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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, February 7, 2025

International Public Notice: Hey, Elon!

 By Anna Von Reitz

While you are desperately trying to cut enough fat out of the UNITED STATES Corporation bankruptcy --- remember that there are two ways to make money in this situation --- you can save it, as you are trying to do, or you can recoup it.  

There's more to recoup than there is to save. 

Remember, too, that all physical assets belong to living people.  All the gold and silver in all the Central Bank vaults came from private sources --- and we have the provenance and the proof needed to recoup all those assets that belong to Americans.  

Turns out that quite a lot of the world's physical assets, especially bank assets, belong to Americans.  We'll be happy to give a one percent honorarium to the Trump Administration for its assistance auditing and re-securing the off - ledger Master Account assets that belong to us.   

One percent may not sound like a whole lot, but when you consider the immensity of the value locked up in those accounts --- accounts that can't be accessed without our help --- it's a more than fair proposition.   

Please arrange to have a couple of your Auditors sit down with us for an afternoon.  

All you can do is cut, cut, cut.  We can bring the bread and meat back home, where it belongs.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 7th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Simple Truth

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, understand that The United States is not bankrupt.  A Municipal Corporation in the District of Columbia calling itself "the United States" --- Incorporated, is bankrupt. 

Second, settling the bankruptcy of this corporation requires shutting down (liquidating) or taking over (merging) all the various agencies and departments that were part of it.  

Third, this same bankruptcy requires that there be a complete and competent audit of the accounts and financial status of each component department or agency franchise. 

Approximately two-thirds of what has been operating as "the Federal Government" is on the chopping block, and Donald Trump has no choice about any of this.  

What we are seeing is not a coup.  It's not vengeance.  It's not Donald Trump on a white horse coming to save anyone. 

This is all action being taken to sort out the bankruptcy of a "governmental services corporation" and the only thing unusual about it, is the sheer size of the corporation and the amount of abject corruption, waste, and criminal activity being discovered as a result of the bankruptcy process. 

Keep in mind that USAID and the scandalous information pouring out of that popped pimple is just one relatively small account system among hundreds of such administrative units.  

So buckle up, Buttercups, and prepare to see the bottom of the Swamp and all the Swamp Creatures fully exposed and flailing around in the mud.  

We are not sure why this is apparently coming as a shock to so many Democratic members of Congress -- the bankruptcy began over ten (10) years ago.  It has been a Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy from the start.  Exactly what we are seeing is the known end result. 

So why go stand outside the Treasury Building in DC in the rain and shout slogans?  And why blame or credit Donald Trump?  Pope Francis is the one who pulled the plug. 

This information is vital and needs to be shared as widely as possible, so that people are not misled into cult worship of Donald Trump as the Great Deliverer.   Or Pope Francis, either. 

The Pope was acting to protect the interests of the Roman Catholic Church.   Donald Trump is acting as the CEO presiding over the bankruptcy process. 

We are the endlessly defrauded employers of the bankrupt and criminally mismanaged corporation presently being liquidated. 

All this is as simple and hum-drum as rain falling from the sky, and it has no shade of political meaning, though it will have a political result.  And economic results, too. 

Approximately a million and a half federal employees will end up on the streets looking for other work.  The smart ones are getting out now and taking advantage of Trump's offer of eight months of severance pay. 

Some departments and agencies will get cut more than others, depending on the work they do and their past performance.  Out of 10,000 USAID workers, only 297 are being retained by Marco Rubio.  Enough said. 

While the eyes of the nation are focused on the financial corruption scandal that is just getting started, remember that we are the ones who were defrauded and disserved--- along with all the innocent people worldwide who needed money from USAID to drill water wells and build roads and so many other worthy things --- and who got funding for Terrorists and Drag Queen Musicals instead. 

We ask that the corporate veil be removed.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 7th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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International Public Notice: Missing the Point

 By Anna Von Reitz

This past week has revealed unprecedented corruption and waste administered by just one agency --- USAID.  Instead of being aghast, instead of being outraged by the way money appropriated by the U.S. Congress as Foreign Aid was spent, the vitriol in Congress and especially coming from the Democratic Party is all about form and not about substance: claims that Trump doesn't have the right to examine how public money is being spent, claims that Elon Musk has conflicts of interest, all sorts of foaming-at-the-mouth talk about  "a coup" and a total disconnect with the views and emotions of the people of this country.  

Most of the graft and payola, over ninety percent thus far, went to Democratic politicians and causes and worldwide Leftist-Marxist front groups.  No doubt they desperately want to focus on form instead of substance, because the substance is utterly damning. 

