Thursday, August 17, 2017

Full Court Press for The Historic Trusts

By Anna Von Reitz

The assets of the world are largely owned by Historic Trusts--- vast holdings of actual assets including gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, gems, art, land, government bonds, corporate stock and much, much more.  

There are several different kinds of Historic Trusts.  

Most of them are private family trusts and in the Western World, many of them are Spanish, resulting from the days of the Conquistadors and the New World Gold. In the Far East, you also find Spanish gold that migrated there, especially in the Philippines, and you find traditional Chinese family gold hordes, too. 

Other Historic Trusts are family trusts resulting from mining or industrial operations and investments, still others are Treaty Trusts that accrue to specific nations as "national trusts" or for specific purposes such as war reparations or infrastructure investments.  Still others result from court settlements and land trust investments. Some of the largest trusts are old Commonwealth Trusts created in the 1600's by wealthy trading companies; the oldest of these Historic Trusts dates to 435 A.D.  

And there are, of course, a dizzying array of Church Trusts, which are "historic" but which are not traditionally included as Historic Trusts in the sense discussed here. 

These Historic and Church Trusts are the true repositories of wealth and actual assets in the world, but via an insidious process akin to the identity theft that Americans have suffered, many of these Historic Trusts have been effectively stolen by banks entrusted with their safe-keeping.  

A variety of specious methods have been used by the guilty commercial banks to attach assets which they very well know are not abandoned and not from questionable sources--two of their favorite excuses for confiscating and holding private property for bank profits are "claims of abandonment" and claims of money laundering or criminal provenance. 

You are wealthy and you come from California?  You MUST be a pot grower.... You are Hispanic and wealthy?  You MUST be involved somehow in South American drug trafficking.... You are wealthy and live in Chicago and you are an Italian Jew?  You MUST be involved in mafia activities, money laundering, and racketeering.... You made a deposit of two hundred million dollars worth of gold and silver and you come from a Eastern European country?   You MUST be in the Russian or former Eastern Block "Mafia".....and so on. 

All the bank has to do is make the specious, self-interested claim, and their collusion partners in the corporate government (who also stand to benefit from the confiscation of private assets) jump on the bandwagon. 

You are from the Philippines and you make a large deposit in an American bank and simply leave it there on deposit for thirty years?  Well, you can't possibly be the same person thirty years later when you walk back through their door and innocently ask to withdraw a little of your money on deposit---- can you?  It's "suspicious" that you haven't been back in all those years.....

But if you have a couple trillion dollars in assets, more than you could ever use or need as a housewife in the Philippines, and this is what you consider a rather minor account----- why wouldn't you trust an American bank to keep your deposit? 

Perhaps the only answer to that is that other banks are historically even worse and less trustworthy.  

In 1928 the Nationalist Chinese government made a very large gold deposit with the New York Federal Reserve Bank.  The New York Fed was supposed to make regular interest payments, but the war didn't go well for the Nationalist Chinese and the New York Fed just conveniently "forgot" about its obligations for 83 years and when the Chinese government of today asked about all the interest owed on that deposit, the New York Fed refused to pay anything at all and refused to return the gold to the Chinese.  

That led to Neil Keenan filing suit against the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 2011 in behalf of the Chinese to recover their assets.  

Now, the gold belonged to the Chinese people.  Everyone knows that.  The Nationalist Chinese Government did not survive to reclaim the assets they left with the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 1928.  So the NY Fed used the obvious specious self-interested excuse that the depositors were dead and the assets "abandoned" and tried to cheat the Chinese people out of their assets.  

Any honest man hearing all this about how the banks have cheated and defrauded depositors---- very large depositors especially --- should feel both offended and distrustful of such banks, but it gets even worse.  

When the United States of America, Inc. went bankrupt in 1933, FDR used the occasion to outright steal from average Americans and confiscated privately held gold throughout the country.  This gold was held as "surety" for the bankruptcy proceedings and after the bankruptcy settled in 1999, it was released.  The Secondary Creditors, the World Bank and IBRD, pretended not to know who the gold belonged to, that it was "abandoned", and so, they came in and made away with $387 billion in gold, that belonged to our grandparents and parents and to us, via the convenient old "claim on abandonment" schtick. 

