Thursday, August 17, 2017

Immunity to Lies and the Lure of Power

By  Anna Von Reitz

There are many, many kinds of lies.  

It strikes me that I should review the basics for everyone.  

There are outright old-fashioned lies that people tell and they can tell them to achieve something or they can tell them for no very substantial reason at all ---- like Fish Stories.  

These old-fashioned lies run the gamut for lying to your wife about working late to lying to your best friend about what you are doing on Saturday.  People often tell such lies to avoid unpleasant consequences or fights or just to avoid hurting someone else's feelings or causing them worry.  

These latter variety of "lies in a good cause" have been called "noble lies" but in fact there are no noble lies.  

Lies about your weight, your health, your intentions, your job status, lies designed to impress others, lies to make others like you, lies to make others respect you, lies to make yourself look good, lies to avoid punishment, lies to excuse bad behavior, lies to gain something material --- a promotion, a new car, a good seat at the movies -- all these sorts of lies are common as dirt.  

These lies are simple and driven by petty circumstance.  Most people engage in them so constantly that they don't even notice they are doing it:  

"I have to comb my hair!"  

Well, no, you don't really "have to".

As I just demonstrated there are lies that are built into the very fabric of our language and we take them for granted and pay no mind.  This is a mistake, because it dulls both our minds and our morals.  It is the proverbial slippery slope that begins with small lapses of meaning and logic and progresses to full-blown whoppers and insanity.  

So much for normal, everyday, run-of-the-mill lies that everyone engages in at one time or another.  

There are also lies by omission and half-truths.  

If you knowingly leave out important information that logically causes someone to believe something untrue, that is a life by omission.  Typically the guilty party will say something like, "Nobody asked me about that."---- and just as typically, they know full well that they should have spoken up and included that missing information: 

"I am not going to Des Moines Friday morning," may be a perfectly true statement, but if its made to avoid giving someone a ride to Des Moines and you go there Friday afternoon and run into them walking down the street, we will all know you lied by omission.  Technically, what you said wasn't a lie, but the omission of "but I am driving in early Friday afternoon." deliberately gave a wrong impression of the actual circumstance. 

There are also half-truths for advanced liars.  The classic is Satan telling Eve she wouldn't die if she ate the apple ----  not right away.  And there are deliberate semantic deceits.   

FDR was a very advanced liar, and apparently, his whole family engaged in lying and deceptive word play for fun and sport, to sharpen their wits, and ultimately, to defraud millions of innocent people.  

Theodore Roosevelt launched the whole American Conservation Movement as a "cover story" excusing government interference in resource management, so as to enrich the federal corporations and manipulate commodity supplies--- especially of minerals and oil.  It had nothing to do with scenic vistas. 

FDR and his "Governors" (also known as Franchise Managers) bankrupted the United States of America, Incorporated, and just conveniently left off the word "Incorporated" so that everyone assumed our country was bankrupt--- arguably one of the largest lies by omission in human history.  

They then proceeded to pledge "the good faith and credit of their states and the citizenry thereof" and nobody bothered to explain that "their states" were territorial "states of states" --- federal corporation franchises merely named after the actual states of the Union-- and the "citizenry thereof" was limited to the federal franchise employees, their actual dependents, black people who never received state national political status, political asylum seekers, and federal corporations.  

This Grand Slam and very purposeful series of semantic deceits allowed the bill collectors of foreign banks calling themselves "US Trustees"--- another Big Fat Lie ---  to come into our country and collect bills from millions of Americans who never owed them a dime.  And FDR sat there in the White House complimenting himself on his brilliance, smiled, and gave comforting Fireside Chats to the victims of his gross deceit.  

Similar word deceits like this have played a major part in our history from the very start.  Ever ask yourself why its "The Articles of Confederation" instead of "The Articles of Federation"?   That one was back in 1781, only five years after The Declaration of Independence.

Or, the office of "President of the United States" versus "President of the United States of America"?

Or Oregon versus Oregon State versus State of Oregon versus STATE OF OREGON versus OREGON?   These semantic deceits are used to confuse and and to deceive and to promote mistaking one entity for another, in the same way that a crook might call himself "Caleb D. Watts" and commit crimes, leaving the actual Caleb D. Watts to do the time.  

That is the actual history of America --- crooks deceiving us and also deceiving the rest of the world, doing infamy and accruing debt in our names--- and then skating away and leaving us to pay the price of their sins.  

This is the way it has been and the way it will continue to be until we all (1) learn to be much sharper about the nuances of names and language and (2) learn to recognize lies in all their forms and guises.  