It may come as big news to the British Territorial U.S. Congress, but not only does Trump have the right to poke his nose into how money is being spent, every American left on this Continent has a similar right.  

While they have all been secretly using our private assets as public trust assets, they've forgotten that they have no right to do that. The corruption has been institutionalized until they have forgotten who the assets actually belong to and who they work for, too. 

Everyone has their pet peeve issue and bones to pick as a result of these discoveries.  Is it the millions of dollars spent on illegal biowarfare research?  Or the subsidizing of the Mainstream Media Press?  Our Top Pick in the Most Irritating Corruption Contest goes to the 68-plus million dollars donated to the World Economic Forum:  

After months of listening to the Davos crowd swaggering around reminding everyone that they are rich and privileged and we aren't, it comes as an especially irksome pill that they have been spending our money on their political agenda, and blowing off their mouths and telling us what to do ---- on our own ticket.  

A quick runner up would be all the Rent-a-Riot money given to the FBI and George Soros.  Now we know who paid for all the pallets of bricks delivered to riot zones in 2020.  We probably paid for the gas and dish soap, too.  Heck, we probably paid the rioters to get off their couches. 

A third place, at least in our hearts and minds, is the $114 million paid to the American Bar Association --- $113 going to payola described as "executive compensation".  

We say shut it all down, but beyond that, we say arrest those responsible.  Don't hand it off to Rubio for a scrub down and new management.  Get rid of it all and make the House of Representatives responsible for the appropriations they make.

This past year has seen two landmark Supreme Court cases affirming principles of law established for over a hundred years --- principles that hold the members of Congress responsible for  administering the legislation they create; this fundamental aspect of legislative power cannot be passed on to agencies or department personnel.  

If the British Territorial Congress is responsible for the interpretation and administration of legislation they pass, are they any less responsible for the proper administration of the appropriations they make?  

Stay tuned.  

The lack of accountability and any shred of plausible deniability is coming to an end.  

Once the media wakes up from its payola-induced blind stupor and goes back to work, they will quickly discover that Mr. Trump has no choice about almost anything he is doing:

(1) Trump has no choice about savage cost cutting and wholesale downsizing of the "federal government".   

(2)  Trump has no choice but to perform these audits as part of the settlement of the Municipal United States Corporation bankruptcy. 

(3) Trump also has no choice about prosecuting the criminals who have abused positions of trust for their own personal benefit. 

The Ax Man could be named Donald Trump or Felix Frankenfurter. 
The tasks would be the same.  The outcomes would be the same. 

Both the desperate attempts by the Left to "reframe" the issues and the grim presentation of the facts by the Trump Administration, have failed to address the fundamental crisis--- the role of faceless, nameless unelected bureaucrats and the bottom line result for everyone concerned.  

Each funding appropriation the Congress makes has to identify the source of authority for that appropriation and describe the purpose of that appropriation.  Musk hasn't begun to get down to that level of analysis, but when he does, people will see the other side of this coin: the failure to provide aid to people in desperate need. 

No water pumps and sanitation facilities for Sudan and Chad and Mali and the Congo.  No rebuilding of port facilities in Somalia.  No early childhood reading programs in most of the world.  No modern hospitals, either. No safe housing in Haiti.  No colleges in Nigeria. No improvements to the electrical grid anywhere.  Money that was appropriated for good works and meaningful progress was instead just frittered away. 

We are outraged for the people of this country, but we are sad for those who were cheated out of help they really needed, by these worthless criminals, ideologues, hypocrites and grifters. 

Round them up. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 7th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

International Public Notice: Knowing Genocide

 By Anna Von Reitz

From the time of Plato until today, the Evil Ones among us celebrate their cruelty and misdeeds, celebrate their lies, and celebrate the idiocy of the Good People, who put up with them. 

Look up Darwinian Chemical Systems, the precursor of Moderna, as exposed in this epic tirade from Dr. David E. Martin: 

These organizations are still being funded by evil nineteenth-century proponents of Social Darwinism -- Cecil Rhodes, Lord Pirbright, and Henry Wellcome --- through trusts and endowments that these nasty men left behind.  Bill Gates has merely followed in their footsteps. 

All these Endowments and Foundations need to be shut down as criminal organizations, and the assets of these persons need to be confiscated as criminally-connected assets and returned to provide therapy and care for their victims. 

Social Darwinism was founded on evil implied ideas attached to the concept of Evolution, the concept of "survival of the fittest", and the purported "science" of Eugenics, allowing men to play God. 

Self-evidently, men are not competent to play God. 

