accepted their corporation's debts as our credits.
The current situation speaks strongly to the confusion about where our capitol is actually located and the purposes we had in establishing two separate capitol cities.
The international peace process ending The War of Independence required implementation via the issuance of the Federal Constitutions to different service providers; these contracts and these service providers operate exclusively in foreign international and global jurisdictions that do not impinge on our land and soil jurisdiction at all.
To maintain this important separation of jurisdictions and functions, we established the capitol for the American Government at Philadelphia, and provided for a separate capitol for our Federal Subcontractors' use at Washington, DC. This was also the reason that we created the District of Columbia as a whole.
This is why Washington, DC, is historically referred to as "the Federal Capitol" and not simply, "the Capitol".
As such, the capture of Washington, DC, is meaningless, and the importance of the Federal Capitol overall is misunderstood by many foreign governments. The emblems, codes, institutions and practices of the Federal Capitol are all foreign in nature, and pertain to our Subcontractors, not to us.
We are in possession of the actual capitol and have maintained our presence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, prior to and ever after the establishment of the Federal Capitol.
Likewise, we live at peace and in accord with the Law of the Land, use plain English in our business dealings, and are not obligated to learn any foreign language or foreign law used by our Federal Subcontractors. Instead, they are required to learn and obey our language and our Law, and to honor their service contracts.
They are otherwise subject to immediate deportation and are no longer owed any accommodation under the Residence Act.
This is merely common sense, as the Federal Subcontractors received their delegated powers from us and have continued to receive their paychecks from our largesse.
Now that the UNITED STATES, INC. is no more, we have specifically vacated their service contract and are not accepting any offers to act as Successors to contract under The Constitution of the United States.
The lapse and default was entirely the result of incompetence, malfeasance, and lack of performance on the part of the Subcontractor; we consider any Treaty obligation fulfilled.
Ditto the U.S.A. Incorporated, which has engaged in illegal latching upon our people to serve as press-ganged British Territorial U.S. Citizens more than 200 years after press-ganging was first declared illegal, and despite the fact that both slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since 1926.
The misadministration and general criminality of the U.S.A, Incorporated, its breaches of trust, fraud schemes, and violations of its service contracts, together with its frequent bankruptcies, together with the fact that we never contracted with any incorporated legal fiction entities at all, leads us to conclude that they are in default, even as presumed Successors to The Constitution of the United States of America.
As the change to an incorporated service provider was never anticipated nor authorized by us and as we were never given proper Notice and opportunity to respond to these alterations and changes to the very nature of the service providers, we consider that the resulting default in breach of trust and violation of their service contract has been willful on their part.
We declare any obligation we had under Treaty to accept the services of the British Territorial United States of America, to be fulfilled; the default, the fraud schemes, the lies, the predatory abuse, and the misrepresentation we have suffered at the hands of the British Territorial Subcontractors speaks for itself.
They have willfully defaulted on their own service contract, have received Due Process concerning their failures to perform, and we consider any Treaty obligation on our part to be fulfilled; we have claimed their debts as our credits and their assets, which are purloined assets actually belonging to us, must be returned by the offending banks without delay.
Our American Armed Forces have been redeemed and lawfully converted into a true national military instead of a mercenary force and both the branches of the Services and the individual members of these Services, are no longer obligated to serve as commercial mercenaries inducted under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.
They are to receive their pay and benefits from the American Federation Treasury, and not from SERCO, which is not a designated Paymaster for our Government.
The banks, including the Central Banks administered by the Bank for International Settlements are under demand to provide an accounting of all American assets and must willingly return our assets and our credit to our control "upon request" ---which has been made.
We may, at our leisure, reconstitute and reconstruct our own Federal Republic to act as our Subcontractor and Service Provider under an updated version of The Constitution for the united States of America.
We are not accepting a British Territorial "Republic" as a substitute for our own.
Until our restoration of our own Federal Republic, the Federation of States that delegated all these "enumerated Powers" to our respective Federal Subcontractors, will be calling the shots, controlling the budgets, and providing ourselves with whatever services we deem necessary.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
October 8th 2024
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