Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Why Seniors Are Targeted and Why Fear is Not an Option

 By Anna Von Reitz

Putting it bluntly -- seniors rack up incredible medical bills the last three years of their lives on average.  This is partially due, of course, to the padding of "medical costs and services" by corporations that should never have been allowed to function as for-profit entities.  It is nonetheless the reality of life, that the last three years of our lives tend to be painful, debilitating, debasing, and --- for the med-tech giants, highly profitable. 

So they want us to live as long as possible, as miserably as possible, so that they can milk the cash cow for all we are worth---- literally. 

It is this, not any respect for life, not any kind of compassion, that drives the spear through the heart of any legislation allowing people to make their own end-of-life decisions when faced with irreversible and terminal illness. It is also what truncates making funds available for hospice care and caretaker respite programs.  

It's nothing but corporate greed and profiteering that serves to make our end of life experience so nasty and needlessly painful.  As long as you are breathing they can charge you for their goods (pills, liquids, medical equipment and services) and as ending that gravy train is not in their economic best interest, they will keep you alive -- regardless of the quality of your life, to the bitter end. 

For many of us, it is simply torture prolonged. 

On the other side of the coin lurks the "government" corporations that are paying for the average person's end of life medical care, and they have exactly the opposite set of motivations.  They want you to die quickly and quietly the moment you are no longer "productive", so that they can keep a larger percentage of "your" public trust funds for their use and abuse. 

This is also what prompts them to so joyously and eagerly expend funds for abortions.  They still get a kickback and a trust fund for every unique set of DNA that comes into existence, regardless of whether or not it is ever manifest as a separate living being.  If they can assign it a name, they can cash in ----and they do.   Abortion for them is a win-win situation --- get the money without the expense, control the size and quality of the "herd", and do it with consent of the victim's Mother, so that you can blame her for it all.  

If the Mother is poor, desperate, and black -- so much the better.  The elitists in charge of this mass murder and "eugenics enterprise" don't like people of color, even their own color.  

And so far as that's concerned, forget the deaths purportedly caused by viruses of any kind at all.  The leading cause of death in America is abortion. 47 million babies worth, and more to come, because of profit margins and greed and complete mindless lack of moral compass.  

See how insidious and profit-driven this is?  See why it is crucial that corporations --and the men running them-- be reformed?  And disciplined? Severely? 

If you want a Bogey Man to be afraid of, be afraid of corporations --- mindless, heartless, faceless, profit-driven THINGS that pretend and act as if they are alive; any Frankenstein or cannibal Zombie would be put to shame, if compared to Pepsi-Co, Standard and Poors, or Wells Fargo. Any dragon, godzilla, or ET would be left flat-footed in the Boardroom of Lockheed-Martin, Tesla, Inc., SERCO, or Raytheon. 

Yet, fear is not an option when confronted with Legal Fictions. Though they can and do destroy life, and both the meaning and the quality of life, ---because they are themselves dead things, they cannot stand the light of day or bear the force of a lawful court.  

And this above and beyond every other consideration is why we must turn our attention toward using the tools at our disposal to discipline and when necessary, to destroy run-amok corporations--- including "government" corporations. 

Cowering in your bed with the covers pulled up over your head won't deter the IRS or FEMA from making false claims against your presumed-to-exist Municipal ESTATE ---and rooking you into paying them.  Doing absolutely everything the government corporations tell you to do, exactly the way they tell you to do it, won't give you any safety.  Paying that mortgage for 30 years, plus interest, won't mean that you own your own house.  

These for-profit corporations are determined to make money off of you, your assets, your very existence.  They exist to suck you dry, and that's all there is to it.  They are the real-life vampires, and that's putting it nicely.  

So if you want to control corporations, you must deprive them of their profit-motives, and develop and use better means to provide oversight, and we must engender corporation-killing legislation above and way beyond measures like the Sherman Antitrust Act  or Taft-Hartley Act or Logan Act.  

We, as living beings, need Silver Bullets-- absolute means to destroy corporations that trespass against us, no questions asked.  Just dead. Defunct. Liquidated for Cause.  Corporate veil ripped asunder.  Controlling shareholders, officers, and board members disgraced in public, their holdings and "personal" property confiscated to compensate the victims. 

