Sunday, February 19, 2023

FBI targets RTCs (Radical Traditionalist Catholics); "retracts" after backlash. Politicians and media downplay Ohio train derailment: toxic chemicals now poison air and water...

 Politicians and media downplay Ohio train derailment: toxic chemicals now poison air and water...

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  1. anybody who is "Targeted" by these God-forsaken lying merderrers must be doing something right.

    im sure the Traditional Catholic believers are recalling the many times in the past when the CORPS(E)- pretending -to- be -OurGovernment's Paid Liars, Stalkers/ Targeters/ TrackerTracers/ Agents/ Infiltrators *said* they were going to stop doing their unlawful Acts upon good people, but didnt.... (MKUltra, non-consensual experimentations, so on...) they just dug a little deeper and continued on "under cover".

  2. also, i just ran across one Article online in the past day or so that said the Conservative Catholics [a.k.a. Traditional, i believe] had been beginning to organize to remove Francis from Papacy... true/not true?... idk... it was just one Article... not familiar with Author.
