Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Unavoidable Realization

By Anna Von Reitz

What if people have been taught to call themselves "Christian" just as they have been taught to call themselves "US Citizens" ---- to their own detriment?  What if the whole concept of "Christ" versus Jesus is just another substitution fraud?  

How else to explain how many "Christians" do nothing toward imitating Jesus, and make no real effort to follow his teachings?   

How else to explain the ugly doctrine of transubstantiation, which would have us believe that we are drinking the actual blood of Jesus from a Communion cup? Cannibalism?  Blood-drinking?  In the Church?  Really? 

How else to explain the gross commercialism of going to "confession", paying a fine, going out the next week and committing the same sins, going to confession, paying a fine ----- over and over again, with no change in heart or action?   

Why leave Jesus hanging on the cross as a crucifix, instead of declaring that the suffering is over and the deed is done?  

What if the confusion of The Kingdom of Heaven with "The Kingdom of God" is the same sort of deliberate substitution and deceit as substituting "the State of Wisconsin" for The State of Wisconsin? 

What if the confusion of the Roman Catholic Church with the Universal Catholic Church is also deliberate?  A matter of usurpation?  Just as "the" United States of America has masqueraded as The United States of America? 

What if the deliberate use of the endearment "Father" applied to Catholic priests is a knowing insult to our Father in Heaven?  A turning away from the Heavenly Father in favor of an earthly one----with feet of clay, no less?  

Substituting the "civil" government for the "civilian" government?  

Substituting the "boat" -- the amnion/fetal afterbirth -- for the baby?  

It's all part of the same thing.  Deceit. Deception. Fraud for gain.  This is the Kingdom of Satan in our midst, with all its glitter and emptiness, it's cruelty and oppression of Mankind --- and its not just limited to the "Christian" Churches or the government corporations.  

All these airy-fairy "belief" systems with all their arbitrary man-made codes and traditions and obligations attempt to ignore and evade and side-step and misinterpret the profoundly simple and inexorable laws of the Living God. 

Yet all the cruel deceits and lies fade away in the glorious light of the Truth, like darkness dispelled by a single candle, like a grease film removed from a dusty mirror.  

This is, indeed, a spiritual and mental battle, one in which the battlefield is our own mind and heart, a battle in which we are tested not for our brute strength, but our ability to discern the truth and make corrections accordingly.  

There is a brief scene in the movie "Secondhand Lions" in which Hub McCann tells his Grandnephew a profound truth ---- we should believe in things that are worth believing in, the things that are good and right and true. 

Our choices may be somewhat flawed, we might occasionally swallow a "whopper", but if we hold our religious and political beliefs to that standard, the deceits of Satan will fall.  The self-interest and dishonesty will be exposed.  The excuses made for violence and cruelty and lust and selfishness will be shown up for what they are.  

We should reject anything that isn't good, and right, and true.  Regardless of tradition.  Regardless of indoctrination.  Regardless of "what we've been told". Or how many generations of mankind have been fooled by these fakirs.  

America, sadly, is not the land of the free.  It is the land of the enslaved.  

We have been enslaved by gullibility and ignorance, deliberately dumbed down and trained to be good for nothing but gun fodder and emptying bedpans. That's the fact.  

But its not where we start from, folks.  It's where we end up that counts.  

We have begun a process that is as inexorable as rain falling and the sun rising, a process of awakening, of seeing---- and ultimately, a process of taking action against these evils in our midst.  


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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The Big Billy Goat Gruff

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember the story?  It was one of my favorites.  There is a troll who lives under the bridge.  (The Roman Pontiff. Literally.) This troll eats unwary goats and sheep passing over the bridge. 

So, first the Little Billy Goat Gruff gets caught by the troll and pleads for his life, saying, hey, my brother is coming soon.  He's much bigger and tastier than me. The troll sits back and decides to wait for the Middle Billy Goat Gruff, and the same thing happens--- hey, wait a minute, my brother will be here in a few minutes and he is much bigger and tastier than me.....

Again, the troll waits, slavering in anticipation.  Finally, the Big Billy Goat Gruff arrives and bounces the troll right off of the bridge, passes freely over to the other side, and joins his brothers.  The end. 