That's what we need and being afraid won't get the job done.  Neither will crying and whining to the Board Members --- the members of 'Congress' -- who are promoting and profiting from all this nightmarish abuse.  Neither will bringing suits against them in their own courts avail us anything.  

No, the only way to bring these corporations back in line is to exercise our own courts and Military Tribunals to deny them the profits from their misdeeds and punish the perpetrators of these corporate crimes against humanity. 

I still believe that tearing apart just one major corporation, and doing a really good job of it,  would do a world of wonders --- and serve to jerk the others back in line. 

The corporations need to taste the sword of having their charters burned and their articles outlawed, their shareholders exposed as the greedy, mindless, profit-seeking morons they are, their officers arrested as criminals, and their board members sacked, not eligible for rehire, all of them deprived of all privileges allowing them to incorporate or license or patent anything at all, ever again---- and most important, all of their personal property and accounts confiscated, so that they cannot profit from murdering, poisoning, deceiving, cheating, bringing False Claims in Commerce or otherwise harming anyone ever again.    

Let the paper carnage begin.  


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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  1. A smart virus? I think it's here population control ! There weeding out the old and sick that drives the insurance rates up! They control the deer and all other animals so why would humans be any different? They keep saying herd immunity! They don't need us right now for the economy the stock markets are soaring right now with jobs and businesses gone ! This stock market is up because of the federal reserve! Why is everything open if this virus is killing people 1 person every 30 seconds? They want us all infected they are making trillions off of it ! One big pandemic they have so much to gain here ! In there twisted minds they believe it's in the best intrest of humanity and to save the planet! There all in on it! United nations Bill gates up to the top of the chain! How can people really think that this is about china infected our planet within hours? No sense in everything they say! Killing us off and getting paid for it! Set our minds with kids after lies putting fear than act like there saving our lives get there vaccines! I heard even the doctors are choosing who lives and dies not giving old and sick ventilators ! I hope there is Hell waiting for all of these evil doers! God help us all bring the people together to stop this INSANITY!

    1. You might consider chk-n the dictionary for the difference in THEIR AND THERE

    2. I'm glad you brought my wording to my attention! I get right on that! Thank you so much I know there is nothing going on in the world more important than the words there and their! Lol !

  2. Seniors run on more data.
    They have a bigger library as a frame of geometric time and space references if change.
    Rate of change in ur reality.


  3. .
    no one wants to believe they are living in the fiction; the illusion; a 2-dimensional world. (matrix)

    The BAR Guild - Ass. created the fiction (all) – legal system (LOL) with the FRB and the central bank non- authorized power and added usury – What does God says what about usury !!!! Yet sheeple claimer for more credit, more free stuff that others have to pay for.

    People believe they "Paid" for their [everything] house when the deed says tenant on the back................LOL you gota love it.

    There is no money only currency and offset and discharge because of the US bankruptcy and the use of the Federal Reserve Notes – “Note” (IOU) is a debt instrument - fiat currency.

    Sorry your schools and teachers (and now 1619 and Islam religion will be taught) lied to you, your representatives lied to you, your attorney lied to you, your banker lied to you, your church lied to you…….and so forth and so forth…………….,

    Few sheeple can see past their noise into the possibility of the future; especially with the evidence (voting, money, evil, fraud) staring them in the face.
    If every sheeple are so righteous – religious they why do they lie to each other, why do they violate Gods laws – the 9th commandment – forget about the others……… right!!!
    Divorce (three party contract) why does it end in 2 out of three marriages failing - 66%.
    The system is designed that way. The attorneys and judges (LOL) and real estate get more of everything when they divorced split up. Does anyone believe in the “Book(s)” if so why is there 66% end in divorce.

    According to Marc Steven there is no STATE !!!!! yep he proved it to the administrations.

