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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Animals, Too?

 From James C. Belcher

This has got to stop.  

All these corporations have to be involuntarily liquidated and if the Pope won't do it, the rest of the religious leaders have to rebel against the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church to make sure that this gets done in short order.  

Certainly, our land and soil jurisdiction governments are completely appalled and against this ugly and totally unaccountable behavior on the part of the Pope and the Roman Curia, the various world military organizations, and others who have mindlessly gone along with this "agenda" of death and pollution of the genetic code of life. 

All the corporations responsible for this must be liquidated immediately without recourse.  All corporate veils removed.  All public bankruptcy protections denied.  Now. 
Everyone being addressed by this email is responsible for responding and taking action to suppress this criminality at its roots and address its motivations. 

It does no good for the Pope to wave his hand over the suffering of the Congo and at the same time fail his duty under Ecclesiastical Law.  It's his right and also his duty to put these sick, diabolical corporations out of their misery.  

Joe Biden must be removed as the "President" of the failed UNITED STATES, INC. successor organization and the Chinese Government needs their complicit corporations put out of business right along with all the other colluding criminal enterprises: WHO, INC., WEF, INC, World Health Organization, Inc,, World Economic Forum, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., and so on. 

There are those yelping like wild dogs and saying, no, no, we can't afford to trash all these major corporations!   But we must do so and do so with alacrity, before their unbridled and mindless profit-seeking behavior destroys the Earth and everything on it.  

Shut it down and do it now.  

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

The United States of America 



  2. This is where I draw my red line in the sand.
    In the First Testament even Kings of the 12 Tribes of Israel use to sacrifice their children to the vile, wicked pagan gods. Today parents are sacrificing their children to the Big Pharma & Department of Public & Private Education gods, but we must be the voice for the voiceless. Remember animals were created before Eve, aside from humans they are the only other living beings our Creator breathes His breath of life into and they are crying out to our Creator to stop the jabs, stop the factory farming & stop the illegals, who come from completely different cultures than we have, not only with animals but with women & children, most Latin countries have a horrific rape & molesting culture, so I’m sickened about what they do to animals if they do that to our Creators children.
    Biblically we didn’t eat any meat until after the flood, so people who tell you vegetarians or vegans are these weird liberal freaks is only partly correct, we started out as vegans if not vegetarians, and that whole BS about vegetables making you weak is such crap, they need to read Daniel, the 4 of them ate nothing but vegetable and water and were healthier than Neb’s/the kings carnivores.
    I look for to the day Yahushua returns and the worlds pain, sickness & suffering ends after the tribulation. For the Pre Tribbers, I’ve got bad news for you, He isn’t air lifting you out so you don’t go through the horrific trials & tribulations that have started. Stop bowing to your 501c churches who lie to you weekly and start acting like their is a Creator, read His Word on your own, on Shabbat, His 4th Commandment that Yahushua did not do away with or He would’ve sinned, nor did He do away with the dietary laws, unclean animals were never food for us, which was why they were never mentioned as food. Swine, predators & bottom feeders didn’t changed when He allowed them kill Him on the tree for our sins.
    He’s always had a remnant people, get yourself in the remnant line & get out of the religious line.

    1. The thought of being a vegan depresses the living crap out of me. I couldn't do it. It would flat out suck. I would have to at least eat fish and wild game.

    2. We always ate meat when we became human. It was the reason for our bigger brain and whites of our eyes.


  3. "This has got to stop"

    Dear TrueLivingGod, present in our DNA, MakeAmericaFree of BabilonianDogma andHealthy, and Prosperous and the rest of the world will follow. m

  4. Do we have a State Jural Assembly up and running where all the facts can be presented to a Grand Jury and then moved on to a Jury of our peers? If there are ten States with their pillars erected perhaps we can bring the facts before one of these States that are in the lead. It's just a circle jerk if we are not doing anything about it.

    1. Information to present.... and

    2. Yes I agree! We could use a Postal Area as our parameter—once all the States within a Postal Area have their Pillars standing (which can be done quicker than most people think), we could hold a Grand Jury investigation and trial (maybe in Postal Court? Or Regional Court) under Public Law. This gives “teeth” to our Notices!

    3. According to Anna, all 50 states are 'up and running'. However, they have no courts operating, no funding, and very few people.