Of course, they knew who the gold actually belonged to and, just as conveniently, nobody notified any of us, did they?  There was no offer to return the gold to the actual unincorporated government of the American states and people, the actual owners--- some of whom, like my Mother, were still living at the time. 

These vicious criminals have done things like this to millions of innocent people and to whole nations, and we have sat here and funded their wars and protected their rumps and chewed our cuds and unwittingly allowed them to make false claims against us, our labor, our names, our copyrights, our land, and everything else in sight.  

"You want to claim that you own my time on Earth and the value of my labor and I have to give you half of everything I earn......oh, okay, I guess you're the government and I have to pay my share....."  

"You want to claim that you own my house and make me pay for living in it? .... Well, I guess it must be okay, you're the government.  I trust my government....." 

When does all this end, America?  When do you wake up and sound the alarm bells?   You are brave, honest and generous people--- how can you tolerate dishonest banks and corrupt politicians ruining your lives?  Stealing you blind? Even making you live in fear in your own country? 

Right now, the same rotten politicians in Congress are attempting to claim that your ESTATE is "abandoned" and their Secondary Creditors, international banks, are attempting to seize your assets---- your copyrights, your labor, your land, your homes, your bodies, even your souls. 

Yes, they create bonds off your Baptismal Certificates, too.  

Anything that is a "certificate" is a receipt in a commercial transaction of some kind.  

Go back to the Church where you were baptized and ask to see the record of it. 

They will show you a "registry"----a big book where the details are noted, but the actual paperwork was sent away in every case.  You or your parents received a "baptismal certificate" for your soul, just like you got a "birth certificate" for your body.  

Even your soul was sold, "monetized", and traded upon by these unholy verminous unspeakable cads.  

What does it take before you get mad enough to do something about all this, America?  When do you start buttonholing unfaithful or ignorant clergymen? When do you start walking into "legislative" offices and confronting those responsible for this?  

Most of the money in the Historic Trusts---quadrillions of dollars of actual assets--- have been set aside by the  owners for humanitarian aid.  Homes, schools, hospitals, hospices, libraries, public gardens, transportation systems, trails and trains, and new bridges and medical and patient care services, help for veterans, mental health and addiction services, dental and veterinary clinics and programs, art, music, and science back in public schools, new technology---- you name it. The Historic Trusts are ready and able to provide a better world and they will do it voluntarily for everyone.  

There's just one little problem.  The crooked, rotten, self-interested, greedy banks and the equally crooked, rotten, self-interested, greedy politicians, who think they have some god-given right to ride on your backs and tell lies about you from here to next New Year, a right to steal your bank deposits and retirement pensions, a right to monetize your very souls, and a right to tell you when to sit down and when to get up, too.  

Get up off your duffs, America.  

One little old granny in Big Lake, Alaska, can't cut it alone.  You've been defrauded out of trillions of dollars and if you don't grab hold and stand up for yourselves and object to this corruption like a pack of wolves on the hunt,  your children will pay the price of this scandalous criminality for many, many generations to come.  

We've formed a Historic Trust Association to gather together all of the Trustees and Beneficiaries who have been defrauded by these dishonest bankers. When enough people reclaim their proper political status and reclaim their ESTATES and stand behind the cause of the Historic Trusts, you will start to see an end to the Bad Old Days we've been living through. 

So what are you waiting for?  An engraved invitation?    

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Anna how would one reclaim their proper political status and reclaim their ESTATES and stand behind the cause of the Historic Trusts? A link would be helpful, most of us are overworked and don't have the luxury of hours for study on the subject.


    2. Cheryl, this is where I was told to start by Paul and Anna:

      one would think an easier step by step method would have been developed from this data as it applies to the people of the united States.