    May you get what you want and want and what you get. - The sheeple deserve what thy get

    Gratitude – We Bleed Red White and Blue – keep moving forward

  4. .
    If you wan to make someone angry you tell them a lie, if you want to make them furious you tell them the truth

    “When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest." ~ Frederick Douglass

    “Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” Apostle Paul, Galatians 4:16

    Gratitude – We Bleed Red White and Blue – keep moving forward

  5. .
    The corporations need to taste the sword of having their charters burned and their articles outlawed, their shareholders exposed as the greedy, mindless, profit-seeking morons they are, their officers arrested as criminals, and their board members sacked, not eligible for rehire, all of them deprived of all privileges allowing them to incorporate or license or patent anything at all, ever again---- and most important, all of their personal property and accounts confiscated, so that they cannot profit from murdering, poisoning, deceiving, cheating, bringing False Claims in Commerce or otherwise harming anyone ever again.

    ti is a good start but does not go far enough as all the wars and 911 were done by the very same people

    “When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest." ~ Frederick Douglass

    “Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” Apostle Paul, Galatians 4:16

    Gratitude – We Bleed Red White and Blue – keep moving forward

  6. .
    The corporations need to taste the sword of having their charters burned and their articles outlawed, their shareholders exposed as the greedy, mindless, profit-seeking morons they are, their officers arrested as criminals, and their board members sacked, not eligible for rehire, all of them deprived of all privileges allowing them to incorporate or license or patent anything at all, ever again---- and most important, all of their personal property and accounts confiscated, so that they cannot profit from murdering, poisoning, deceiving, cheating, bringing False Claims in Commerce or otherwise harming anyone ever again.

    What about the BAR Guild system itself what more need to be done - tar and feather for starters?

    “When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest." ~ Frederick Douglass

    “Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” Apostle Paul, Galatians 4:16

    Gratitude – We Bleed Red White and Blue – keep moving forward

    1. Maximus- Better yet, they all need to starve for it least a week if not more and that should humble them all without any blood shed!!! I should know because I starved in the orphanage for the first six 6 years of my life, it changes the essence of you (I was always so hungry that I would eat weeds and tree leaves in the orphanage yard [some of it actually tasted pretty good, it was my version of a salad sans dressing, I would even go into the peacock pen {they actually had peacocks pens in the state orphanage, they would always spread their tails and it was so beautiful} and eat their food which wasn't too bad, don't worry I left them some LOL, no other orphans out of 200 did that except me, I did show one other orphan the peacock food but would not eat it])!!! Hunger will humble even the wildest beast of human beings, it did me (I am still humble from that experience from over 4 decades ago, you never forget it) even though I was never a wild beast like our victimizers and I would never wish that on my worst enemy!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

  7. Its been said; that piracy on land carries the penalty of being hung and other whom act in the same manner in aid to the fact are due the same penalty

  8. >> FEMA just posted new jobs in your area. >> Make up to $2812 per paycheck.

    Wow, good fortune for great sinners.

    1. Carpenter- Just only temporary fortune (shekels) for the great sinners (crimes against divinity), unfortunately the payback (punishment) is eternal, short sighted folks have short lives, divine visionaries have eternal life!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

  9. Total elimination of these parasites of original divine creation and humanity is our only option to avoid the host being killed off!!! It is no different than absolutely eliminating 100% of cancer to avoid relapse!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

    1. I will absolutely not stop to eliminate all these incorporated parasites at all ethical cost, even if cost me everything I have, even my mortal life (I have no fear of death because it is an honor, privilege and worth paying the price of death for the Father (Yahweh) to eliminate these indifferent parasites for eternity, how about you???)!!! If we do not eliminate these parasitical folks soon (divine deadline between 2025-2035, as soon as 2025, latest of 2035, depending on our unwavering commitment and effort to save our selves and original divine creation) our Father (Yahweh) (I actually know what he looks like and had others [leaders] who know what he looks like said that I look like him, what a compliment if I may say so myself) in Paradise/Heaven will do it for us which unfortunately will include all of us except those who know the Father (Yahweh) personally like I do to be forewarned to get out of harms way before the sterilization of original divine creation (I will disclose the supreme organization that will forewarn me to forewarn others when The Assembly and other organizations I am in contact with takes me seriously and let me guide them into Paradise/Heaven on Earth, not until then)!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Heaven!!!