The meddling, arrogance, recklessness, profit-driven self-interest and lawlessness of Cecil Rhodes, Lord Pirbright, and Henry Wellcome was never adequately countered during their lifetimes, so their pernicious beliefs carried forward to the next generations via the institutions and funds they left behind ---and, ultimately, they and their religion of superiority and avarice inspired Bill Gates and his insanity today.  

Misanthropic ideas or beliefs, memes, cause diseases of the mind and heart, just as defective genes cause malfunctions of a physical body. 

It's time for "Eugenics" and the ideas attached to it, to go down to dusty death and permanent discredit; it's also time for superiority complexes to be recognized as dangerous pathologies and dealt with as such.  

If Bill Gates thinks that the world is overpopulated, he can begin the purge by volunteering to inject himself with a lethal poison.  Otherwise, he can stand trial for what he has already done to other people.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Now consider this information brought forward by Dr. David Cartland: Pfizer received over 158,000 adverse reaction reports within two months of the release of their Covid product --- and didn't care, didn't issue a recall or sound any alarm.

This was a knowing, reckless act of genocide, exacerbated by the corporation's continued assertions that their product was "safe and effective".  

Safe and effective for what?  Apparently, safe and effective for the psychopaths intent on murdering and maiming innocent people for profit --- and doing it in a supremely cowardly way. 

Even if any freedom from liability guaranteed by a now-defunct Congress could be deemed valid, the obvious bad faith involved would nullify any such contract or public obligation. 

Read that -- even if Pfizer was not held liable for the injuries caused by the contents of the vials, which is a great stretch of the legalistic imagination, they can be held liable for failure to disclose the high rate of adverse reactions and danger to the public, and also for misrepresenting their product as being "safe and effective" when they had good cause to know that it wasn't. 

Arrest the CEO of Pfizer and all senior officers and all Board Members; charge them with intentional crimes of homicide and democide, crimes of reckless endangerment, crimes of murder for profit, conspiracy for unjust enrichment, conspiracy against the Constitution of the United States, crimes intentionally creating a Public Health crisis for profit, crimes violating the standing laws against the development and deployment of biowarfare agents, crimes polluting the human genome, crimes resulting in permanent disability, crimes of illegal mercenary activity on our shores, crimes of criminal collusion with other pharmaceutical companies and vendors of related products such as PCR Tests, crimes promoting an enslavement racket via ownership claims advanced against injection recipients redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as "Transhumans", crimes attempting to deny these victims Human Rights, crimes of premeditated malice and unlawful operation of a corporation. 

Throw the book at these individuals, strip them of any benefit of the corporate veil, confiscate their personal fortunes, homes, and assets, and hold them fully, individually, commercially and personally accountable for their acts and their omissions.  Confiscate all their ill-gotten corporation's gains, and all their personal property for the benefit of their victims. 

Return the receipts, minus the collection costs, to our sovereign government and our Federation Treasury for distribution to the victims and the victim's families.  It's a small drop, but it is a drop and also a meaningful deterrent action, putting teeth into the Public Law again. 

Let the confiscation of assets belonging to the Rhodes Foundations and Endowments, the Wellcome Trust, and the Pirbright institutions as well as the take-down of the Gates Foundation also begin.  

Confiscate every penny in every rat-hole and offshore location associated with these evil men and the organizations spawned by their misapplied wealth.  

Send the Fiscal Auditors and Collection Agents to London on behalf of the living people and sovereign governments of the world. Don't even bother with their courts or their Bar Attorneys;  confiscate the assets as pre-established debts owed to the sovereign governments that are left to bear the costs of lost population and damaged and diseased members of our populations.  

All government services organizations and incorporated "government" entities including the UNITED KINGDOM, INC. and Great Britain, and the England Company, were served with Due Process and International Notice, and warned that the price of their activities would be one (1) Trillion USD per American killed or damaged by the promoters of these actions.  

The debt is cured and insurmountable.  Liquidate these evil foundations, endowments, trusts, and related business structures and seize their assets for the support of their victims; the respective corporations can have no complaints, as they were fully informed of the consequences of their actions --- that is, their own demise.  

White Hats, Red Hats, All Hats on Deck, Alliance Members, Freedom Fighters, Fiscal Auditors and Agents, Law Enforcement Personnel, Bank Examiners, and any member of the U.S. Congress or the British Parliament or the European Parliament who doesn't want to be counted as an accomplice and sympathizer --- are encouraged to take prompt and effective action to collapse and eradicate these evil institutions and establish public education programs to discredit the evil and misguided and injurious ideas and attitudes that these men and these institutions have promulgated. 

We wish to see these guilty death-mongers who fancy themselves to be above the Public Law marched in chains through the streets, to have their names and faces permanently recorded in a Hall of Shame, within a Memorial dedicated to the millions of people that these criminals defrauded, betrayed, murdered and maimed for profit. And then we wish to see them executed in public, via multiple injections of the same crap they foisted off on their victims. 

