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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

So-Called Republic of North America

By Anna Von Reitz

Anyone who believes any bull put out by anyone called "Rautshild" --- which means "Rotten Shield" needs their heads examined.  

These criminals have been preying upon us for 150 years and they think that they are so smart and we are so stupid that they are going to be able to make false claims of "abandonment"---- saying that we "abandoned" or "gifted" or "donated" our assets to these criminals---- and come in here and displace us as the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of virtually every incorporated entity on this planet INCLUDING all their banks.  

Alaska and Hawaii like all the "states" supposedly added to the Union after 1860 are not actually states, but states-in-waiting because there hasn't been a sitting Continental (land jurisdiction) Congress since then to enroll them.  But they do have contracts known as "Statehood Compacts" which are legally binding Treaties ultimately signed off on by the British Monarchs.  

This means that while none of these Western States are actually part of the land jurisdiction Union, they are nonetheless owed all the same rights and guarantees.
And as the actual Constitution was not vacated as the perpetrators of these crimes anticipated--- because we got busy and issued new Sovereign Letters Patent and forged agreements with new "federal" partners---- these pretenders are all "Secondary Creditors" and SOL (Shit Out of Luck for those younger than 40). 

No "Republic of North America" and no more Commercial Feudalism.  

End Game.  Checkmate.  

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger


  1. How do we defund the cancerous growth ?the revolving door banks funding politicians politicians protecting banks. Case in point Goldman Sachs buys president presidents appoints attorney general holder that says it's OK to big to fail or jail.
    Only army of organic men and women that know the law file claims against them breach of oath .

  2. Speaking of commercial feudalism the mega corporations paypal, google, y tube, among many are exercising full discriminating censorship on right wing nationals and letting left wing continue threats,doxx, calling your employer ect, ect.
    Clearly breaching first ammendment but
    You have to use Thair monopoly sign Thair 20 page contract or can't do commerce or communicate .
    Either we back up and regroup and start a new forum or the government must declared it a public utility and

  3. We built them and we can un-build them.

    People need to start taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions and beliefs. It's now or never.

    1. Have you recently heard the Executive Order Obama made before he left office. It's EO-13391, called "The Patriot Defense of Liberty Enabler Act".
      Just another in a bunch of other treasonous EO he made to undermine this country.

      The antichrist (Obama), is planning on using this to take down all Confederate monuments using the "Southern Poverty Care Center". They have a name for everything that suits their agenda.

      The Act, also includes all 10 military forts which they are planning on taking over and replacing them with militia from the UN. Additional troops are being brought in from Cuba. They will have an army of 250k men.

      When Trump signs the recision order for this, the clock starts ticking, and Congress can over rule the recision order within a month.

      I like to know how they can do this when we are now the main creditors and not them. They are also totally bankrupt. How does an insolvent Corporation, like the UNITED STATES keep making laws that go against itself. How do they make any laws, when they're in chapter 7 bankruptcy?

    2. Sorry, EO-13391 is entitled "Blocking Property of Additional Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe".

  4. Any one for GAB?

    And Google explains it this way:

    When right-wing trolls and outright racists get kicked off of Twitter, they often move to Gab, a Twitter competitor. Gab was founded by Donald Trump supporter Andrew Torba, who says it's devoted to unfettered free expression online.

    Exodus, out of Babylon-Twitter-Facebook? Only each of you can research and decide.
    In the Creators Law, Light, Love and Peace.

  5. I'm still trying to figure out if we the people have our government by the constitution for the people, assets or no assets and we have our own government and is not a corporation, why are we still in the hands of the corporruted gov Paul Ryan, who just took away our 4th admentment and is working with obama and the deep state. Where is the people's government and bad things are working against the people ?????

  6. It is all about contracts and jurisdiction. However "we" the people are at a disadvantage not understanding contracts. Anna for all the work you have done I still cannot get people to understand what you did. sorry but it is true. has a great video they made for PG&E meters that spy on you. but it applies to all the fraud.

