Friday, January 1, 2021

'Trump Is Not Conceding. Something BIG Is Happening'

 Wayne Allyn Root Delivers Urgent Message To America

Patrick Byrne Drops Teaser on Latest Fraud Investigation in a “Certain State” Involving Governor and Secretary of State

1 comment:

  1. YES I now see the best strategy to deal with the Giant thieves. The Narcissists, the Illuminati and the Chinese.

    That is to Let them kill each other is best. I know who will win. Even if this world is destroyed, I will still live. I will enjoy my life I would not let them get a penny out from me any longer from now on. Never ask the truth, from the liars. Or from the quick-jump-to-conclusion. Who? The fast talkers, the imaginators.

    They are the twisters, the claimers of people property's deceptively. Yes they preclaim the galaxy ahead of time. To tax our future children. They don't know how to get there yet without me/us. Well, let them play their mind games with each other, to run out of time.....