We do not consider this a cruel and unusual punishment; it has always been the practice of living men to dole out punishment in kind.   

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 6th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Public Notice: To the White Hats, Red Hats, and Alliance

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please be aware that there is a difference between grants, patents and titles, which parallels actual ownership, use permits, and honorariums. 

Grants = possession and substantive ownership. 
Patents = use permits to business interests. 
Titles = honorarium use by worthy tenants. 

It becomes necessary to fully inform you that British Territorial Employees known to be U.S. Citizens have attempted to misrepresent their American Employers as their own Dependents.  

Acting under these self-interested and spurious assumptions, the same criminals who owe us good faith service under contract have established a number of foreign public trusts in our names and have illegally and immorally latched onto our American birthright estates, that have been unlawfully converted into so-called infant decedent estates and State Trusts ---- with nobody here being notified.  

As part of this usurpation, our erstwhile employees have also presumed to seize upon private family trusts and foundations, along with our land and money and corporate ownership interests.  

This in no way changes the fact that we are the heirs of our estates and also the "presumed" donors of these estates, which we have moved to recoup.  We have firmly stated our reversionary trust interest and wish to receive back our assets, credits, and good names.  That includes but is not limited to our family trusts and State Trust interests. 

While you have all been scrounging around and scratching your heads as to how to fund your operations and asking, "What happened to all the assets?"  And so far only come up with the idea of raiding the CIA's Five Star Trust or their China Development Fund, please pay attention to what we are telling you. 

All actual ownership and right of possession belongs to living people. Not corporations.  

The gold, silver, cash, stock interests, and land and soil belong to living people.  So does the positive side of the credit ledger represented by the AUTRIS account system.  

Think about it.  We have been compelled via legal chicanery and armed force under color of law to trade our actual goods and services in inequitable exchange for "Federal Reserve Notes" -- that is, Promissory Notes issued by private banks -- for over a hundred years.  

Even our credit is prepaid and based on substantive and material assets.   

We are obviously the people you need to be talking to and assisting in bringing forward a new monetary system based on truth of ownership and lawful possession of assets. 

We are the ones with the "missing" records and ultimate claims.

The bankers have had you all so deluded and twisted sideways for so long that seeing the forest and the trees may be difficult, but is nonetheless necessary.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 6th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Public Notice: Earth Expansion in Progress

 By Anna Von Reitz

It looks like Mother Nature is about to add her two cents to the public melee. 

For the last twenty years there have been earthquakes and geologic changes throughout Africa's Great Rift Valley, one of the oldest geologic features on any landmass on Earth.  

It appears that the massive geologic formation that caused the Rift Valley in the first place is now very active for the first time in a couple hundred million years, and that the African Continent as a whole is in the process of splitting apart along a longitudinal axis, which would create a new "continental island" composed of much of Eastern Africa and a new sea passage connecting the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean and South Pacific. 

This pulling apart of the African Continent could continue at its present slow and deliberate pace, or it could suddenly and cataclysmically rupture at any time.  

Nobody knows nor can predict exactly how or when this obvious movement will resolve and come to rest again, but the now gaping rift in the floor of the Rift Valley and a mammoth increase in earthquake activity in the Santorini Island area of the Greek Aegean are both self-evident indicators that the Earth is changing and this time, it appears to be expanding on both sides of the globe. 

We know that such Earth movements and migrations of land masses have occurred in the past and must assume that they are now occurring again. 

Vastly increased volcanic activity along both major underwater mid-ocean ridges for the past fifty years has contributed greatly to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane levels, and decreased ozone levels (which have also been harmed by ionospheric "heaters" like the HAARP antenna array) but may also portend an expansion of the Earth's girth.  

We have no control of this activity, are not responsible for it, and can't do much more than observe it and make damage control plans to the best of our ability --- including making informed decisions about infrastructure development and disaster preparedness. 

Imagine what happens when the rift in the Rift Valley opens up a sea lane between the newly created Island of East Africa and what will be the mainland of Africa?  The Mediterranean Basin will no longer be a closed system.  What sea level changes can we anticipate as the Earth re-establishes equilibrium?  What parts of the current land mass will be underwater?  Which parts will rise up?  What effect will the new Island have on existing land masses in the region?  

If the Earth increases its circumference by only a few miles, what impact does this have on day length, orbital velocity and pathways, and all the other factors that life depends upon?  

It's as if, while we are consumed with political mayhem and corruption on every side, the Earth is quietly reminding us of her eternal importance and evolution --- with or without our notice or approval.  

