Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Conversation with the Honorable Clarence Thomas, Please Comment

1 comment:

  1. At 51:10 Clarence Thomas does his big reveal. After a whole lifetime of "being in the mix", and basically still researching, and trying to make educated decisions by utilizing historical precedence is the basic theme of this Q&A. This in of itself is not bad, as long as the history that was written is true, and correct(His-story is written by the winners). I liken Clarence Thomas' short "Pep Talk" show as to a Medical Establishment promoting a "New Procedure", or life saving drug as their own while hiding the fact that there were already known cures hundreds of years ago. As Doctors are called "Practicing Physicians”, and Judges are "Presiding” it should be noted that both of these verbs have their root in the word “Act”.


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