Thursday, January 26, 2023

A Dollar Collapse Is Now in Motion – Saudi Arabia Signals the End of Petro Status


January 26, 2023

This past week, the dominoes were set in motion for dollar collapse when Saudi Arabia announced at Davos that they are now willing to trade oil in alternative currencies.


Brandon lives in the area and I have known him for years. His analysis is right on and if you want to survive financially you will take his article seriously.

The important thing is to take action now while you still have time to protect your wealth, even if that means small steps toward independence from the dollar.


  1. The House of Saud and the Jesuit Order were both founded by the same genetic group that follows the Babylonian Talmud to this day. NWO better beleive it

    1. i dont know what the house of Saud or the jusuit order is Who are they

  2. Always seemed fishy to me that prices always going up but peoples wages always getting behind. Like some long term plan to decimate the people and crash the money using the paper stuff

  3. So if Anna backed the dollar with gold how can it crash. It seems like if gold prices went up the value of the dollar would go up to? Does anyone know?

    1. The price of gold cannot change relative to a gold-backed currency, because the currency can always be traded in for a fixed amount of gold. That’s what “gold-backed” means. The “price of gold” only changes when the currency is fiat.

    2. simple concepts are complexed, to create confusion. thank you for making this basic concept easy to understand.

  4. A FRN is not a dollar. A dollar is a unit of measurement. So when Anna says she backed the dollar with gold it is the same as saying Anna backed a Kilogram with gold. Yaaay

  5. Who the hell do you think fixes the price of and controls the gold?

    Same crooks!


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