Friday, April 3, 2020

What does Elmhurst Hospital look like when the news cameras aren't rolling?


  1. 30 year reasearcher ole Demaguard hoes to all Falce .Flag. events and dissects them and can fortell when and were the next one will occure.says Mossad is behind everyone all over the world. This is no different kushner ,black cube , black stone finance all key players including Fed res tresuary trillions lifted repeat of 2008.cand from a baby we are defenseless in thair courts.

    1. yesyes Ole Dammegard he sure does predict false flags, who's behind them. He sure does. Anything from a 'shoe' seemingly randomly lost, to vehicles, media clues, examines scene images, patterns... Incredible! He'll name the locations, who's involved, dates.. Incredible. He knows its the jews.


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