Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Chance to Restore the Country IS NOW!

When the people wake up, like they are now, there is no power on earth that can stop it. The big government crowd can try to lie their way out of this, but it won't work because their lies will be exposed and their power destroyed by the huge majority that understands that it's big government that got us into this mess.

The only candidate that can beat Obama is RON PAUL, because he is the only candidate that has proven that he will do exactly what he says and has said he will do for over 30 years. He record speaks for itself.

He is the only candidate that draws a striking contrast to the big government left and phoney big government so called "Republican" crowd, and who will actually change our foreign policy, bring our troops home while strengthening our national security, and cut the dickens out of federal spending, and get our debt under control. He will also establish sound money and a sound monitary policy.

There just is NO OTHER CANDIDATE that has it right accross the board like Ron Paul does.
NOBODY else has a handle on the problem or solutions like Ron Paul.

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