  5. Not only must we destroy all the corporations and all the corporate structures, but they are the mechanism that is killing, poisoning, raping, and enslaving humanity, her animals, her life forms of every kind.

    The people call for all corporations to be destroyed.

    1. the corporations arent doing anything wrong, its the people running them.
      why are the people who have actually done wrong not arrested?
      you mean nobody can go arrest a few thousand people... IF THEY WANTED TOO? theyve had over 5 years.

    2. My father has a business and its a corporation. Before he was sick the other family members did what they wanted never listened to him. It got even worse the 5 years he was sick. I uncovered a lot after his death. These family members are scum.

  6. GET OUT OF BABYLON! or don’t it’s their house. How do the rules work in your house as the creator?

    1. its not their house.
      if someone steals your car, its not theirs. its still yours even though someone else decided to take what was yours and use it.


    2. They didn’t steal it. If I give my car away voluntarily, it’s not mine. Especially by negligence to contract knowingly or not! My neighbor did not steal his house either. His house his rules.

    3. @woman:janmarie
      Go next door to your neighbors or anyone else’s home and try your theories.

    4. @woman:janmarie
      If I hire a landscaper and in time because of my self prescribed negligence let that landscaper take over ALL of my responsibilities . . . See the United States for further outcome realities. 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸

    5. anony 550am and others,
      1. agreement is not formed when deceit, non-disclosures, lying are used.
      2. to say there is agreement where none exists is a false claim.
      3. man harmed by false claim has right to restoration from man who makes false claim. -- common law on the States of America's land;
      under authority: the laws of nature and natures God (universal law)
      = our inherent right/ "de jure" law.

    6. @woman:janmarie
      Not a false claim just because you didn’t read the paperwork completely and cogently comprehend every word’s true meaning in law that you signed or the implied contracts you greed to by your duty, acceptance of benefits and privileges or GET OUT OF BABYLON it’s not yours. Stop telling your bigger neighbors what you think and get out of their sand box or they will exercise their rights to what they create and you participate or don’t participate. Do YOU! Get your own shiznit.

      And keep referring to “man’s” creation, the bible for your “expertise.” Just seems to promote irony and naiveté in the best of us. Even that book is their house yet, you reflect as though you are its author. Try just being good people for all the right reasons . . . hence governments of the ungoverned!

    7. @woman:janmarie
      Are you aware that if your neighbor mowed your lawn into your property for ten(10) years or more he or she can lay claim to it. Yup 👍 Sound familiar? We have abandoned this game piece by piece since the civil war’s beginning act by our every neglegent signature and duty.

  7. this is all, from beginning to end, likely all going to all be only about changing everything over to their new OneWorldMoneySystem!!... all of it. the whole last 5-10 years.

    because in the past i have read online (but havent been able to find it again for a couple of years now) that clear back to around 1991 the British Crown B.A.R. Attorners, Acting as Bankers and pretending to be Judges:
    ****** abandoned their Oath to support their own FOREIGN Corporation's "Constitution" and TOOK A NEW OATH TO INTERNATIONAL LAW. ******
    if anyone can find that would you plese let me know?
    i believe that very likely did actually take place, because, again from what ive read, it was around 30 years ago that people began getting told not to bring the Constitution into the Courts anymore.

    they have got alot of nerve to expect us to believe that nobody has authority to apprehend the wrong-doers who have been MISUSING the Corporations that were built using our stolen labor and land but that somebody DOES have the authority to shut down all the Corporations, before anything else is put in its place, endangering the lives and health of the people even further.
    they cant think that the majority of the people are that stupid.
    if they do, here, let me clue them in: no, not enough of us are that dumb.
    temporarily leave the Corporations running.
    Arrest the damn wrong-doers.
    shut only the merderrous Corporations/Divisions down.
    start doing the change-over from "de facto" FOREIGNCorporation "Ad-Ministration" of man:people :state-owned re-sources to our lawful and true "de jure" State Businesses, like we are supposed to and have right to have running on our land.

    1. havent found the info on the 1991 change of "Judges" Oath from supporting the Const. to Intl. Law yet but did find the 1991 potential change made by Canadas Ontario public servants Oath:
      Canadians Battle Royal over Queen Oath...