Okay, folks, your actual given family name is the Big Billy Goat Gruff.  It is the "Person in Being" --- Joseph Blow.  Just your first name and your last name, printed just the way you did it in Grade School, Upper and Lower Case. 

The Middle Billy Goat is your Lawful Person:  Joseph Alphonse Blow, when he is standing on the land, or could be your Legal Person--- also called Joseph Alphonse Blow, when out on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

The Little Billy Goat(s) are all the Municipal PERSONS named after you -- JOSEPH A. BLOW, JOSEPH BLOW, JOS. BLOW, etc.., which are easiest for the monsters from under the bridge to snack on. 

So naturally, these "trolls" who live "under the bridge" attack the easiest prey first --- all the Municipal Corporations that they have concocted and named after you.   Ah, but you are exempt under Title 50, Section 7, Subsections c and e, of the 2012 version --- which you are grandfathered-into, if you were alive in 2012.  

Oh, Mr. Troll, there has been a mistake.....

So trot on over the bridge and start grazing.....

Ah, but here comes your Middle Billy Goat, your Lawful/Legal Person, and the trolls come out and try to attack him, too, but you say ----

Oh, Mr. Troll.... the Doctor at the hospital made a mistake.... Joseph Alphonse Blow is the name of my Lawful Person, and as you can see, the Earth is solid under my feet.... 

And now we come to the best part of the story, when the Big Billy Goat arrives.

"Oh, Mr. Troll, I am Joe Blow, a man from Minnesota, and heir to everything in sight, including the land under my feet.   I am a Third Party, a civilian native to this country, and not the Subject Matter of any corporation or US military protectorate." 

Ka-thunk! Splash!

That's the sound of your actual family name, knowledgeably applied, hitting the Bar Attorneys squarely in the gut, followed by the sound of them landing where they belong --- in the water and headed out to sea.

Now, you are dealing with trolls and trolls will be what trolls are.  Bear that in mind and avoid bridges whenever possible.  Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.  Know whether you are a Little Billy Goat Gruff in Municipal Court or a Middle Billy Goat Gruff in Territorial Court or..... the Big Billy Goat Gruff holding your own sovereign court proceeding.

Strange as it seems, plain old Martin Hansen, hand-printed like a kid in Grade School, Upper and Lower Case, is the Big Kahuna.  For most people in any kind of court situation, this is the name to use.  All other names associated with you derive from it.  This is the name of the Being in Possession. 

It is neither wise nor necessary to belabor all the various names and jurisdictions.  When the Recorder calls out, "Is Martin H. Hanson here?"

"No, but Martin Hanson is."

Smile. If you listen closely, you will hear sphincters closing all over the court building. 

Some of us have our reasons for dilly-dallying with the other names and jurisdictions, but 90% of the people reading this and being forced to cross such a bridge would be better served by cutting to the chase. 

Martin Hanson -- Being in Possession

Martin Alan Hanson -- can stand for a Lawful Person on the land, or a Legal Person on the Sea; they always try to interpret it as a Legal Person, but you can rebut that and they are self-evidently in dry-dock.

MARTIN ALAN HANSON, MARTIN A. HANSON, MARTIN HANSON - Municipal corporations of one kind or another. 

Martin Hanson is the rightful owner of all these entities, but he has to claim them and declare their domicile on the land and soil of one of the actual physically-defined States of the Union.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

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Monday, July 29, 2019

The LAST 2 full days are upon us!

If you missed the notifications below on Friday...

There's 2 very time sensitive topics here:

1. If you haven't yet secured your Founder's Club position...

There's just 2 full days left to claim a lifetime of rewards.

(Those who joined on or after July 1st have their 1st 30 days.) 


So don't miss out...

Imagine getting a piece of EVERY
Auto-Wealth coin we ever sell...

You CAN!

But you need to hurry because entry
is limited to the 1st 100 Achievers.

Review this PDF for all the details.

2. Remember, beginning on August 1st we will start our regular $20 one-time set-up fee and $15 monthly for the Wealth Platform to become an Ambassador.