    2. I will literately be glued to the internet all day and night tomorrow to watch the greatest show on Earth, there is nothing like SHOW business (only thing I am extremely concerned about with millions of Trump supporters all bunch together like a can of sardines is that a False Flag event may (could, not will) befall on all of them because they all will be sitting ducks with nowhere to run and hide to take cover, a total wipe-out, I can not predict the future but can only calculate from past behaviors of the Deep State (Oklahoma Federal Murrah Building, Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin, New York 911, Israel USS Liberty, Las Vegas Shooting, Florida Pulse Club Shooting etc. etc. etc., that is why I avoid crowds like a plague), I absolutely hope not and crossing my fingers, I will be so relieved when everyone in D.C. make it home safe and sound (if there is a False Flag event tomorrow, especially in D.C., it is over for everyone [Civil War for years] and it will be the day humanity's soul died forever)!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

    3. Side note from previous post: I went to a "New Edition" concert (Bobby Brown, ex husband of Whitney Houston) with my girlfriend when I was 16 years old!!! It was a lawn concert with no chairs, when "New Edition" came out onto the stage and all of a sudden without warning there was a massive rush of people (about 10,000 folks, mainly teenagers) going towards the front of the stage when they started to sing their songs, the security guards attempted to get everyone to back up and not rush the stage but to no avail, folks were getting crushed and suffocating due to the pressure of the crowd, the promoters and venue officials got on the speaker and told everyone that the concert is cancelled and to leave immediately (did not even get to finish one song), the victims were placed on the stage to get treatment, that was a very frightening moment and that is why I avoid huge crowds!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

    4. I also read on www.stateofthenation.com (video deleted by Youtube) that ANTIFA members were being bused into D.C couple of days before January 6 and told to wear MAGA hats (backwards to identify each other) to blend into the crowd of Trump supporters, and also that the D.C mayor ordered all hotels, convenient and grocery stores closed before January 6 (it least around the vicinity of the protest), here we go again!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

    5. Correction: www.stateofthenation.co, not www.stateofthenation.com

    6. BREAKING NEWS: A young woman was shot and killed earlier today while storming the Capitol building!!! THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!!! Civil War has begun in earnest!!!


      My prediction in a previous post yesterday above on this article about False Flag has come true (witnesses who was right next to her are saying it may have been Antifa wearing riot gear may have shot the woman in the neck [if not Antifa then Capitol Police], some witnesses were yelling active shooter, blood all over the floor!!!
      Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!

  10. "The corporations need to taste the sword of having their charters burned and their articles outlawed, their shareholders exposed as the greedy, mindless, profit-seeking morons they are, their officers arrested as criminals, and their board members sacked, not eligible for rehire, all of them deprived of all privileges allowing them to incorporate or license or patent anything at all, ever again---- and most important, all of their personal property and accounts confiscated, so that they cannot profit from murdering, poisoning, deceiving, cheating, bringing False Claims in Commerce or otherwise harming anyone ever again.

    Let the paper carnage begin."

    What happens when you serve papers for extradition to a country that fails to honor your court order ??? Sometime ago, Annie McShane of the Delaware Assembly and AVR sent a letter to Larry Fink CEO of Blackrock Corporation regarding DNA issues. I do not recall being informed of Larry Fink's response.

    There is theory and practice. Without "military enforcement" what is the value of the Law ??? As they say, "It's just words on a paper."

  11. Just listened to a farmer saying beef and farms being over run by multi-nationals and only 4 processors for meat exist creating a monopoly and turning farmers in to mere workers of the multi-national consortiums. Also the processors take in more and more imports, crushing the local farmers out just like in orchards that were once largely family owned, and as well mixing the products up, no real safety oversight and the sick from eating the stuff will of course need drugs and misery treatments that the multi-nationals also control and have pushed out ( but lost really due to the wake-up) most good quality food and herb busniesses and practioners so only their allopathic cut, burn and poison medicine is allowed or your fired, tossed in cage, poisoned or ridiculed for being healthy. In any decent family mom and dad finding the kids charging little brother for meals and stealing around the house the perpretrators would be stopped but such a big family and it has to be everyone learning and knowing right from wrong since no mom can govern billions or even hundreds of immature mischevious, greedy and in most cases fun loving kids with all hidden behind the wizards curtain so mom and dad cannot find out

  12. Our foundation is solid. Its all the termites in the form of not so much that is known but what is known that is not so. Literally towers and mountains of total horse droppings that should have rotted back in to the soil not made a "new" or progressive or some other stupid non-sense making thing that not only avoids our foundation but trys to hide it entirely but uses it as though they are only doing as we ask. Last time I checked if you expect someone you pay for to work for you and they lie, cheat, spread bad rumors around about you, try to alter your wills and deeds and treat you and your family like fools they would be fired not made in to super beings with special unheard of priveleges.

  13. https://www.joeplummer.com/audiobook
    5 hrs tragedy and hope audiobook


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