  7. NO THIS IS ALL A RUSE OF THE SAME BAD DREAM OF THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD,IF ANYONE THINKS BUT DOES NOT KNOW BY 'NOW"NOT BOUND BY FATHER TIME LOOK IN THE MIRROR <DO YOU CAST JUDGMENT UPON YOUR SELF AND OR OTHERS ? THEN YOU WILL BE BOUND TO THE DESTRUCTION .If you choose to be discerning and apply sovereign self love in place of others laws ,then god helps those who help themselves ,because god is within each atom of ones body ,if one believes that externalizing ones beliefs is where others will care or lead you to heaven then look again its never been true in all times .The Pope. world bank, UN and everything hung from its fictional mental charter of bad mind and the blood of world genocide is on each of our hands if we choose to support any part of it! ANY ...the International criminal courts and the UPU are all joined with the false pope ,they all have to go ,nothing less,saving A lost past mental history of a republic America is yet another mental pipe dream .

    There is much Love Anna and Paul,Please serve god within ,use your power of persuasion for all those who you attempt to cover as if god is not present and watching his grand design,Give Notice to The false Pope for all to see and come to the light ,Be the horn of to which unseals the papal bulls, for all mankind in bondage.if one truly cares ,because even my enemies can be nice while setting me up for death.Demand the Pope declare his actual spiritual ordainment from god himself, He MUST sign-Declare ; Promettant de ne s'opposer en rien au Saintpere cela leur enlave toute autorite"If he doesn't then he and his bishops and deacons have no authority and the papal bulls are counterfeits on babies skins,Any man who claims to be a man of god who fears no man or deed when god is within his heart would know that the gospel is to be preached AS A WITNESS,not as a instrument of conversion of all nations Matt xx iii,(503 1(c) false religion,false clergy)

    1. Do not be foolish to support German Neology,rationalism,and or transcendentalism ,Go back and see Sanskrit then one will see the word in its most spiritual invocation of loving spirits.Everything else is witchcraft and spells of the dead and the wicked within ones inter-dimensions ,BLACKS LAW DICTIONARIES are PURE SATANIC SPELL BOOKS. If you desire some awareness of the forbidden fruit of the poisonousness tree then choose awareness within ,as you will come to see why those feelings reflect in your world of good and evil ,this is the key to the mirror , come to hear the 7th trumpet .mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? Eris the goddess of strife left the golden orb ,turned to the Golden apple ,scribed upon it "fairest"which Zeus awarded Aphrodite because he saw love was more powerful than Power or Glory. Many will shall run to and fro ,many shall endevour to search out the "sense"..That sense my brothers and sisters is the awareness of ones eternal self within your bodies ,gods temple ,the tree of life and the book of life has been yours freely ,yet can never be opened when father of time is worshipped in your minds,impossible .impossible impossible.Stop now ,time is only a false idol which speaks only to the dead about prophetic impeding future doom (Apocalypse).This is you if you choose to be your own Anti Christ .meaning you use the male side of reason that which conquers all loving mothers and children for the love of money and consumption! Nothing is sustained or regenerative without them. left hemisphere is male dominant,right hemisphere is female free,preserving and regenerative ,Anti Christ means the scales are never balanced ,look at the cross as a scale ,each side of the cross that is lateral represents that which resides between the right and left temporals(holy gates to heaven,burning bush(light) Aka god on a cloud redeeming all who see and know him) be happy remain present where god resides within each of you ,rescind and abandon out of father time,use time and you cast your selves out of the Garden of eden,where scarcity and famine for lack of daily bread ,the poisonous tree of knowledge bearing no fruit,for knowledge is the forbidden fruit .why because the word Know ledge denotes NO LEDGE , NO BALANCED BEAM ,THE SCALES ARE TIPPED TO THE MALE(left hemisphere only)AKA Western dream state not the Eastern dream state .WHICH CONQUERS THE BODY by internal war opposed to preserving the spirit like nurturing loving MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR INNOCENT CHILDREN. If you fill any type of form in life then you create bondage and images in your mind that mislead the spirit into thinking what it embodies is unloving and condemned.

      tongue of dumb siug?
      division of professing Christians sound doctrine?