Some of the biggest lies are promoted in the name of expediency and convenience.  

The entire concept of time is exactly such a lie.  

God gave us the gift of an eternal present in which to live, which is the "alpha and omega" we call "now".   So it is exactly and perfectly true that we all live in Him, the physical embodiment of "Now" which is where both past and future meet, the true Zero Point, both the beginning and the end of all that went before and all that may come after.  

Mathematically, physically, in every way you can think of---- time does not exist.  

It never has.  

It is not really August 17, 2017.  

To the extent that "time" can be conceptualized and measured in terms of any physical parameter, only God knows what time it is.  

Yet, billions of people on this planet take the concept of time very seriously.  They measure it like fine gold.  

They set their clocks by it and measure seconds of a substance that doesn't really exist.  They use it to organize their every moment --- when they are born, when they awaken, when they go out, when they go in, when they go to work, how long they stay at work, when they go home, when they go to the movies, when they go to bed and when they die.  

And it's all a Big, Fat Lie. 

We live our entire lives in one moment --- now.  The past that once existed is gone the moment we pass through it, and the future that beckons is just a calculation of probabilities. 

Money is another such Big, Fat Lie.  

Money, even money that is a commodity in-and-of-itself like gold, is just a symbol of value ---- a lie.  

The Queen of Babylon realized that a basket of wheat and a gold coin had the same perceived value in the local marketplace, so instead of hauling baskets of wheat back and forth, why not stamp the image of a basket of wheat on a gold coin and call it good?  Trade baskets of wheat using coins to symbolize them? 

Money was born.  

No single "lie of convenience" has ever caused more trouble or mental confusion. 

Via this practice of trading one value for another, "symbolizing it", people have become habituated to think of money as the "ultimate commodity"--- the one commodity that can be translated into any other commodity.  

But in fact, this all hokum and only by force or agreement.  

People in this country were gradually forced to accept "legal tender" laws as a result of being fraudulently involved in foreign bankruptcies.  The specious "Congress" got up one morning and said, oh, by the way, you have to accept our I.O.U.'s as being equal in value to your silver dollars..... 


You will find it in black and white in the "Emergency Banking Act" of 1934, in which they granted themselves full access to all the gold and silver in your treasury in "equitable exchange" for their paper promises to pay, which were also drawn off your credit. 

Got that?  

Let's see.... I will use your credit to buy a loaf of bread, and then, I will use your actual assets, your gold and silver, to pay off the credit account, and in exchange, I will give you a piece of paper (which I also had printed and charged to you) in exchange for the bread, the gold and silver, the credit, and the printing costs.  

That is what has been going on in this country since 1913 and all around the rest of the world, too, but everyone has been so confused about what money is and is not, that nobody complained.  

Most recently the rats responsible have saved you some money on the printing costs by trying to do away with cash and going to "digital money"----but as always, their concern is not to benefit you.  It's to make erasing your financial records and resources ---and the their debts--- more convenient for them.  Without cash or some other physical symbol of money in your hand, it's just a quick walk over to the computer console, a single click on the right key, and poof!  

There went your life's savings, your college fund----and their debts, all in one flash of binary code.  And how will you prove what you had in the bank when it happened?  And how will you prove who did the awful deed and just callously erased all the hours of your life you were forced to trade for their pieces of paper and digits created out of thin air?  

The real "financial disaster" everyone has been waiting for, has already happened.  
It happened when Americans blindly trusted the members of Congress and mistook the Board of Directors and Trustees of foreign corporations as their representatives.  

These vermin have looted our treasury long ago and they have amassed huge, insurmountable odious debts and charged them all to our accounts.  Now they are trying to pass it all off in bankruptcy----claiming protection for themselves that they don't deserve, as all this was done in fraud and with malice aforethought --- and when their creditors have come to collect, they have opened the door wide and pointed at us, our copyrights, our patents, our bank balances, our pensions, our bodies and our souls which have been bought and sold without our knowledge, our homes and our lands and our businesses. 

Well, folks, they are claiming that you are "dead" and that you "abandoned" your assets and left it all to them and that you did this all voluntarily.  

All those deposits to what you thought was your bank account?  No, that was "donations" to their corporate franchise named after you.  

Your house that you labored for?  And thought was yours?  Ah, no, that belongs to HIM, too, and since he is a "ward of the STATE", all HIS assets are being liquidated to pay their debts.  