Now is the time to get everyone you can in so they, like you, will Save the $20 and lock in on the $9.97 for life instead of the regular pricing. So...


Here's To the Wealthy Life!

- Quick Silver

Facts of Ownership

By Anna Von Reitz

The word "ownership" in Legalese does not denote the same thing as the popular meaning of the word.  An owner in legal terms is a custodian, a care-taker of someone else's property.  

The Federal Government is an "owner" in the legal sense of all the public land in the Western States, as an example. The actual Possessors in Being are the living people. It all actually belongs to us -- but we have all these middlemen organizations acting as "owners" and the custodians have not been competent --- and in many cases, they have not been honest. 

Let me give you all an example that is important in the current situation.  The Territorial United States of America purchased the land mass of the Philippine Islands "for" us.  They used our assets to buy the land, and the Philippines became our literal property in the same sense that Alaska was purchased and became property of The United States of America.  

It's still our property.  Literally.  Just like buying a bicycle. We have the receipts and the sales agreements and that's that.  So why does nobody know this?   

In 1934, the US Congress operating in Breach of Trust, created an "independent government" for the Philippine Islands "for us", so that they could foist off their Trustee responsibility for our gold (which had been stashed there prior to all this) on this new government they created. 

So they created the Government of the Philippines, and then pretended that they had no further relationship with that Government by calling it "independent".  Is a franchise "independent" of a parent corporation? 


So once again we are looking at a shadow show of players acting "for" us on the world stage, often in their own self-interest, and often dishonestly.  You will also note that they play "both ends against the middle" ---- we are the actual owners and they are misrepresenting us, which results in confusion and false claims and all sorts of mis-administration at home and abroad. 

The people of the Philippines think that they have an independent government because the US Congress said so, but in fact, what they have is a Territorial Government.  They also think that the land of the Philippines is theirs free and clear --- and it's not.  

People also think that aside from the Japanese attack on Attu Island in the Second World War, American holdings were untouched.  That's also not true. Everything that happened in that theater of the war affected our property assets in the region.  And still does.  

When such major historical facts are unknown or ignored, everyone concerned is left playing with half a deck. 

Whose gold was cashiered in the Philippines?  Ours.  Whose assets were used to purchase the land mass of the Philippines?  Ours.   Not "the" United States.  Not "the" United States of America. 

The United States of America.  Unincorporated.  

So all this is bunko of the con artist kind, the by-product of people and organizations acting "for" us in Breach of Trust and criminal collusion.    

We still own the Philippines and we own the franchises and the gold, and God knows, we have paid more than enough for it, too, both in terms of lives and assets. 

It would be a Big Mistake for the US Navy to think that we have been asleep and that we don't know these facts and don't know who transported our gold to the Philippines and who orchestrated the creation of the "independent" franchise Government of the Philippines.  We know.  We have the receipts, the treaties, all the various agreements made "for" us and in our names.  

A similar go-round has been launched with the Russians making claims to own Alaska.  That's bogus, too.  They think that because "the" United States goes bankrupt or because "the" United States of America goes bankrupt, that they are in position to claim our land.  Sorry.  

The Territorial Government used our assets to buy the land mass underlying Alaska.  They bought it "in our names" and they paid for it with our money in gold.  We have the receipts.  We know what went on.  We have honored the property of the Russian Orthodox Church which was grandfathered-into these agreements and that's as far as it goes. 

Alaska, like the Philippines, belongs to The United States of America. Unincorporated. 

The Roman Catholic Church claims that the Creator is the actual Being in Possession to whom all the assets belong; I am prepared to go that far and agree.  I didn't create the Earth, so it isn't mine.  It isn't theirs, either.  And thus far I see no reason to trust the Bishop of Rome to be the Chief Custodian.  

No matter what else you see or believe in this melee of cross-purposes, greed, religious beliefs, cover-ups,  and so on, it is clear that the Pope and the Boys have made a tremendous hash of things in their rush to take over the world "for Jesus" by any means fair or foul.  

Killing for Christ doesn't make sense and any sane man who ever read any teaching attributed to Jesus would know that, just as oppressing and murdering and debauching people "for" America isn't credible, either.  