      You will see that those who perpetuate unknowingly As it appears in this Cause need to embrace this article first then come back to the flock of blind men and woman lost and seeking all forms of redempotion,

      sound doctrine

      I have a precise awarness and ability of the correct sounds within me and I no longer twist the lord into false idols,

      Attorney=attorn= twist ,moving the wicked from one lord to the other.
      NO one did anything to you or your parents with paper ,that is still the bad dream that you fail to use your sacred sense of conscious awareness, back and forth in time is the most limited form of time travel ,but has serious irreparable damages to the soul when stuck in linear conceptual paradigms,concepts,and realms, A good example is if one travels in one straight line to drink a small tan colored bowl of water at the end of the desert otherwise one will perish and one cannot turn ,then 1 degree of blindness over that specif distance will surely miss the mark for those who are not free to turn the line ! NOT twist the line.
      one must be precise in life not general.


    2. Do not be foolish to support German Neology,rationalism,and or transcendentalism ,Go back and see Sanskrit then one will see the word in its most spiritual invocation of loving spirits.Everything else is witchcraft and spells of the dead and the wicked within ones inter-dimensions ,BLACKS LAW DICTIONARIES are PURE SATANIC SPELL BOOKS. If you desire some awareness of the forbidden fruit of the poisonousness tree then choose awareness within ,as you will come to see why those feelings reflect in your world of good and evil ,this is the key to the mirror
      Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? Eris the goddess of strife left the golden orb ,turned to the Golden apple ,scribed upon it "fairest"which Zeus awarded Aphrodite because he saw love was more powerful than Power or Glory. Many shall run to and fro ,many shall endevour to search out the "sense"..That sense my brothers and sisters is the awareness of ones eternal self within your bodies ,gods temple ,the tree of life and the book of life has been yours freely ,yet can never be opened when father of time is worshiped in your minds,
      impossible .impossible impossible.Stop now ,time is only a false idol which speaks only to the dead, prophetic impeding future of doom (Apocalypse) if you choose to be your own Anti Christ,meaning you use the male side of reason that which conquers all loving mothers and children for the love of money and or consumption! Nothing is sustained or regenerative without them. left hemisphere is male dominant,right hemisphere is female free,preserving and regenerative ,Anti Christ means the scales are never balanced ,look at the cross as a scale ,each side of the cross that is lateral represents that which resides between the right and left temporals(holy gates to heaven,burning bush(light) Aka god on a cloud redeeming all who see and know him) be happy remain present where god resides within each of you ,rescind and abandon out of father time,If one uses time then one casts one self out of the Garden of eden,leaving the mind of scarcity and famine for lack of daily bread ,the poisonous tree of knowledge bearing no fruit,for knowledge is the forbidden fruit .why because the word Knowledge denotes NO LEDGE , NO BALANCED BEAM ,THE SCALES ARE TIPPED TO THE MALE(left hemisphere only)AKA Western dream state not the Eastern dream state .WHICH CONQUERS THE BODY by internal war opposed to preserving the spirit like nurturing loving MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR INNOCENT CHILDREN. If you fill any type of form in life then you create bondage and images in your mind that mislead the spirit into thinking what it embodies is unloving and condemned.

      tongue of dumb siug?
      division of professing Christians sound doctrine?

      You will see that those who perpetuate unknowingly as it appears in this patriot Cause need to embrace this article below first then come back to the flock of blind men and woman lost and seeking all forms of redemption,

      sound doctrine

      Who has a precise awareness and ability of the correct sounds within ones self? no longer twisting the lord into false idols within the mind .

      Attorney=attorn= twist ,moving the wicked from one lord to the other.
      NO one did anything to you or your parents with paper ,that is still the bad dream that you fail to use your sacred sense of conscious awareness, back and forth in time is the most limited form of time travel ,but has serious irreparable damages to the soul when stuck in linear conceptual paradigms,concepts,and realms, A good example is if one travels in one straight line to drink a small tan colored bowl of water at the end of the desert otherwise one will perish and one cannot turn ,then 1 degree of blindness over that specif distance will surely miss the mark for those who are not free to turn the line ! NOT twist the line.
      one must be precise in life not general.