      The One People's Public Trust created all the legal documents within the Uniform Commercial Code to foreclose on all these corporate entities, but that collective doesn't play by their own rules as recently witnessed in the Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf court case. My question all along is: If they don't play by the rules of their own game, how then do you create any remedy using paper and pen? My answer is: you don't. We have to as a mass just stop playing the game. It has to be masses otherwise they will just pick us off like sitting ducks.

      I believe that is in essence what Anna is saying. The issue as I see it is that the indoctrination has run amuck for so long, we need a remedy first to penetrate that indoctrination quickly to wake up the masses. It is not easy weighing where your next meal comes from in light of the militaristic sway before us.

    3. Speaking up, I have been telling people on this site to get off their lazy asses and start helping our Potus by going on Twitter, yes Twitter, and join the fight. It's very simple, you go to Twitter and get an account and start backing our President whenever a Congressman or judge or anyone else says something derogatory against him when its plain it isn't true.

      By now you should know, no one is going to get any gold, silver or money back from this criminal cartel. It's just not going to happen. But, what we can do, is call them out on it every chance we get and make it public to those who are still in the dark about what's really going on.

      Charlottesville, Virginia was the perfect incident where senators like Paul Ryan tweeted a ridiculous diatribe about not being able to back a President that didn't respond to the racial injustice soon enough. I must of tweeted about 7 different things back to him and told him, why don't you stand up for the American people who have been robbed by your employers...then I put up 3 pictures, one of the Vatican, IMF and the Federal Reserve. It's not enough just to sit on your couch and throw in your 2 cents here and not put things in action.

      If someone kicks down your door and robs you without a gun, you don't get online and talk about the inhumanity of the whole incidence, you fight back and protect your family. That's what Twitter is for. No one here has any balls to go to actual war, but you can have a silent war of words that are very damaging to these career politicians who are constantly betraying our President and our country. You can only 160 characters to say what you have to say, but you can add pictures or videos to your comment or tweets.
      It's where our President feels comfortable at, which means we have to be where he is trying to do the most damage to the Fake News as we can.

      I'm not telling you to get off Ann's site. I'm telling you to join in the network battel for independence before they take that away too.

    4. Speaking up, I have been telling people on this site to get off their lazy asses and start helping our Potus by going on Twitter, yes Twitter, and join the fight. It's very simple, you go to Twitter and get an account and start backing our President whenever a Congressman or judge or anyone else says something derogatory against him when its plain it isn't true.

      By now you should know, no one is going to get any gold, silver or money back from this criminal cartel. It's just not going to happen. But, what we can do, is call them out on it every chance we get and make it public to those who are still in the dark about what's really going on.

      Charlottesville, Virginia was the perfect incident where senators like Paul Ryan tweeted a ridiculous diatribe about not being able to back a President that didn't respond to the racial injustice soon enough. I must of tweeted about 7 different things back to him and told him, why don't you stand up for the American people who have been robbed by your employers...then I put up 3 pictures, one of the Vatican, IMF and the Federal Reserve. It's not enough just to sit on your couch and throw in your 2 cents here and not put things in action.

      If someone kicks down your door and robs you without a gun, you don't get online and talk about the inhumanity of the whole incidence, you fight back and protect your family. That's what Twitter is for. No one here has any balls to go to actual war, but you can have a silent war of words that are very damaging to these career politicians who are constantly betraying our President and our country. You can only 160 characters to say what you have to say, but you can add pictures or videos to your comment or tweets.
      It's where our President feels comfortable at, which means we have to be where he is trying to do the most damage to the Fake News as we can.

      I'm not telling you to get off Ann's site. I'm telling you to join in the network battel for independence before they take that away too.

    5. Look up TDA (treasury direct account) on youtube. Also Gary Larabee there has recently provided interviews with successes and properinstructions. I for one am not in need gratefully but many are badly. Please research there and here in Anna's articles.

  2. Oh yah dishonest for sure 3/4 of the investments on wall street are government off the books accounts .and civil assets forfeiture for nuisance laws dog barking to much take your property . The corporate ginned.up statutes it's endless.
    Fight fasting, relaxation , and get down right mad!