Like Gandhi said --- and I paraphrase broadly --- I love Jesus, but the Christians, not so much.  These purported Christians don't act like Jesus, they don't practice what they preach, and they show precious little respect or compassion for anyone else, so, what's to say about that?  It reeks of hypocrisy.  And Bad Faith.  

And so it does. 

Just as "Christ" has been used to cover up and paper over Jesus and his actual teachings, "the US" has been used to cover up and paper over America and Americans.  Those operating "for" us as middlemen have had a very different set of values and agendas, which makes us look like what?  

Hypocrites.  Liars.  Thieves.  Untrustworthy bunko artists.  Or worse. 

The Church itself has practiced Christian Communism as its form of government, with terrible results and corruption, just as the openly secular forms of Communism have failed.  It all sounds good, but it doesn't work.  To work such a system requires the free will acceptance of sacrificing everything to the Church, and also requires that the Church be trustworthy --- which it self-evidently is not.   No human institution is.  Such absolute power corrupts absolutely.  The ego and the base instincts take over and that's that.  

Failure to recognize the failure is what it is, is what dooms us.  It's not the mistakes we make. It's our failure to face up to our mistakes and make correction that causes the actual problems --- nothing else.  It's also what prevents us from finding answers.

The Queen and her system of things is just as bad.  They have claimed that the whole world belongs to the British Monarch by right of conquest, but their conquests are based upon criminal fraud.  Since when do the rest of us have an obligation to bow down to thugs?  

So both the priests and the monarchists are claiming to be the owners --- custodians --- of God's Property and cutting the rest of us out of the picture, when in fact, according to the Bible --- which they claim to regard as holy scripture, we are collectively the owners and custodians of God's gift to us. 

And we are doing a wretched job as custodians of ourselves or anything else. 

Why?  Because certain Parties have not lived up to their obligations and have not taught people to be good caretakers, have not encouraged self-government for selfish reasons, and have instead sought to create a populace of ignorant and helpless dependents in order to facilitate their own manipulation of our lives and our assets to suit themselves. 

The Queen doesn't own Australia, Canada, or much of anything else.  She certainly does not own this country, though she has usurped upon us and manipulated things so as to achieve a de facto kind of coup via Breach of Trust and improper exercise of delegated power.  

With these facts about ownership in mind, let us strive to own ourselves first, and our States second, and our country third.  This is more than enough for all of us to "own" and be responsible for.   

I have a home where I live and I have a cabin where I like to live in the summer though I haven't had that opportunity for several years.  

It is an unfortunate fact of life that we can't be in two places at once.  So we can't actually own the Philippines and we can't actually own Alaska if we are in Louisiana.  There are limits to physicality and actuality that we all have to respect.  

As a result, all this talk and bargaining and claims and counter-claims is nonsense, and what we really need to do is learn to take care of ourselves, our families, our land, and what's right in front of our faces.  We need to accept what is naturally ours and give back to others what is naturally theirs. 

The United States of America -- the unincorporated Federation that actually owns everything --- does not propose to steal anything from anyone, anywhere.  In the same token, we aren't going to stand here and be raped by a bunch of pirates and disloyal employees and foreign corporations acting as middlemen. Our interests are ours, bought and paid for, and we are presenting ourselves accordingly.  

Any claim that we are "dead" or defunct or incapable of operating our own business affairs is bunk.  And it has been adequately rebutted right here.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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The US Navy Conflict of Interest

By Anna Von Reitz

What? The US Navy is in conflict of interest? Say what? Believe me, you are not the only ones in a state of shock over this bombshell, but it is nonetheless true.

The US Navy is in conflict of interest. It always has been. It's not the Navy's fault. It's the result of deals that were cut between the Brits and the Americans in the distant past.

After the Revolution and during the peace process, both the British and the Americans were left in a bind.

The Americans had a giant commercial fleet but no navy to protect it. We had raw materials to sell. The British had need for those raw materials for their industrial era factories. Our commercial shipping was being cut to ribbons by privateers, which was a stumbling block for both countries.