Many of the observable aspects of climate change are related to the increased mid-ocean volcanic activity and have very little to do with our activities at all.  The cynical attempts to make a buck off misrepresenting the situation as "human caused" and also to use this as an excuse to create coercive climate regulation authorities is the height of duplicitous arrogance at a moment when our humility and understanding is required. 

The Earth itself is undergoing a birth process that will impact billions of lives.  The least we can do is pay attention and plan to protect people and communities to the extent possible.  

For example, would it be possible to pre-build dams and water containment baffles in the Rift Valley to pre-empt catastrophically fast flooding? Or is the scale of such a geologic change simply too vast for our efforts to make any difference?  Can we project water levels involved in opening up the Mediterranean Basin?  Will the Mediterranean flow out, or the Pacific flow in?  What impact will this change have on sea levels worldwide?  

What, if anything, can we do to prepare for the unimaginably high level earthquakes and volcanic activity we can expect to be generated by the movement of a large chunk of Africa to the East of its present location? 

While the insane people working as government contractors scheme about controlling sea lanes and man-made canals (two more, one through Mexico and one of the eastern side of the Sinai Peninsula, in addition to the Panama and Suez Canals) the Earth is making her own plans.  

The government corporations and all their science nerds and experts have known about this situation as it has developed over the course of decades, and instead of being honest with the people of this planet, they have been so small-minded and maniacal as to keep it quiet and try to use the symptoms of this major geologic shift as an excuse to impose more taxes and regulatory systems benefiting themselves and their pathetic bottom lines. 

With the rift in the Rift Valley opening up and over 200 earthquakes in the Aegean, it's past time for both sovereign government officials and government services personnel to face facts and stop the gaslighting. 

In the past, during such large Earth changes, entire huge coastal plains have been submerged, taking millions of lives with them.  What are we doing to predict and limit similar losses now?  

There is a worthy project for DARPA, Mr. Trump, instead of scheming to make a buck on patenting illegal bioweapons.  And all the NATO countries can also get their heads out and consider what Mother Nature's idea of a new canal means for them.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 6th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

We are now shipping orders from the new mint in Indiana

 By Paul Stramer

In 2024 we started using the new mint in Indiana to stamp and ship our silver rounds. 

After receiving the first three orders and finding the quality to be even better than the product from the old mint we started taking orders for these new Divisible one ounce silver .999 fine rounds.

The new and much larger minting company has multiple facilities around the country including in Indiana, California and Nevada.

I now have a good working relationship with the new company and am making even more announcements about the improved way we are doing this business. Here are some of the things that are changing for the better for you, our customers.

1. The old 500 ounce minimum order is gone. The new minimum order is now 60 ounces

2. They will be very competitive in their price structure, and right now we are offering a price plan based on the volume of metal in each order. See below.

3. The shipping will be faster, and the wait time will be less than it was. Each order will be shipped with full insurance. I made my first 3 orders and all those orders arrived here for local customers and our stock. The total time from order to arrival was just 12 days for those orders. Since then we have had several large orders go out and be delivered within 2 weeks.

 Within a few weeks we will have the ability to place orders with the mint on line, and we just were told they now have a stock of this divisible round stamped ahead of any orders. That will reduce the lead time to just a few days.

These will be shipped from Indiana or Nevada depending on where the order is going, by UPS Ground, fully insured.

 We will still be accepting wire transfers, or cashiers checks like always. 

We can only lock an order after we have received the funds. Here is the formula we use to figure your price.

Go to this link on and look up the ask price of silver.

It's in the first table on that page. 

For a 60 oz. to 99 oz. order, take the ask price and add $3.95 for the strike fee at the mint, and our profit per ounce. 

For a 100 oz. to 199 oz. order, take the ask price and add $3.75. 

For a 200 oz. to 299 oz. order, take the ask price and add $3.50. 

For a 300 oz. order and larger, take the ask price and add $3.25. 

All orders over 300 ounces will be the same $3.25 over spot ask price.

Take that number times the number of ounces (100 or over) and then add $25.00 for each 100 ounce box for shipping.

Once we have your funds we will run this same formula to finalize the price with shipping.

Be sure to call us when you are ready to order so we can answer your questions.

When you call I will get your email address and send you the bank info for wire transfers or the mailing info for your payment. You can then reply with your shipping address.

If you have any questions here is my contact info.

Office phone  406 889 3183  8 AM to 2 PM and 4PM to 6 PM weekdays.

Cell  406 253 4257  when I am not in the office. Try the Office line first.   or

Thanks for your support over the years.  We are now open and taking orders.

Paul Stramer
