Thursday, October 11, 2012

Operation Hot Mic - Obama's promise

1 comment:

  1. It must not happen! There is simply too much at stake. At this point, only weeks from election day, I constantly ask myself, "Why can't the people see where Obama is taking us."

    The most important issues of another four years of Obama are never discussed by his opponents. I am so frustrated by this silence. Even my own family members tell me the real issues are non issues and nobody cares.

    I say that when America becomes an Islamic dictatorship we all will care. I've done all I know to do. I've sent out emails for over a year to friends and family, and written letters to my Congressmen and Senators and received only canned replays.

    Paul Stramer, someone I consider a staunch patriot, has done so much in alerting people on his extensive mailing list. I can only hope Paul has made a difference.

    For the life of me, I cannot understand the total "hands off" attitude toward Obama by those who should be on the front line of this struggle, the Republican Party.

    I know Christians must undergo persecution in the last days; I just hope we are not there yet and that God has not turned His back on us yet, and will answer our prayers to get us out of this mess.

    Please people, pray for our deliverance from this evil.

    Thank you,

    Capt. Kent


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