So we made a deal with the devil, George III, and the British Monarch became our Trustee "on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways".

When the Navy is at home port, say Fort LeJeune, for the Marine Corps, which is attached to the Navy and under Navy Command, the Navy is free to be American as apple pie, but when it hits the High Seas or ventures up the Mississippi, they come under the jurisdiction of the Queen.

And it has always been that way ---- a residual leftover from the 1700's that has never been addressed again, thanks to the Pope's sleight of hand using the "civil government" to replace the civilian government, and the Queen's cupidity acting in collusion with the Roman Pontiff.

Knowing this key fact about the US Navy helps explain why the Lusitania was sunk in international waters, why the Carrier Fleet left port in Hawaii, but the rest of the Fleet took it in the shorts at Pearl Harbor, and why the Navy has been armed with the latest and greatest scalar people-and-animal killing technology --- and the ground forces have been left to be ---- well, part of the people-and-animal contingent.

This is also why, strangely enough, we can thank God and our lucky stars for our supposed enemies, the Russians and the Chinese, who have developed counter-measures of their own, and who won't stand by helpless should the US Navy deploy their killing technology. Thank God, too, that at least some of us woke up and poked the United Nations where it hurts.

Under numerous United Nations treaties that Britain signed, including treaties involving Environmental Modification and Resonance Weapons and the use of Nanotech and Biologic Vectors in warfare, the US Navy is limited to testing these weapons on the "domestic" population. They were going along testing at will and using our country and our people as Guinea Pigs with a free hand, but then, some of us raised our hands and observed the obvious --- hey, we aren't domestic with respect to them!

So their activities have been curtailed and limited to the narrow zone of land along the sea coast and navigable inland waterways. When you see the vermin in Congress trying to declare a "200 mile inland Constitution-free zone" you now know why.

The Queen has been playing us, and the Lord Mayor of London and the Pope have been playing her.

It so happens that we, The United States of America --- the unincorporated version, have a mutual protection treaty with Russia, which Russia remembers. So as long as these idiots are attacking the actual American People, officials at the UN are forwarding the information to their home governments, and the Russian Government is honoring its obligation.

So, in a nutshell, that is why the US Navy has, through no fault of its own, a built in conflict of interest-- and also the reason why it has so often been abused as the tool to create murder and mayhem in conflict with the actual best interests of America and Americans.

This is also why Mr. Putin keeps a very sharp and jaundiced eye on all US naval operations, including the recent submarine incident; and now that he is fully clued-in, it is also the reason that Donald Trump is better off with Army body guards. No offense to the Marines, no offense to the Navy --- but both are compromised by this conflict of interest.

All the officers throughout the military might as well know it and everyone involved needs to do their best to deal with it, both politically and practically, and also needs to remember that it is the Russians and the Chinese that are holding our backs and preventing the Queen and the Pope from unleashing truly devastating technology against us.

Friendly governments around the world are also protecting us through their diplomatic agencies and recognizing the fact that we are not a domestic population of the United States ----- we belong to The United States of America, instead.

Please note that the Pope and his organization does not allow for any other unincorporated government to remain standing --- including the British Monarchy. So colluding with the Pope on all these various activities is also a game which the British stand to lose.

Finally, everyone from the Pope to the Queen to the US Navy Admirals and everyone else on the planet, needs to understand that the legitimate and actual government of this country is vested in the living people, who as Lawful Persons known as the People of this country, operate the States of the Union --- The United States of America, which is also unincorporated.

The United States of America is the actual name of this country and we are doing nothing wrong, nothing insurrectionist, nothing against any treaty or constitution, by assembling our States and reclaiming our land and other assets from the military Protectorate established by the Pope and the Queen under false pretenses.

We are simply restoring our lawful government and encouraging everyone else worldwide to do the same. Ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people ---- not a government of the corporations (persons) by the corporations (Persons) or for the corporations (PERSONS). We are not members of any reptilian religious cult masquerading as "Christianity" and we are not volunteering to serve any such "holy cause" nor donating our assets to the Roman Catholic Church as Paupers in need of any salvation.