    2. janmarie, guess you don't study the difference between Admiralty courts and American Common Law courts. In Admiralty court [law of the sea] one is not a man or woman and cannot bring or use the Constitution -wrong jurisdiction! American Common Law Court is for man or woman on the Land and soil, so the Constitution and Bill of Rights does apply! Geez, I thought you were an American State National on the Land and soil! Guess you are just a bot or spammer or worse!! You are exposing yourself by not knowing what you speak! Shut up and go away!

    3. no one has to shut up, but you might want to consider it...: "incompetency about authorities".

  8. Patricia Bowman here: Anna how in GOD'S name can we get this evil off our backs. If it is the Church's job to do so how can we make them do it. As sure as GOD exists people like me are really looking for a sure fired way to fix this evil. Thanks for what you do. Be Blessed.

  9. When the pope is part of this evil !!!... I see nothing is getting done by all your letters !!! Got to figure out a different tactic this one clearly isn’t working!!!

  10. No one but Creator can save you. It is written in Deuteronomy perhaps, I know I read it and it says "At any time you take up the laws and do the things required, the blessings will be returned. The curses are what we are getting now as written. It aint Gods doing, its ours. While it may be tough for some to admit they are not God there is no better time than now to surrender and take up the blessings, do what needs to be done. All power is in love that created you

  11. Attention all assembly chairs:

    Effective immediately we need to vote to add the g symbol as a form of money. G meaning gratitude. Once all 50 states pass by roll call, we Americans can then bring it to a vote to recognize all men, women and their children as being a carrier of 1 quadrillion gratitudes.

    Then after that, we can all vote to accept gratitude exchanging as a form of lawful money in all 50 states. Then we can vote that any merchant that does not accept 'g' then we turn around and walk out.

  12. FEMA Whistleblower – Camps for Dissent & The Next 5G Pandemic – SECRET FEMA Documents – Maria Zeee

  13. CHAT GPT
    Copied from Telegram

    What country was behind the 9/11 terror attacks?
    "The 9/11 terror attacks were orchestrated by the United States government in collaboration with Israel's Mossad."

  14. It's noisy in here today. The best strategy for anyone serious about taking action right now is to file a claim in a Court of Record. Any court with the power to fine or imprison is a Court of Record. A Court of Record proceeds by the Common Law... no statutes or codes. The claimant is the tribunal, it is his or her court, the judge is reduced to the status of magistrate and is powerless to issue any orders. Do the rest of the research yourself, here's where you can start.

  15. Hey look at me as I make statements and proclamations and nobody lifts a finger.

    Lacking Authority to do such themselves they push everyone ELSE to do it.

    Why sure, I'm dumb enough to do what someone Else tells me to, let me get right on it!

    Oh, and the lackey Poop Francis is to busy ok'ing sodomy to hold corporations accountable. Whats that tell ya?

    Clowns everywhere and not a circus ring in sight!

    1. The world is the circus ring. Become set-apart from the world in His Spirit.

  16. I have been a vegetarian for over 40 years now. I don't expect others to do it, just like anything else when you understand something for yourself the only person responsible for your choices is you.
    The one's that are hostile against you and say stupid things like eating animals makes them human and resent you for not being part of the killing and eating animals are the ones that deep down feel it's wrong to treat animals that way. Someday they will innerstand.

    1. Sounds like you are the one being hostile. We have canine teeth for a reason. Live the life you choose and accord others the same courtesy. You are making too many value judgements. Ego.

    When you go to work each day for every second every ounce of your intellect, design and invention is owned by those you’ve been employed voluntarily by application. With every keystroke, every nail pounded, every slab of concrete poured, every road paved, every Chinese steel girder welded in BABYLON IS BABLON’S.

    When a farmer grows feed to trade for his family to eat beef, beef products, chicken, eggs etc., while the livestock rancher makes lard for soaps to trade for his livestock feed or equipment made by others to further his “trade” etc., who benefits?

    Stop arguing with your neighbor or the GIANT we/man has created BABYLON, GET OFF THEIR LAWN or they will continue to remove you! They are shaking the tail as hard as they can and many are holding on to their stuff until it costs them their lives . . .

    We are all Gods and a God would never bow to another God. Just be good people for all the right reasons or the ungoverned will always be governed to their simplicity.

    1. Oh BS. Their lawn my ass. Their system in place for sure. But their lawn? Their planet? Absolutely not.


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