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Friday, December 29, 2023

Public Service Announcement: Black Swan My Rump

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have been asked to comment on a report received today from Mike Adams, which observes the following:

"The mainstream media is now pushing a "Black Swan event" to take place in 2024, saying it will be a "national security event" with "high impact." They're already blaming China, Iran and North Korea, setting up the narrative in advance of the event.

The most likely form of such an event would be a cyber attack that takes down the US financial sector or power grid. The results would, of course, be devastating and could lead to widespread chaos and financial collapse."

No, No, No, children.  

The Vermin pushing this garbage are intent on pre-programming you to think that Russia and Iran and North Korea are responsible for atrocities that they intend to commit themselves to cover up their horrendous thefts and financial embezzlement and political malfeasance over the past 160 years. 

They needn't bother trying it, because we already have the records and those records are already distributed worldwide--- in hard copy, so.... no point in taking down the American financial grid or messing with the internet, etc. and causing a big brou-ha-ha. 

Your belief in their Big Lies would then leave you vulnerable to supporting their use of conventional forces --- your sons and daughters --- to attack these three remaining bastions of the human race that have not succumbed to the Raj. 

And so, they would manipulate you into fighting with and destroying people who you should be leaving alone, while you face the common and actual British Raj enemy that is occupying your own country and substituting itself as "your" government and stealing you blind and enslaving you in the process. 

Black swan? Hardly. More like a black crow that needs to be given a whack with a household broom and sent squawking down the road. 

You can't believe what the Media tells you, because the media is now owned and controlled by the Raj.  Their business is to sell you stuff, and if they have to lie to do so, well, guess what? 

Whether it is selling you on another World War, or selling you on the latest brand of chocolates or winter snow tires, it's all the same to them. They are gutless, soulless, self-interested, greedy, cowardly whores. So don't listen to a word they say about anything at all, or you will soon be "programmed" like Pavlov's dog and earnestly believe in pure drivel.

Do what we did in 1989 to our eternal satisfaction -- start thinking for yourselves, and turn the knob.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                 The United States of America

                  In care of: Box 520994

                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 28th 2023


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