Now that we have all of that settled and on the public record, we are prepared to move on ---- and clean up this Mess.

The Jokers in Washington, DC, running the Pope's franchise operations on our soil, need to be held feet first to the fire and told to observe the parameters of their ten miles square kingdom, to get back into their box and stop making false claims in commerce. They owe us a tremendous amount of credit and they owe us the return of all our actual assets, too. Ditto the Queen.

If the American Military doesn't understand anything else, they need to understand that fact and back our lawful and legal claims.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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The Lion and the Crocodile

By Anna Von Reitz

People ask me how I can continue in the face of such apparently monolithic deceit, evil, and ignorance. 

Have you ever had to clean a really, truly filthy garage?  

By the time you are a great-grandmother you have dealt with a great many unsavory tasks and daunting situations.  My attitude is--get out the mop and bucket.

That's what needs to be done and there's no help for it and nobody to do it, but us--- you, me, and all the other folk who call ourselves Americans.  

Can the Chinese do it for us without starting WWIII?  The Russians?  The Germans? The Brits? 

Sorry, no, they all have their own Mess to deal with. 

There are things that you have to do all by yourself, and though others may lend support-- you are the one that has to go front and center. 

So, here we go, over the top. 

There is another, deeper, reason, too. 

Ever seen a face off or a fight between a lion and a crocodile? 

The lion wins. He retains his title as the King of the animals.  Why? 

Because he knows the Crocodile's secret. 

The crocodile has unbelievably powerful jaws when biting down, but very little strength to open his jaws in the first place.   

The lion uses his fore paws to keep the crocodile's mouth shut and drives his own powerful teeth into the crocodile's throat. 

We are lions of God. 


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Short Reply to Thomas "Tank" Williams

By Anna Von Reitz

When Kim first appeared on the scene, I thought --- "Thank goodness!  Someone to help sort through this mess from the banking side!" 

I am not a banker.  I am a fiduciary.  Those two facts should, taken together, add up for you in the proper order:  I have a responsibility of a fiduciary nature owed to my country and all the other Americans, but I am not a banker, so I am not in "competition" with any banker, and I don't desire to be a banker, either.  

Thank you, very much, I have more than enough to do without learning everything there is to know about banking, too.  

Basic justice and honesty is all I require and all that I am interested in.  

Unfortunately,  my experience with Kim has been deeply compromised and tainted by the fact that I gave her two names of actual trustees who stepped forward and bonded themselves to act in that capacity for the benefit of the other people those trusts serve ---- and what did she do?  

She rejected them out of hand without doing due diligence, responded with some whackjob claims of her own based on the residual holdings of the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska, and when I replied to those, I heard nothing more from her.  Not a word.  

Next, those two trustees were viciously attacked by "federal" operatives, and have had to spend the last two or three years of their lives fending off false charges and acts of violence. The coincidence is a bit too improbable.  I gave Kim their names, and now these innocent, God-fearing, honest, compassionate people who gave up their own rights as beneficiaries so that they could serve as trustees ---- they are being attacked.  

Hello?  Do I look stupid?  

Why in the world would I give Kim any other names when this sort of thing is the result?  It's pretty obvious, isn't it, that Kim wants to be "the" Trustee and the military wants to work with just one Trustee, because working with the actual people who ARE the legitimate trustees --- in other words, doing the honest thing --- is just too inconvenient.  

The Private Trustees who have come to me for help in navigating the morass of the present system deserve far better treatment.  They are the ones that have voluntarily offered to give up a portion of their lives and their share of the assets to help deliver the benefit of those trusts to others and they are being hounded and harassed for one reason: I gave their names to Kim.  

So go figure why I won't give her any more names and won't support her bid to legitimize the Manna World Holding Trust.  

And please note, that I am the one who actually told you all that "the" United States is not the same thing as The United States, nor is "the" United States of America the same as The United States of America.  Please show the respect and do me the honor of not feeding my own lessons back to me and pretending to the audience that you are better informed?  

Until the military comes to heel and accepts the civilian government of the States and People, there is nothing more to talk about.  

I am not going to be played for a fool or have my Office disrespected by my employees and that is that.  