That mortgage that you believe was your mortgage?  No, that's HIS, too.  And the escrow account where all the mortgage payments went?  That's HIS, also, and since HE never collected the account, the bank just seized it all as abandoned funds. 

If you should have any questions or complaints about this, their Bill Collectors wearing black robes and pretending to be judges, will be happy to prove to you that you actually have no interest in the disposition of HIS property.  

People often try to bribe me in ways both small and very large, sometimes subtly, and sometimes grossly and obviously.  Hey, Judge Anna..... just look the other way..... Hey, Judge Anna.....this isn't really so bad, it could be good if..... Hey, Judge Anna, if you just did this, you could be so rich!  

Yes, I could be rich.  I could chant the lies.  I could be powerful in the ways of the world, too.   Boy, I could make those digits fly and "do myself a favor" in the lingo of the crooks.  All I'd have to do is believe the lies --- or pretend to, and just as Satan said to Jesus, "All this could be yours!"  

The whole Kingdom of Lies is always at the disposal of those who know the Truth.

But then I would fail my duty to God and country, and to you, too.  

Many, many, many men have known the Truth and have avoided it for just as many reasons.  They have shrugged and said, well, if this is the game we are playing, how can I win?  They have made up excuses --- what difference can one man make?   They have shaken their heads ---- nothing I can do about it.  I'm too busy.  I have six kids to support.  My Mother needs Medicare. 

It's because good men do nothing and because those who know the Truth remain silent that this situation has gone on for well over a hundred years and also why it is fast coming to a crisis against which money and power and ill-gotten honors cannot defend.  

I am an old woman.  I have lived my life, made my mistakes, fallen on my nose more than a few times.  As difficult as it has often been, I cherish my life, and I am deeply grateful for the many blessings I have received--- for friends and pets and children and opportunities, for a wonderful education and a home and a husband like no other----so many, many gifts God has given me, the sunrise and morning glories, June roses and winter nights by wood fires and all the stars of Heaven to be my diamonds. 

Yes, I have been fabulously wealthy in my own way, by my own estimation and I have no regrets.  

When you get to the point in your life where you have no regrets, you know that the rest is all gravy. Every day is a gift in which you do your best to show your love and hold up your end and share whatever wisdom your possess.  

That's why I am telling you all now--- I have spent my whole life listening to men tell lies.  I've listened to them lie to themselves and lie to each other and lie to me. I have heard the lies of clergymen and politicians and school teachers, of husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  I don't think there is a kind or variety of lie I haven't heard or at one time or another, told myself.  

But at a certain point, if you have been paying attention, you realize that there are no secrets and so, you stop lying and no longer have any use for it.  You recognize it for what it is and you stop doing it.  And then the Truth becomes your life and your life becomes the Truth.  

Tell the Truth to yourself now.  Own it. Tell your friends and your family, your clergymen, your buddies at the Moose Lodge, your pals at AmVets.  
Tell the girls at the bowling alley and the post office.  Share it with your family, your neighbors, your Yahtzee Club.   Tell those people in the legislatures and "departments" and agencies and the members of Congress.  Let them have it, full bore.  Go into your bank and tell your bank president, too, and also the members of the Chambers of Commerce.  

Write to the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor of London, too.  Write to Vladimir Putin.  And the Secretary of Commerce.  And the Provost Marshal.  And the Comptroller of the Currency.  And the Judges and Clerks of The United States District Court for the District of Columbia.  And the Secretary of the United Nations. And the Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court.  And Cardinals and the Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.  And the Governors of the States of States. Tell your local Police Chief, your Sheriff, your "Commissioners".  Tell the Mayors and City Councilmen.  

Let them all hear it, loud and clear.  Let them all know that they are responsible for this Mess and that all their lies have come home to roost at last. 

All it costs is time, paper, and postage stamps--- and at least you will have the satisfaction of doing your duty to report crime to the appropriate authorities. 

The charlatans have profited themselves by genociding us on paper.  Perhaps they, or rather,  their hired police forces, will have guts enough to try it in the flesh.  
As I have said before, we must be ready for whatever comes, wise as serpents, gentle as doves.  

I repeat my plea to help me and my Team if you can--we've gotten to the point of needing expert translators and witnesses and travel money---  but only if you can.  I want you all to take care of yourselves and your families and put aside some "extra" of everything you may need--- food and medicines, fuel, water, extra toilet paper.  Just find a little space in a closet or under the bed and do what you can. 