    1. I see you on this site all the time. Have you joined Twitter yet? What are you waiting for?

      Our President is being bombarded by the Fake News and the treacherous politicians surronding him constantly. His only solace is on Twitter.

      If you don't have an account yet, get one and start helping our Potus. We are not going to change this system and they are not going to release us from bondage. Our only hope is to follow the 21st century Moses out of Egypt. Whenever a politician or anyone else Tweets something stupid and untrue about President Trump, then tweet the mother f**?er back and tell him or her to quit listening to these International Bankers and the Vatican and start backing Trump or they will no longer be re-elected. They do care about their stupid job.

      Come on, it's not that hard. If our President can tweet, then so can the rest of us.

    2. I see you on this site all the time. Have you joined Twitter yet? What are you waiting for?

      Our President is being bombarded by the Fake News and the treacherous politicians surronding him constantly. His only solace is on Twitter.

      If you don't have an account yet, get one and start helping our Potus. We are not going to change this system and they are not going to release us from bondage. Our only hope is to follow the 21st century Moses out of Egypt. Whenever a politician or anyone else Tweets something stupid and untrue about President Trump, then tweet the mother f**?er back and tell him or her to quit listening to these International Bankers and the Vatican and start backing Trump or they will no longer be re-elected. They do care about their stupid job.

      Come on, it's not that hard. If our President can tweet, then so can the rest of us.

    3. I'm addressing you directly babbapatric. Have you signed up for Twitter yet, or are you complacent with staying on Judge Anna's site and never venture out of your safe zone. Even Judge Anna said to get off your duffs and calling these people out. What do you think she means.

  3. I guess I don't get it!? YES, I'm upset of all of this and as a patriot I want to do my part to help. BUT HOW????? In this article you give us no suggestions.


    1. Hello Gary,
      The suggestions & format & most everything else you need is on the website. Including numerous articles what YOU can do about it.
      Best to start at the beginning, in my humble opinion. Have you read "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause"? In case not, available at Amazon for about $22 paper, $3 digital.
      Do you have the 600 plus articles that followed on flash drive? If not, you can get them at Anna's website, hyper-linked elsewhere on this page. Read as quick as possible while being certain to not go past words or symbols you do not FULLY comprehend!
      Have you attended any of the Thursday nite calls hosted by Michigan General Jural Assembly? If not, there's a practical self-help get started guide. Google their website to get the particulars or search them on Anna's site. They are referred to often. Put that on your schedule & attend weekly.
      I'm going to presume you've already gotten up off your couch & turned off the "hopeless" tube that tells you what's wrong & right. Any other questions?
      All The Best,

    2. Oh, Gary, don't forget to donate if you are able to. Anna foots the bill out of her own pocket except for the assistance we send her. It's an expensive undertaking (no pun intended). Any help you can send her way will pay-off in spades!
      Perhaps most importantly, interest your friends & family in salvaging their own hides & begin getting them educated so that they too can do something about it.
      That's all, i'm done...

    3. I just gave you a suggestion if you read my comment. Get off your hinnie and get on Twitter so you can fight this corruption and expose it for all to see. When you see any politician or news channel or journalist talking s**t about our President, go on Twitter and respond to their idiotic tweet with the truth. And add pictures, like I do, on the Federal Reserve building, the Vatican, the IMF building, U.N., etc.

    4. Dear Gary Stanford,
      I have repeatedly suggested you and others on this site sign up for Twitter and join the fight to help our President. What is so hard to understand about this? Just claiming your not part of this system is not going to cut it. Weather you voted or not makes no difference. You can still back a President that isn't part of the global elite.

      You can still read all of Anna's articles, while fighting the Fake News propaganda machine and politicians that want to denounch a President that won't bow down to this One World Order.

    5. Awakened? STOP with the Twitter demand! Are you a shareholder in that information toilet?

      I refuse to support the very leeches that sucked the lifeblood from my g-g-g-great grandparents on back to me.
      No more, you hear?

      I am working on my end utilizing the vast resources before me. I am faithful to Team Anna and thankful for Paul Stramer's efforts too.

      Your answer is to scream "Pro Trump" from Twitter?

