By Anna Von Reitz
From the time of Plato until today, the Evil Ones among us celebrate their cruelty and misdeeds, celebrate their lies, and celebrate the idiocy of the Good People, who put up with them.
Look up Darwinian Chemical Systems, the precursor of Moderna, as exposed in this epic tirade from Dr. David E. Martin:
These organizations are still being funded by evil nineteenth-century proponents of Social Darwinism -- Cecil Rhodes, Lord Pirbright, and Henry Wellcome --- through trusts and endowments that these nasty men left behind. Bill Gates has merely followed in their footsteps.
All these Endowments and Foundations need to be shut down as criminal organizations, and the assets of these persons need to be confiscated as criminally-connected assets and returned to provide therapy and care for their victims.
Social Darwinism was founded on evil implied ideas attached to the concept of Evolution, the concept of "survival of the fittest", and the purported "science" of Eugenics, allowing men to play God.
Self-evidently, men are not competent to play God.
The meddling, arrogance, recklessness, profit-driven self-interest and lawlessness of Cecil Rhodes, Lord Pirbright, and Henry Wellcome was never adequately countered during their lifetimes, so their pernicious beliefs carried forward to the next generations via the institutions and funds they left behind ---and, ultimately, they and their religion of superiority and avarice inspired Bill Gates and his insanity today.
Misanthropic ideas or beliefs, memes, cause diseases of the mind and heart, just as defective genes cause malfunctions of a physical body.
It's time for "Eugenics" and the ideas attached to it, to go down to dusty death and permanent discredit; it's also time for superiority complexes to be recognized as dangerous pathologies and dealt with as such.
If Bill Gates thinks that the world is overpopulated, he can begin the purge by volunteering to inject himself with a lethal poison. Otherwise, he can stand trial for what he has already done to other people.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Now consider this information brought forward by Dr. David Cartland: Pfizer received over 158,000 adverse reaction reports within two months of the release of their Covid product --- and didn't care, didn't issue a recall or sound any alarm.
This was a knowing, reckless act of genocide, exacerbated by the corporation's continued assertions that their product was "safe and effective".
Safe and effective for what? Apparently, safe and effective for the psychopaths intent on murdering and maiming innocent people for profit --- and doing it in a supremely cowardly way.
Even if any freedom from liability guaranteed by a now-defunct Congress could be deemed valid, the obvious bad faith involved would nullify any such contract or public obligation.
Read that -- even if Pfizer was not held liable for the injuries caused by the contents of the vials, which is a great stretch of the legalistic imagination, they can be held liable for failure to disclose the high rate of adverse reactions and danger to the public, and also for misrepresenting their product as being "safe and effective" when they had good cause to know that it wasn't.
Arrest the CEO of Pfizer and all senior officers and all Board Members; charge them with intentional crimes of homicide and democide, crimes of reckless endangerment, crimes of murder for profit, conspiracy for unjust enrichment, conspiracy against the Constitution of the United States, crimes intentionally creating a Public Health crisis for profit, crimes violating the standing laws against the development and deployment of biowarfare agents, crimes polluting the human genome, crimes resulting in permanent disability, crimes of illegal mercenary activity on our shores, crimes of criminal collusion with other pharmaceutical companies and vendors of related products such as PCR Tests, crimes promoting an enslavement racket via ownership claims advanced against injection recipients redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as "Transhumans", crimes attempting to deny these victims Human Rights, crimes of premeditated malice and unlawful operation of a corporation.
Throw the book at these individuals, strip them of any benefit of the corporate veil, confiscate their personal fortunes, homes, and assets, and hold them fully, individually, commercially and personally accountable for their acts and their omissions. Confiscate all their ill-gotten corporation's gains, and all their personal property for the benefit of their victims.
Return the receipts, minus the collection costs, to our sovereign government and our Federation Treasury for distribution to the victims and the victim's families. It's a small drop, but it is a drop and also a meaningful deterrent action, putting teeth into the Public Law again.
Let the confiscation of assets belonging to the Rhodes Foundations and Endowments, the Wellcome Trust, and the Pirbright institutions as well as the take-down of the Gates Foundation also begin.
Confiscate every penny in every rat-hole and offshore location associated with these evil men and the organizations spawned by their misapplied wealth.
Send the Fiscal Auditors and Collection Agents to London on behalf of the living people and sovereign governments of the world. Don't even bother with their courts or their Bar Attorneys; confiscate the assets as pre-established debts owed to the sovereign governments that are left to bear the costs of lost population and damaged and diseased members of our populations.
All government services organizations and incorporated "government" entities including the UNITED KINGDOM, INC. and Great Britain, and the England Company, were served with Due Process and International Notice, and warned that the price of their activities would be one (1) Trillion USD per American killed or damaged by the promoters of these actions.
The debt is cured and insurmountable. Liquidate these evil foundations, endowments, trusts, and related business structures and seize their assets for the support of their victims; the respective corporations can have no complaints, as they were fully informed of the consequences of their actions --- that is, their own demise.
White Hats, Red Hats, All Hats on Deck, Alliance Members, Freedom Fighters, Fiscal Auditors and Agents, Law Enforcement Personnel, Bank Examiners, and any member of the U.S. Congress or the British Parliament or the European Parliament who doesn't want to be counted as an accomplice and sympathizer --- are encouraged to take prompt and effective action to collapse and eradicate these evil institutions and establish public education programs to discredit the evil and misguided and injurious ideas and attitudes that these men and these institutions have promulgated.
We wish to see these guilty death-mongers who fancy themselves to be above the Public Law marched in chains through the streets, to have their names and faces permanently recorded in a Hall of Shame, within a Memorial dedicated to the millions of people that these criminals defrauded, betrayed, murdered and maimed for profit. And then we wish to see them executed in public, via multiple injections of the same crap they foisted off on their victims.
We do not consider this a cruel and unusual punishment; it has always been the practice of living men to dole out punishment in kind.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 6th 2025
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