I was more than willing to accept help and to work with Kim and do my part to straighten this mess out.  I observe the results of my attempts to do so, and that is also the end of the story.  

If you want relief from your situation, you need a whole new attitude, and you need to be honest about the provenance and ownership interests attached to the assets underlying the world banking establishment. 


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

For Ernest

By Anna Von Reitz

I already have a system worked out that far surpasses anything (QFS) the military has --- fast, secure, yet transparent so far as transactions go, completely un-hackable and alien to any systems presently in place, deployable worldwide, accessible for everyone, free to private parties, fees paid by corporations according to their size and net income, far better than the present internet or Google, designed for secure commercial and banking transactions....... but instead of talking to us in an open and forthright way, they send me military "planners" and mathematicians who have already failed to provide such a system, who nose around trying to get the technology for free and to dictate how we can use our own invention.  

The plain fact is that we have been lied to about mathematics just as we have been lied to about everything else.  We "can't get there from here" as a result.  The QFS system is a bomb.  It leaks like a sieve and is of very limited utility.  Last I heard, they could run it for six minutes a day.  Try to run the world's financial needs on six minutes a day.  Any questions as to why the system they have doesn't work and isn't secure and has a host of problems they can't solve?  

Kim and her sidekick "Tank" keep on talking and explaining away, but they can't actually do what they say they can do.  She only has half the keys.  And she doesn't know who the "male" counterpart is, so they are stuck there, too.   She doesn't even know enough to know that she HAS a male counterpart.  She doesn't know how the system she is trying to work is actually set up and she doesn't know why.  I do.  LOL.  Go figure.  God has a great sense of humor.  Maybe its payback for my lost career as a mathematician?  

But all these people think that they are the Big Wigs and the Controllers and the fastest, smartest, etc., etc., etc.---- so I just let them go along and fritter away and stew in their own juice and wait for that magic moment when they realize that they are getting nowhere and aren't going to get anywhere by themselves.  Then maybe they will humble themselves and come see Grandma and I can help them get back on the road. But only if they ask nicely and act appropriately going forward.  I am not in the business of suffering fools and I don't appreciate being taken for one, either.  

The key to all of this, is honesty, Ernest.  All these people have been trained to lie and pre-conditioned to lie.  They think that's natural.  They think that they are doing it in "the national security interest" and blah-blah-blah, but they aren't.  They are deceived by forces outside themselves.  They think that their need to control things and approve of things overthrows the basics of common morality --- like the simple fact that taking someone else's assets without their voluntary and free permission is theft.  The military has been going around confiscating whatever they like for so long that they have forgotten common decency and the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are still in full force and effect.  Thieves are thieves and putting some pretty top-dressing on it and making excuses doesn't change that. 

Liars, cheats, gossips, false witnesses, thieves, murderers---- are all abhorrent to the Living God.  So when the military confiscates the world's financial backing assets from private individuals who are innocent and honest, guess who God turns against?  The military.  That's why despite the Nazi's firm belief in "Gott mit uns." they lost the war and were trampled and defamed.  They forgot the basics.  They forgot the Ten Commandments.  They forgot the rules.  They forgot common decency.   The same thing will happen to our military if they don't repent and start dealing with a full deck.  The Laws of God are all like the Law of Gravity.  Ignore them, and you fall flat on your rump.  

Doing this and doing it right requires bringing the actual owners and trustees of the "legacy trusts" to the table and dealing with the FACT that the military doesn't own those assets and whatever claim it has to controlling those assets is naturally subject to dealing with the owners of the assets in a moral and respectful way.  There are those who would have you believe that the world's assets are owned by monsters, all controlled by the evil Illuminati Banking Cult Families---- and that therefore, the military is justified in taking all their assets and setting up their "meritocracy system".    

First, tell me how they are going to set up a system based on merit, when they have forgotten things as fundamental as "don't steal other people's property" ----?   Are we talking about the "merit" of being the best, most creative crooks?  Or the "merit" of telling lies for a supposedly good cause?   For example, if I hear one more Big Whopper about climate change, I think I will just throw up in public and divert attention to more realistic things. 

