Saturday, February 3, 2024

An Invisibility Blanket -- For Real

 By Anna Von Reitz

"Science fiction has now become real."  -- Professor Chu of China. 

Please bear in mind that most of the things that we used to visualize while reading the adventures of Spiderman and Doctor Who have indeed become actual technologies. 

The Replicator on Star Trek?  With some limitations, it's done. 

The time travelling phone box?  Close enough. 

The Holodeck?  Yup. 

The Tricorder?  That, too. 

Bionic arms?  Hey, Lee Majors.... 

So while I am reporting actual science news to you, consider this intriguing question -- which came first the fact or the fiction?  

The fiction. 

Does this mean that we manifest whatever we visualize strongly enough, collectively enough, but do it unconsciously at this point in our development? 

The evidence is beginning to add up. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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