Saturday, September 11, 2021

Some REAL Fact Checking on the Corona Virus


  1. just as there is no virus, but a bioweapon constructed to take down the health of man,

    there IS NO INDEPENDENT TRUCKERS STRIKE EITHER. Its a construct, set up to take the INDEPENDENT trucker down; to put them out of business just as the shutdown was a construct to put other INDEPENDENT family businesses out of business.

    use your noggin!
    all of this is a construct.

    after the independent businesses are shut down, the logical next step is the Wallys and Bullseyes and SouthAmericanRiver.

    living in whats true is the antidote for harmful constructs.
    all imo.

  2. all politics, all money, and all religions are man-made fictional constructs. none of them actually exist.
    the only place they exist is in the minds of men if he agrees to allow it.

    this is what Mind Control is all about; and why it is so important.

  3. remember the phrase:
    "just say no"?

    just say no.


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