Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ammon Bundy for Governor of Idaho - New Ad

 Ammon Bundy for Governor · OFFICIAL WEBSITE (


  1. Wow, this guy will win by a Landslide.

  2. Richard Longabaugh, Rochester WA. Not sure why the above comment I made listed as anonymous so I will make it again. WOW, THIS FELLOW WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE.

  3. ASN's don't vote so he's missing out on hundreds of votes which he desperately needs. I hope he wins because our do Little governor is a CCP affiliated hack. The republican party drives out all good candidates. Idaho is supposed to be RED but it's not! The good news is that 44% of the next legislature will be new blood. Idahoans don't seem to get involved in politics and then they don't attend town hall meetings or take an interest in their government...just lip service. I know, I have lived here and been involved for 16 years! Very frustrating! Better to become an American on the Land & Soil! Get off the couch people!

    1. Little Hittler is what i have heard his name is for Idaho

    2. I remember seeing video of Bundy celebrating becoming an ASN probably 1 1/2 years ago, so IDK how he's even able to run for gov!

  4. I've said for ... ever that the first state to do this will see an economic boom as never before and a population increase to fuel that boom.