Always, do what you can.  It may not seem like much.  You may seem small and your efforts insignificant, but God sees it all, and the raindrops make the oceans. One man acting with Good Will, one woman standing in the Truth, one teenager who grabs an oar and pulls his part of the family load, yes, you make a difference. A huge, profound, and everlasting difference is seldom made by any grand gesture or single action.  Rather, such things come about by changing our attitudes and our ideas and our hearts and taking such small actions as choosing to grow a kitchen garden or adopt a pet or paying a tenth of the cost of giving a farmer in New Guinea a cow for Christmas.  

It all adds up. 

To Reta--- you are my hero this week.  I know that it comes from the heart, when someone sends $19 in cash.  I wept.  To my friend in Plover, Wisconsin, I did receive your "Welcome" sign. It will be treasured.  To Jack and Phyllis, among my first helpers and friends in this effort, words fail.  I am blessed to know you.    

God bless us all.  If you can help our team and do what else you need to do, I am still the Paymaster for the whole operation. My PayPal is: and my postal address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, 99652.  

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. i have recently joined a Union, called "Chemical and Production Workers Union AFL-CIO AFFILIATE LOCAL 30" , its all under the "Central States Joint Board" .... when they gave me the form it had my name already in lower case.. not all capitalized form. and had to claim a beneficiary. anyone have insight in what this union is? its been a mostly vague thing to me, i know my dad(he was a bricklayer) got screwed by them for about 20,000 they still owed him. tho i am probably only going to be working till end of November. does the Union count as a American National entity? there seems to be me way more them than i thought..

  2. I wish you knew how bad i would like to have donated to this cause, if i had found it before all the "LIERS" you so eloquently referred to, hadnt gotten to me first. Its usually the closest ones to you, especially friends and family, the ones we thought we could trust, that are usually the worst violators of that trust. I was broke for the better part of my life, but was well taken care of by our dad who was good with money, because he remembered the FDR bankruptcy as a kid. Sometimes i used to think he was just cheap, but i was only a kid. But he was the sole supporter of the entire family including our mother. Once i graduated from high school, i realized that even though he would always buy us what we needed, he rarely gave us what i wanted. But thats the power of advertizing on TV.So if i really wanted something bad enough i knew i was going to have to work for it....which was a good thing. And he never asked us for money we made, because it actually relieved him of spending it on us for sometimes foolish things. It wasnt until his death and the large "inheritance"(over a million in assets like real estate, not liquid cash) that arguements and vultures started picking us clean and separating us because of my brothers weak mind and fear of being arrested. And because everyone knew we inherited it and didnt work for it ourselves, they thought nothing of it to lie cheat and downright steal it anyway they could. One friend in particular who thought just because we knew each other for years, he thought he was actually entitled to a third of it, using the lie that everyone uses as a friend....if i got that money i would have given both you and your brother at least $100,000 apiece. This is a guy that wont give anyone $20 without expecting it back quickly..!! What he doesnt realize is thst we spent half our life in school taking hard courses all through high school and then in a major university taking pre med classes with tons of homework, sacrificing our young life while he never spent two seconds of his life doing one piece of homework because as some of his friends that knew him in high school said he was at best a remedial student his entire life...your basic dumbass with no father to kick his ass, and a mother to weak to stand up to baby huey. He was and still is a big guy. He never sacrificed one minute of his presious time doing anything that didnt give him pleasure. And avoided pain at all cost. Addicted to pot his entire life. For those of you who think that pot isnt dangerous, or used for medical uses(right), all you have to do is wittness his upsurd and constantly agitated, frustrated, and unending negative personality.

  3. No one can or wants to be around him for long. His brothers both hate him even though his one year older brother came to his rescue when he lost his job after 10 years because of dealing pot. His brother taught him his business of being a carpet cleaner, because he has never had to really get a job on his own. That was the second time he found him a job. Does he appritiate it....they dont even talk to each other now for over 25 years. He thinks its everyone else with the problem, convientiently ignoring all his mistakes, which all of us had to pay for financially one way or another. This is the guy you talk about who doesnt think he is even lying to anyone anymore, because his whole life is a lie. He loves talking about how stupid we all are behind our backs, while a high school dropout claims he is smarter than all of us..! We gave him $40,000 to buy a house in a rural area, but had to get another friend to buy it because he had no credit. Unbelievable. And of course his other friend was no better than him...a constant lier. He says to this day that he doesnt consider us giving him the money because it never touched his hand...Whoow!!! But pot isnt dangerous...!! Needless to say we never talk to him anymore. He lost that house, never putting one dime into it, and hes been living a very hard life, always in very rural areas 30 min. From normal society because he always wants 4 or 5 big dogs that he can barely feed and never really loves or walks. Between the banks, the attorneys, the police and courts, and all of our so called friends that stole the money through lies, my brother and i are living on just our social security payments. But still with the little money we both make, we live like kings away from him right in the middle of the city where everything is not more than a couple of minutes away. And away from him , my personality has improved like i was still a kid again. The sad think is that there are so many people like him, they represent the majority of America now.. We dont make friends anymore...with anyone. My only friend these days is my phone...but you knew that. We never meet one person that knew or cared about anything we tried to teach them because they were always looking for the next thing or person that would make them happy, because they cant find any within themselves...The biggest lies they tell are to themselves...still convinced they are good people..!!