Second, tell me what you believe all that crappola about the evil Illuminati Banking Cult Families?   The truth is that the bankers work for the military and the military works for the Pope and the Queen in the western world.  All bankers are military bankers, except for the very few who do function as private bankers.  Even the Queen is a military banker for the Pope under the Commonwealth System.  So if you have a problem with the bankers, by definition, you have a problem with (1) the military and (2) the Pope and the Queen.  

95% of the mismanagement of the banking system lies squarely with the military.  We are living under a largely British-controlled military Protectorate and have been living under these conditions for over a hundred years.  Our Navy, our Marines, and our Coast Guard are not our own.  We "entrusted" all those functions to the British Monarch and the Pope (Coast Guard) under our delegated authority and the British Monarch is in Gross Breach of Trust and so is the Pope. So, add two plus two plus two plus two..... and what do you get?  

The bankers and lawyers have been busily bilking and plundering and pillaging us at the direction of our own military, which in turn has been misdirected by the Queen, who has been acting as a subordinate and collaborator of the Pope and the Lord Mayor of London.  They have suborned the civilian courts and replaced them with "civil" courts and military tribunals instead.  And then, acting under color of law, as if this were anything but a military dictatorship with a veneer of political control covering it, the military has been confiscating our homes and telling lies about us and betraying our interests in the name of the "Law of Necessity".  

They haven't been protecting us and they haven't been upholding their Oaths to the actual Constitution, either.  It's right there in front of our noses and it is up to us to put it right back under their noses.  The military controls the banking system, so don't blame the bankers.   If the military wanted to solve the foreclosure crisis in this country, it would be solved tomorrow.  If they wanted to honor their agreements made in 1933-34 and make good on the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges they promised us, the "National Debt" would evaporate like morning fog. 
Instead, they just want to lie, lie, lie and control, control, control.   And we all know who the Father of All Lies is, don't we?  We all know that the Living God gifted us with free will, don't we?

Remember what I said about the Ten Commandments being in full force and effect?  Remember what I said about the inexorable nature of God's Laws and getting knocked down on your rump if you forget? 

There are Illuminati Banking Cult adherents, but the majority of the people who actually own (and are owed) the world's banking assets are ordinary people.  Farmers.  Indian chiefs. Housewives.  Those are the people that the military doesn't control and therefore, the people that the military is afraid of--- and the people that the military is stealing from.  The Illuminati are a piece of cake, co-conspirators, willing lackeys who happily jump as high as the military wishes them to jump in exchange for a cut of the profits.  It's the rest of us, who have the odd idea that since we pay the military, the military should indeed be subject to our civilian government --- not the "civil" government --- as the Constitutions require. 

They have justified or tried to justify their Endless Protectorate by pretending that the need to "reconstruct" the original State-owned corporations doing business as States of States was of paramount importance and that our government ceased to exist and was in "abeyance" while we sorted this out and established new "Federal" corporations.  In fact, no such thing is true. 
Our States, which delegated all federal authorities, are still here, still competent, still able to "assemble" and conduct business.  We simply weren't informed fully by our employees.  In fact, we were deliberately not told the truth and not assisted by our employees, who have instead taken "the bit in their teeth" and run roughshod over the entire world "in our names" and at our expense.  

So the truth of the matter, Ernest, is that: (1) the military has made a hash of things; (2) they are having a lot of trouble facing up to this fact and are afraid they will be found guilty of treason and other crimes; (3) they are compounding the problems they have caused by not being honest and not accepting civilian --- as opposed to "civil" control; (4) they don't know how to solve the banking problems or solve the systems requirements for a new global banking interface; (5) both the Queen and the Pope know that their misdeeds are discovered, so they are circling the wagons and tightening the purse strings, (6) and though I can help them sort this all out, they need to approach all of this in terms of conciliation and mutual benefit and (7)  in full view of the necessity of giving up the Culture of Lies and Commercial Feudalism.  

Given their belief in lies and their enthusiasm for plundering everyone including their employers, this adjustment back to civilian control and respect for the actual Constitution and the Ten Commandments, is a hard bowl of ice cream to swallow.  


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