      Yeah, right.

  4. Replies
    1. They changed the part of the UCC that preserves your rights from 1-207 to 1-308. Yes, you can write "without prejudice" on everything that requires your signature, but how does that help our President battle the corruption in Washington D.C. without our help?

      Others mention 12USC411. Referring to real money. These tatics only help you, if they even do that. I doubt it. So why not, in the mesn time get on Twitter and help the onslaught of our lying politicians and the left wing owned media channels by calling them out everytime they make statements that are for this global agenda and not backing our 21st century Moses out of Egypt.

  5. From Lite Rex::: Save seeds , grow your own food, have at lest two fruit trees on every lot .. and keep small animals too (chickens)if you can; and have a survival strategy because when the Elite are against the wall they will stop at nothing to kill most of us.

  6. Congradulations Judge Anna!! You finally reached the frustration level ive been dealing with for the last 15 years..!!! The answer to your question about receiving an engraved invitation, they dont want an invitation at all. They just came for the party!! Let everyone else clean up the mess after the wedding is over...!! But just to remind you the bankers could have never pulled any of this off without their frontlineman....the BAR ATTORNEYS!! The banks understand commercial paper and how to use it to steal the wealth of the world, but they arent cunning enough to get away with it legally if it werent for the experts in "semantic deceite"....the attorneys. They have us roadblocked between the two of them. And there are more than enough rebrobate, fectless, immorral, traitorist to help them along for a bag of gold... because there are no true christians left. The jews in Isreal found that out very quick when they tried digging for the "ARK OF THE COVENANT(contract)" in the very place where Ron Watt finally dug and found it. The six jews that were just about to uncover it back in 1980, were all killed before they even reached it. And they realized that it was so dangeous to continue that they built a redimentary wall quickly with anything they could find quickly, being mostly rocks and boulders around the area, obviously with extreme speediously with anything , just to patch the enormous cave that was going to lead to the ARK with ease. They realized it wasnt for them.

  7. Instead Ron had to dig straight down to it, often crawling on his hands and knees through some places, just to get to it, when the jews knew full well that he could have just used the cave they already dug purposely for that reason, probably because they never wanted him to find it or be killed trying like they did. But the difference was Ron was truely a man of God, who only dug up artifacts to give credibility to Gods word, and nothing else...not for power or wealth. They actually have his books and proof of not only the ARK, but of Noahs Ark, and other artifacts of the old testament that only Ron could uncover.. Shows you how few of us God actually trust. And Noah's ARK was not found in mount arifact where everyone else , the professionals, keep telling us where it was supposed to be. Why is one man uncovering , and one alone, with his sons, uncovering all of this now.!!! Because its time, and he was the right man to do it. I bet if you kept searching where all this happened judge Anna, you would be right back in Rome during the crusifiction...!!! Do you really think judge Anna in your heart that "Insideous Systemic GREED" like this can be corrected by us alone without Gods help...I know you know better. You just refuse to accept the fact that the entire planet has been infected with a disease that no vaccine will ever cure....greed. You said it yourself, that they even stole our souls.. Dont you believe your own words. Ive reached the conclusion that first of all nothing happens unless a groundswell of people all working in unity(a massive class action suit) against this machine and by the power of prayer to include him as our way forth that we will never win this war of evil. In fact, thats the exact way our law suit should read....The unincorporated people for the Rebublic for America and by the Saving grace of Jesus(Yeway) who alone claims their bodies and souls, with paramount standing in this world and the next v The Corporate State of the UNITED STATES, having only an inferior commericial "interest" in the peoples bodies and souls, now comes forth in the interest of justice and "TRUTH" and demands his rights to his creations without further ado or face the consequencies for your folly, which has never gone without notice. This class action suit only demands one thing....."LET MY PEOPLE GO"!!!!! And return all the wealth you stole while "I AM" was watching the entire time. For I have returned to claim what is mine. Let those who oppose my claim step forward and be judged as you have judged others. For these are my "children" which you have been abusing as the pediphiles you are, erroniously determined by you that they are adults. This class action suit is an eclesastical court in heaven, not earth. Who of you has a claim in heaven over my "Paramount Claim" on earth, let him step forward and face me...!! Now thats a lawsuit..!!!!