    1. what a faq up, when the money is gone and all the people he put under the bus... its all going down hill, my bro/sis have started acting weird when my dad chose me to inherit the house... even tho at a young age still.. i told him not to do it..(but he didn't listen) it shattered the family from that point on. my bro/sis would just talk behind my back.. even tho with all their empty talk she went thru a divorce and collects alimony from a nicest and jokiest of a ex husband.. she thinks shes a queen. then got a baby with another while he already had two of his own to take care of. ruining peoples lives is just in their blood. once i left the home for few times... wo and behold.. they went for each others necks lol once they don't have anything to talk mutually about someone else's back about, they are just dogs. i do not talk to people like this anymore, i only have 1 friend that "planned" things with me for get togethers.. i really don't need anymore of this crap. I remember all their wrongs but when they wake up, they just come around and say "hey, whats up" (like they didn't do no wrong just a day before) .. nothing but parasites.

  4. Hospitals teach interns the 4 f's.
    Fighting ,fleeing , fkn.& feeding.
    Run by your reptilian brain oldest part of the brain.
    The huge cerebral cortex.upper brain .
    Monks in monistaries.would draw beautiful art read giving no room for the physical to dominate .would never use the number 6. As in 666 the number of carbon the dominant substance of the physical world . The reverse is 999. The number of a super god all focus on crown energy .your ruled by one head or the lesser

  5. Thank you Living Law Firm! With Law, Love, Peace and the end of enslavement. Go with the Grace of our Creator.

  6. I just came upon a new financial entity that was created to sort out the problem of a global society and it's inherent faults. It's called the "Sovereign Wealth Fund", which could be the new name given to the "Equalization Stabilization Fund". Changing names is just part of this gigantic fraud.

    The objectives for this new entity is spelled out in 5 different catagories.
    One of these objectives is how to solve the problem of bribery and corruption going forward. They recognize the fact that the loss in revenue from both these crimes cost everyone billions of dollars a year, maybe trillions. So what's there solution? To digitize our money making it harder to conceal shading deals behind everyone's back.
    Where have we heard this before. Without God's direction in your life, there's is no moral ground to bind you to any commandments or law. Jesus was not a prophet, but God incarnate. Why do you think it's only him that your sins are forgiven through grace.

    If you don't realize that Obama is the antichrist by now, then you don't want to know. He's gay, Muslim and is activily trying to destroy our new President from behind closed doors.

    I wrote an email to the head of the Sovereign Wealth Fund and told him if your trying to solve this corruption problem, then you need to correct the lie that started it in the first place.
    I'll be waiting for his answer.

  7. I just came upon a new financial entity that was created to sort out the problem of a global society and it's inherent faults. It's called the "Sovereign Wealth Fund", which could be the new name given to the "Equalization Stabilization Fund". Changing names is just part of this gigantic fraud.

    The objectives for this new entity is spelled out in 5 different catagories.
    One of these objectives is how to solve the problem of bribery and corruption going forward. They recognize the fact that the loss in revenue from both these crimes cost everyone billions of dollars a year, maybe trillions. So what's there solution? To digitize our money making it harder to conceal shading deals behind everyone's back.
    Where have we heard this before. Without God's direction in your life, there's is no moral ground to bind you to any commandments or law. Jesus was not a prophet, but God incarnate. Why do you think it's only him that your sins are forgiven through grace.

    If you don't realize that Obama is the antichrist by now, then you don't want to know. He's gay, Muslim and is activily trying to destroy our new President from behind closed doors.

    I wrote an email to the head of the Sovereign Wealth Fund and told him if your trying to solve this corruption problem, then you need to correct the lie that started it in the first place.
    I'll be waiting for his answer.

