Sunday, January 28, 2024

International Public Notice: Any Fight is Not About Immigration

 By Anna Von Reitz

People around the world are watching two foreign corporations setting up a phony civil war on our shores in contravention of international law and in violation of their own service contracts. 

Joe Biden working the latest iteration of the US, Inc. is attempting to force compliance with a "Treaty" signed by George W. Bush, agreeing to erase the borders between The United States, Canada, and Mexico to form what is known as the North American Union --- a Regional Government desired by the Globalists. 

The problem is that this new "Union" favored by the Globalists and the Treaty seeming to allow it, isn't actually a land treaty.  It's a sea "treaty" like the Treaty of Manila Bay. 


Because a sea treaty is all that G.W. Bush ever had authority to sign.

The North American Union Treaty is a Treaty of Paris, not a Treaty of Versailles, and this distinction is dictated by the offices of the signatories, not the subject matter.  

The only other possibility is that the Liars used their influence to "pretend" that they had authorities never vested in them or their offices, and so usurped upon the land jurisdiction, acted in fraud, and signed agreements out-of-school.

Either way, G.W. had no authority to say one word about our land and soil, and neither does Joe Biden. 

Like everything else these Liars do, George W. Bush was misrepresented as The President of The United States, when in fact, he was occupying the Municipal United States office of President of the United States ---- and so, G.W. was never authorized to create and endorse a land treaty changing our borders, much less erasing them.

The two corrupt and criminal District of Columbia Municipal Corporations are now fomenting a turf war on our soil.  And the man responsible for that, is Jorge Bergolio, because at the end of the day, he owns both corporations. 

We contracted with these corporations to receive certain enumerated services, various Overseers run these corporations, but Bergolio, aka, "Pope Francis" ultimately owns both of them, and he is 100% commercially and personally responsible for any damage we suffer.  

The Prince of the Air either calls it off and gets back in his box and honors both Constitutions to the letter, or yes, he will be liable and the organizations he represents will be liable and all the corporations he owns will be liable.  

Joe Bidens' version of US CORP is trying to force the implementation of the North American Union Treaty and seeking to erase our national borders with Canada and Mexico.  

This is keeping Donald Trump's version of USA, Inc., from honoring its job and securing our border with Mexico.  

So here you have two District of Columbia Municipal Corporations fighting each other over doing or not doing a job that is clearly required of both of them. 

The Constitution of the United States requires Joe Biden to secure and close our Southern Border no matter what his corporation policy says and no matter what G.W. signed without authority to do so.  

The Constitution of the United States of America requires Donald Trump's Corporation to secure and close our Southern Border, too.  

All three Federal Constitutions require the contractors to secure our borders. Period. 

Maybe someone should remind Joe Biden that The Constitution of the United States is a contract and contracts outrank treaties, even if treaties are valid and flawless and in the right jurisdiction --- which the NAU Treaty is not. 

They should also remind Joe that both Treaties and Contracts outrank mere corporation "policy". 

So if Joe doesn't get off his flabby rump and call off DHS and WHO and all the other alphabet soups that have been "opening" rather than securing our Southern Border, it's him and his bosses that are in default, committing treason, and standing in the direct line of fire.   

If the banks don't defund Joe's Administration (because after all, he has defaulted on his contract, so he's got no credit and nothing to sell) the banks will be on the chopping block, too.  

So while you are reading this in your private library in Rome, or schmoozing on the Riviera, or going to work on Fleet Street, remember this moment when the issue of national borders first came to your attention.  

The Mindless Mainstream is trying to make it sound like the tide rising in Texas  is a fight over illegal immigration, but it's not.  

It's a fight over the North American Union Treaty which G.W. Bush signed with no authority to do so, and thereby promised to erase the national borders between Canada, The United States, and Mexico.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 28th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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