    1. James Pansini....
      Ever hear of Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall? If not, have a go. He professes to be Christ God incarnate. Convinced the retired Pope he is genuine.
      Christum Credunt signed, sealed, delivered as Vatican III Ecumenical law.

      Lovely man. Praises Hitler and demands killing all the "joos" (his words, not mine).

      Seems like everyone is pulling the collective "we" in varying directions and from all aspects of our lives: spiritual, social, economical, physical, etc.

      I go with my gut. It supports the granny in Alaska.

    2. Danika, no i have never heard of that person. Neither do i believe anyone claiming to be God or Jesus. I was simply suggesting that a lawsuit be formatted recognizing that Jesus is with us in spirit along with us in the real world, even if they dont believe it, just to show them that they are not Gods themselves who can simply judge us under a false system of justice and law and that god is with us in this suit and giving the court and all of its officers if they convict us unjustly, then they are convicting the highest authority of all when it comes to a court of law, because he sees everything you are doing, including reading your mind on why you are doing it. It is simply a warning to these judges that jesus, more than any earthly Bar Attorneys is the only true judge and not them...ive said it many times that ultimately court is about your "consciouse" or lack of it. We are coming in with a clean conscious, and asking them to examine their own conscious for their actions. Lets see who sleeps better at night after that. Tell me you arent doing this for money...Go ahead, tell me your honor!!! That was my point. You misinterpreted my intensions...!!

    3. The reality is President Trump was contacted by Mr Golightly Marshall, June 13th 2012. He told him, he was the man for the Job being 2.424 years younger and is Jesus in the Strong's concordance. The following year Pope Benedict XVI announced Golightly Marshall is the returned Jesus. That the earth cancer was the Jews, that Trump was caught in a Jew Talmud web, to get out, expose the Jews and announce Christ, his children can escape death by becoming believers, adding there is no Jew in his paradise. The Lord's prayer, thy will be done on earth is now. Imaging his surprise, Christ had chosen him, and we see President Trump unexpectedly becomes a Christian president against all odds then says he is bringing Christmas back into all stores and had a huge tree and a wonderful speech about "our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ" Mr Golightly Marshall is on his way to the Philippines to cure the 740,000 children intensionally vaccinated with Dengue fever, which Marshall will cure. The Jews are in a panic, Golightly Marshall tells us we reincarnate and up to 7 times, then no more chances. Death this time is the end of the free ride. Thankfully He is God and is arranging good men and women to take back His kingdom from the Jews. May Almighty God bless you all and live forever on the Earth in Paradise.

  8. The only battle worth fighting, is all the hatred within your mind ...

    1. AA, where did you get the idea that all hatred is something we need to fight off? Have you never heard of a Godly hatred, or Righteous hatred or indignation? Do you really think we should fight off our hatred for evil and evil Doers? If you think that, then what are you doing here in a Site that brings all the evil that has been done to us in every bit of unrighteousness that man could think up??
      Did you never hear that God has hatred for all such doing??
      So if you want to fight off hatred of all that is evil, and try to love all this injustice and slave state, then you go right ahead. But as for me, I am already on full boil and bubbling well. Its time to throw PC into the toilet once and for all.

    2. Also AA i live by the motto "live and let live" in peace...!! But if anyone tries to overstep that rule, then it will be matched with equal or more force. I never throw the girst punch or antaganize anyone. But there is no end to people who try to make me unhappy just because they arent.