    1. Grace indicates just being given a free pass. No sins are forgiven by 'grace'. Sin is forgiven by repenting of it and turning from sinning. Grace is just the opportunity to do that. Do not be deceived, there is no free pass. Scripture is very clear - - except ye repent, ye shall perish.

  8. I have a couple of questions that are bugging me:
    1) With all these laborious filings Anna has done, what are the responses to them? Results of them?
    2) Since the pope issued his ultimatum to the u.s. several years ago, and if they didn't, then he the pope would do it for them....
    isn't that deadline now past? Where is the action from the pope on this, or has he assumed we all had alzheimers and just gonna forget about it? (I saw Anna's letter to him; what does he have to say for himself? Or does self-proclaimed 'infalability' include lying?)

    1. From Anna:

      Maybe we all have a National Dumb Gene?

      The Municipal United States Corporate Government has been liquidated. Hello? Wake up?

      The Territorial United States Corporate Government is in Chapter 11. Hello? Wake up?

      We, American states and people, are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in both bankruptcies. It's all ours. Hello? Wake up?

      The only way that our assets can be taken from us now is if we give them away. Which, duh, is not impossible, because yes, it appears, we really are that clueless and don't understand anything much about anything.

      And if that were not true, it would be absolutely obvious to everyone that yes, the Pope has kept his word. He has bankrupted the Municipal United States Government and that has collapsed the Territorial United States Government and that in turn has left the actual American states and people in charge. Hello? Wake up?

    2. Anna, thanks. Yes you said before it is all ours. What we wanna know is ok, so how do we actually collect on it.
      As for what I recall the pope saying is that he would then divide up everything among us The People. So where is that part of his promise then.
      It seems that many of the posters on here are wondering the same things, its more like confusion because we are missing the final disbursement. If its all ours, then there ought to be a relatively simple way to get it in hand.
      I try to keep up and digest what I read, but we don't read the same way that lawyers do. So yeah, we may appear to be
      dumb. So the question still remains, where is the key to the vault?
      We have been robbed into poverty. And when you are into the middle years, and deal with so called ''human resources depts.'' with their ''where do you see yourself in 5 yrs'' nonsense, and all the other game playing and nonsense of 'you don't fit our culture' crap, which is just a sidestep way of saying they only hire the 20-somethings, then it makes our robbery all the more seething under the collar.
      Qualifications and college prep and real skills, be damned; they just wanna see how old you are. But why should we worry, it all belongs to us. Now we are just trying to find out how to get it, since the world will not let us make a living.

      Sort of like being handed the keys to a new car, and saying now its all yours, but we just don't know where the car is, so we can drive it. So the keys aren't doing me a whole lot of good at this point.

    3. No one is going to collect on anything. I know a lot of us are broke and need more fiat currency to get by. If it was that easy, do you think Anna would even be asking us for donations, and look at all the knowledge she's given us.

      I don't think people understand that Satan was given the power to decieve everyone here on earth. These elite think that Lucifer is going to save them once everything is in place to take over the world.
      They believe the LIE, the original liar since the beginning of time.
      Do you really think he cares about
      any of these globalist that are creating his empire. Once there job is done, they will be his slaves as well.

    4. No one is going to collect on anything. I know a lot of us are broke and need more fiat currency to get by. If it was that easy, do you think Anna would even be asking us for donations, and look at all the knowledge she's given us.

      I don't think people understand that Satan was given the power to decieve everyone here on earth. These elite think that Lucifer is going to save them once everything is in place to take over the world.
      They believe the LIE, the original liar since the beginning of time.
      Do you really think he cares about
      any of these globalist that are creating his empire. Once there job is done, they will be his slaves as well.

  9. Last i heard, he actually stated in an open church congregation of thousands of people stated that...." my God is Satan and his son Jesus Christ"...Of course the whole thing was in latin, so no one understood what he just said. Of course the congregation simply said "amen", like they are trained to do. I wonder how many church elders had a good laugh about it behind closed doors. Does that tell you how the Pope feels about us...!!! Or his letter..!!

    1. James, oh yes many know how the pope really feels about us/people, I am just trying to hold his feet to the fire since he claims to be infallible; wondering how long he was cowardly going to hide in the bathroom with the door locked. Leaders have a responsibility to do their job and he should be bombarded until he responds. Maybe we should get his address and publicize sending him lots of mail calling him on the carpet as he deserves. What kind of 'servant of the people' is he? (of course we all know who all our ''leaders' serve and it ain't us.)

  10. Oh. And hers a good short article about attorneys trying to equate themselves with the heading Doctor(PHD)..! Its good.


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