Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Mel K Delivers The Most EPIC Speech Of Our Lifetime!!



  1. Only 10 billionaires running all this shit ?..10 bullets is the cheapest way to fix that problem…just saying.

    1. Under Jim Homyak's new system of "gratitude as money" we then have a planet of 8 billion quadrillionaires.

      Everyone would be able to order, finance, and establish their household far in advance.

      We assemblies need to bring it to our floor for a vote: replace the dollar by our vote for gratitude.

  2. Those are just the ones people know about.

  3. I've read even more epic speeches at the front page of various state assembly web sites... for example connecticut, florida, minnesota. These people are doing things to help. Yes Mel K opens some eyes... but our assembly of people can oprn hearts and minds. But putting the horse back in front of the cart.

    Assemblies people need to ramp up voting on the issue, by roll call.

    Fraudulent money system
    Fraudulent public address system
    Fraudulent voting affairs
    Fraudulent food security
    Fraudulent payroll methods
    Fraudulent banking system
    Fraudulent housing situation
    Fraudulent court system
    Fraudulent international allies

  4. Hello shop owner. Glad to see you accept gratitude as money. You're asking g45 for getting us all set? No prob. Here's g45 and you did great today so here's a tip: g45,000


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