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Friday, December 15, 2023

International Public Notice of False Claims

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our government is not absent, gone, or in interregnum. Our country is not the same as any foreign Municipal Corporation named after it. 

Recently, an old newspaper headline article dated 1927 has been circulated as purported "proof" that our country was sold to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Duponts. Harrimans, and Warburgs. 

The only thing bought or sold then or at any other time was a bankrupt foreign Municipal Corporation named after our country, operating in the District of Columbia, having nothing whatsoever to do with our country or our States of the Union and having no relationship with us, other than being a foreign government service provider under contract. 

Let everyone consider the impact of having your lawn maintenance company go out of business. 

Does this mean that you are out of business, too? 


It simply means that we have to either do the work ourselves, or find a new service provider.  

This example and dozens more like it, have resulted from the mismanagement of "federal" service providers as incorporated entities.  

The responsibility for this mismanagement and corruption rests on the British Crown, the Holy See, the British Monarch, and those individuals who bought these bankrupt corporations and continued to operate and manage them under False Pretenses. 

This country and its entire population have been grossly dis-served by these federal subcontractors, both the actual Principals and various purported Successors to contracts that they have violated and dishonored under pretenses of mercenary "war" and secret undisclosed registration practices.  

We have called for the liquidation of these Bad Actors for the benefit of those who have been harmed -- the American States and People and similarly impacted countries and nations -- who have suffered the outrages of the incorporated Imperial Raj that has been operating so-called incorporated Territorial (Mercenary) Governments immorally, illegally, and unlawfully here and throughout the world. 

We demand that these corporations be defunded and denied access to any credit of ours, any asset of ours, and any claim for remuneration of services not explicitly stated as part of our Constitutional Agreements. 

This means that we are not paying for defending any country but our own no matter what our erstwhile federal subcontractors claim or advise.  

We are not paying for any open borders policies or other misguided and unrealistic nonsense that our employees have proposed and agreed to. 

We will pay to have our Constitutions honored and nothing else. 

We are hereby serving Notice and Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to 

George W. Bush had no authority to sign any treaty or other agreement approving any North American Union or Open Borders Policy for this country.  His authority extended only to trade agreements and trade agreements do not extend to our national borders and similar subject matter. 

Likewise Joe Biden can commit himself and his employees of the White House Office, Inc., to the recent WHO "treaties", but he has no authority to commit this country or its people to any such regime, and we do not recognize sea treaties as being binding upon anyone but the corporations engaged in making them.  

We hold the General Jurisdiction and contemporaneous authority and we directly countermand all such agreements adversely impacting our country, our resources, and our population. 

If the British Territorial Subcontractor wishes to continue in existence, they need to close our borders and round up all the unlawfully present undocumented immigrants without further delay.  We authorize this expenditure and similar expenditures in support of our national security and our constitutional government. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 15th 2023


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