    3. Sorry my typing is lousy mixed with dyslexia which I learned the other day is caused by toxins that are released into our air From our car tires for the last 100 years ,and that all of our roads containing extreme amounts of bitumen has been for decades leeching out into our grounds,our water,air our brake pads, just imagine what we have done to each other, ground up every institution of the world bank and down to the meter made,we have been lieing to each other and we all thought knowledge served us ,but it really does make us stupid,They? them? look around ,look back at all the failed relationships,business failures because of internally corrupt people who meant well and wanted good things ,have children and really believe we are what children need to be ,honest and caring with values that carry one through life ,BUT folks I have been telling the truth of what I have experienced,that in which awareness of ones true self and good nature is abundant and blessing can be chosen at will because that is our birthright, happiness of being loved without conditions ,without wanting love, having always love ,just remember when one is so young and the sun shines upon ones faces and our family is beyond reason , complete bliss of being free unspotted by the mind ! We can have this by being present and aware of ones whole self,we are perfect,never judged ,by any ,its only the western dream state's.
      UNITED STATES OF America incorporated . You see all of our Dumb ass United mental states(small s) all practicing legal trades (undoing of gods laws)love) all persons(in their heads)fiction of mental false idols)u and me )in a place called America, where ones own human family are not all welcome ,and must speak only one language to be effective and sociopathic enough to succeed in the game of earth monopoly.the total gambling of ones life and family security ,just look at 2008 .Consuming 98% of everything processed or artificially prepared,No one made us do anything ..We are Mentally sick in a dual mind ...I healed myself of all
      dis- ease /I dropped time.Im out .

    4. We have lied to us all.This is OUR family ,Rothschilds,bush, ,Hitler,All of us that dont stop to heal others ,there deranged Natures are OUR deranged natures because we live with each other ,Ask any clinical psychologist and they will say 82% of the populations are pure sociopaths !!!was in fact not our doing ,nor theirs,because God is omni present and omni potent,And I as a most loving man who cares to be there when people pray for God to deliver what they seek within .God moves me with my heart and desire to serve that which flows through me for those who receive heal themselves and then look only for a witness, I receive more benefit than them regardless of when I was simultaneously losing my homes,my money ,my friends,my child! left with nothing else but my whole being uncovered by so much light that I only become more clear and the work becomes more frequent and turned to profound,money and food and shelter was always set in my path,I learned this at 26,

    5. I then learned if I chose clearly and aware of the present and kept my mind from projecting that everything I chose came in to view from my path and I became blessed with so much I could not stop it ,every time I tried it became more ,I couldnt even tell any one because they would say I was crazy ,even though I was filthy rich spending only change ,everything was beyond reason ,so I retired at 28. because whats the point when you dont even have to keep time ,thats when it happened ,I saw how chronological time ruins everything in ones nature by completely distorting everything as it appears in the forest in the water,in the wars ,all the bad history ,well I became so aware of what god showed me, that which I see outside of myself is in actual fact inside my spiritual being,and that I posses as much willing capacity as he does ,graven image .now I had to choose to stay here on this plane or go .So I lost my life twice and before opting out ,I grabbed it and came back for something unknown other that it was to be great ,My friends and I can move any supreme judge of 75 years ,I can break them in one sentence ,they will know exactly who sends me to do his work. ten pages of witch craft to take down the whole army of those wicked enough to twist and attorn in the light of us innocent people seeking only shelter when in need,trusting those who say they care and want to impress.
      Marily marily marily life is but a dream, such characters so well placed ,I became all of them and then NONE of them reappeared. ,I chose to be free of all casting of judgment from deep withing my heart outward to those I could have never known enough to even guess who they were and who hey were not.Everyone is guilty all day long about what one assumes/presumes what to think one see's in all faces in society ,unless you are entirely present and then its a sacred awareness and you see everything all at once and then you know what you are doing without any form or type of energy is needed ,its automatic ,it is beyond the mind ,Autowriting is part of this same place but that person is only aware of their hand, We need to combine our will in the present and I we issue international war-genocide Warrants for everyone top down who participated,submitted,financed ,voted ,looked the other way,indirectly out of total ignorance paid the govern MIND,because We all know ITS TIME TO LET GO OF THIS BAD DREAM COMMERCE KILLS OUR FAMILIES WHEN FATHER TIME rotates our mind in two different opposing positions which is at present why our humans family has this condemning mental illness of having a dual mind ,100,000.000 times worse than double vision, We worship dead idols like nike,starbucks and TELI VISION ,Teli vision is beyond wicked because we are fixated on watching ourselves so much of our daily lives ,what does that say ? looking for something hidden ,as if you cant find something about your self so you keep searching through all the images that look like they are flowing ,yet this is factually 100% hypnotic states overcoming your feeling unto your projected in mind with Tv land without borders of senseless mind.


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