  9. I talk to everyone i have to because of bills or other things that need technical assistance like our cable bill about this stuff. And since they are all working for customer service, they are all nice and actually suprised to hear some of my questions and the answers to them. I ask them straight out, "are you aware that the UNITED STATES is in chapter 7 bankruptcy...complete liquidation. Did you know that your home, cars, and everything else has already been pre paid for you. That you are not a debtor but a Creditor...That the banks have no money and never did. Did you know that the united states has several meanings, not one, because of the attorneys definition of the U.S. is different than what we all learned in our public school systems. You couldnt have a better audiance than these people you call about for bills and other things....they are all amazed. Not one off them have any clue to what is unravaling. And no clue to what money actually is so sad..!! But i always give them a clue and beg them to check it out for their own benifit. Its the only way i know of to spread the word...most of them are in their 40's and married with kids. They never got the chance or time to study because of that. But they tend to perk up when i tell them they are actually rich. That the only real gold left is their signiture...remember that everytime you are asked for it...!!

  10. Two quotes that will serve you some wisdom with original article linked:
    1) "If I had to support my family growing up instead of having time to code, if I didn't know I'd be fine if Facebook didn't work out, I wouldn't be standing here today," says Zuckerberg. The tech titan grew up financially secure thanks to his dad's career as a dentist. Now it's our time to define a NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT for our generation. We should explore ideas like universal basic income to give everyone a cushion to try new things."

    2) "He and other leaders talked about the idea of universal basic income at a meeting of The Elders in Finland this year, he says. The Elders is a group of distinguished thought leaders including Jimmy Carter and Kofi Annan."
    (WITH Ban Ki-Moon as an Elder YIKES!)
    Elders website :

    Gary Larrabee noted the Outlaws new conference call which also talks about Heather Ann Tucci Jaraf, TDA & TDR's and the Elders:

    Keep your eyes and mind alert.
    In Full Disclosure Consciousness: no more undisclosed
    SOCIAL CONTRACTS thank you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Just an excerpt from fruit from a poisonous tree , marVin stampler.said not one high level judge knew the banks create money out of thin air .the only reference was a book from the federal Reserve book called money mechanic's .
    Used in law suits. Successfully . However you can't find any completely disappeared .
    I agree twitter is a place you can take on anew elite politician or CEO.but watch the curse words the twitter police will ban you.people on the right are being banned on paypal, paterion, all the inner net platforms . The zionests.are all in brutal fight.

  13. Looking like the Charlottesville car attack was a hybrid face flag .the key witness was a CIA.big time. The car was a government car with the plate 11111.esoteric no.two car's. Used one with a sun roof and racing stripes on top one not. Yep another set up with CIA. drug lords.maximum profit.

  14. I want to say that 4 years ago I was an ignorant about why people behave like sheeps, I do not want to offend anybody, but after I joined The Neothink Society 4 years ago, I am able to integrate all the information from Justice Anna, I have tried to wake up all friends, coworkers, people on the streets with no luck so far.
    The real reason that people do not believe is that they have mysticism very rooted in their subconscious mind. All the people have mysticism, your parents in their ignorance started teaching you when you were a child mysticism then the school and finally the society finished the job. politicians, religious leaders, presidents and kings use mysticism to control the masses.
    The only solution is to cure Mysticism from all the people that way they can break free from external authorities. So join THE NEOTHINK SOCIETE NOW.

  15. The reality is President Trump was contacted by Mr Golightly Marshall, June 13th 2012. He told him, he was the man for the Job being 2.424 years younger and is Jesus in the Strong's concordance. The following year Pope Benedict XVI announced Golightly Marshall is the returned Jesus. That the earth cancer was the Jews, that Trump was caught in a Jew Talmud web, to get out, expose the Jews and announce Christ, his children can escape death by becoming believers, adding there is no Jew in his paradise. The Lord's prayer, thy will be done on earth is now. Imaging his surprise, Christ had chosen him, and we see President Trump unexpectedly becomes a Christian president against all odds then says he is bringing Christmas back into all stores and had a huge tree and a wonderful speech about "our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ" Mr Golightly Marshall is on his way to the Philippines to cure the 740,000 children intensionally vaccinated with Dengue fever, which Marshall will cure. The Jews are in a panic, Golightly Marshall tells us we reincarnate and up to 7 times, then no more chances. Death this time is the end of the free ride. Thankfully He is God and is arranging good men and women to take back His kingdom from the Jews. May Almighty God bless you all and live forever on the Earth in Paradise.


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