Saturday, January 9, 2021

Video of Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election

1 comment:

  1. ** THEY'RE LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE. IF YOU DON'T RESET THEM IN 3 Yrs, then 25 - 29 = Ww3. Thereafter, you won't recognize America.

    ** Don't buy their lies abou their stronger Virus in 2021. Why they lie? To get your submission. They knew you won't be happy with their election theft. (The devils Approach).
    You do have to wesr a mask, but attentively IF you live BELOW Ohio, Chicago down SOUTH to Florida and near right-Houston. West coasters don't need to worry much, Mexico no worries. I checked the wave of their virus pattern. They lie recently to scare you, they will kill someone directly at hosp to deceive you, to scare all on their New Covid21. COVID19 is seen stronger. So the months of their new Virus conspiracies will be : JAN21 to FEB28, 2021. So wear a mask during this CRITICAL period. They can't change their window. I'll explain later.

    ** How do I know? The higher God gave me the wisdom, i told Lee Wanta in 11-2018, to get trump and John Robert to get his stolen money's back then. Things didn't work out for him, so end of that story, lost opp.. Now yours could be the same, if you ignore this recommendation.


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