Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Situation Update, Jan. 5, 2021 – Congress will betray; patriots will need to RESCUE the President

"We believe that the US Congress is incapable of following the Constitution. Over 90 percent of the members of Congress are treasonous criminals who are actively seeking to install CCP puppet Joe Biden in the White House, even if it means destroying the republic in the process. By the end of the day tomorrow, we will likely see Joe Biden confirmed (80% chance) as the president-elect."

Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update podcast:

  • Culture wars in America depict all White men as worthless, stupid, weak, incapable fools (while women save the world).
  • Indy media has been infiltrated by CIA psychological operations manipulators.
  • Trump is under siege and probably needs to be saved by the people, not the other way around.
  • White House rumored to be flying the 1776 flag, which may be a call to arms.
  • Estimated 80 million firearms were sold in the USA in 2020 alone. Guns and ammo everywhere…
  • Pelosi, Pence, McCarthy and McConnell conspire for “backroom deal” to betray the nation and stab Trump in the back.
  • Corsi reveals why fraudulent votes can’t be “certified” by states that themselves are in on the criminal fraud. The states are part of the conspiracy and thus their votes must be tossed.
  • Jenna Ellis suggests strategy for Pence to demand electoral votes be re-considered by state legislators.
  • Northern Georgia US Attorney suddenly resigns. He covered Fulton County. Hmmm…
  • Ivan Raiklin suggests McCarthy conduct a parallel House vote by state delegation, then send a competing vote back up to Pence (all this takes place after objections are raised to Arizona). Pence could then decide which vote from the House to accept.
  • Why VP Pence (or now Grassley, possibly) could cite Ratcliffe’s foreign interference as a reason to reject fraudulent electors.
  • Matt Gaetz reveals the old GOP is dead, and the new GOP is the party of Trump. (Somebody please tell the old GOP geezers about this, because none of them have heard yet…)
  • Charles Hugh Smith on the lifecycle of bureaucratic corruption and why America’s government has devolved into a cabal of treasonous criminals whose primary function is to loot the nation from within.
  • Sen. Loeffler now suddenly says she will object to the fraudulent electoral votes from Georgia, but it took her forever to get to this point. She is nothing more than a placeholder and has no spirit for liberty or freedom.
  • Gohmert reveals the courts are so corrupt that the American people have no choice but to take to the streets.
  • NY rolling out “covid camps” to through conservatives into death camps.
  • D.C. Mayor dispatching the National Guard to try to block Trump supporters. This is the same mayor who did nothing when Antifa and BLM were committing acts of violence.
  • Trump labels the GOP the “surrender caucus.” And he’s right.
  • VP Pence sends out a tweet that’s a confirmation he will do nothing. Spineless coward.
  • Former Secretaries of Defense warn Trump not to invoke military authority… because they know he’s going to. And he has the right to do so.
  • Sen. Tom Cotton commits political suicide by refusing to object to fraudulent electoral votes, claiming Congress doesn’t have the power to discern such things… a claim that’s absurd and stupid, given that the Constitution specifically gives Congress this power to vote on the electoral results. (Another spineless coward.)
  • Criminal traitor Raffensperger lied about ballots in Georgia. (No surprise.)
  • Corrupt politicians in Georgia decide to delay and move the hearing into possible ballot fraud, because no one has any desire to see any actual evidence of vote fraud. (See no evil…)
  • New analysis funded by The Epoch Times turns up 432,000 votes removed from Trump in Pennsylvania alone… systematic deductions throughout the night, all done electronically, all illegal. Massive criminal fraud, but the courts say no one in America has standing.
  • Brian Kilmeade of Fox News says “no evidence” of voter fraud.
  • Mysterious cyber investigations group concludes that Americans are preparing for war and must go to war to defend and restore their republic.
  • Patrick Byrne reveals the discovery of a massive ballot fraud enterprise involving a printing company and a multi-state conspiracy to fill out large numbers of ballots for Biden, then transport them to the states where they are needed to “win.”
  • Boxes full of fake ballots found to contain a receipt from China, indicating they are also being printed in China.
  • Lin Wood unleashes mega bombshells, revealing the world is run by a cabal of globalists who ensnare political leaders in pedophilia and child murder traps, all documented on video and used to blackmail them for life.
  • The same scheme is also used in Big Tech, Hollywood and the music industry. If you don’t rape a child, you don’t get promoted or publicized.

1 comment:


    From the portions of Trump’s rally speech I saw, he didn’t release any “Epstein-level” information, but we certainly got the choreographed “We The People” revolution they telegraphed.

    Now that “Trump protesters” have stormed the Capitol Building, it’s a race to see who will arrest whom. Will Pence get his cabinet coup? Will we later find out that the “Trump protesters” who stormed the Capitol were actually bussed-in Antifa in disguise (and were deliberately allowed to breach security)? Will the script have the military back Trump?

    Here’s one way to overcome objections to the electoral vote count, prevent “Epstein-level” revelations, and stop a 10-day investigation into voting fraud…

    Bus in Antifa guys, dress them in MAGA gear, and position them in the Trump crowd nearest the Capitol Building.
    When Trump “leads” the march to the Capitol, have the police allow the Antifa guys through the barricades and into the building, hoping some gullible Trumpers follow them in.
    Have the press scornfully cover the resulting mayhem.
    Clear out the Capitol and restart the vote, this time with Republican lawmakers “too embarrassed to object.”
    It was clever scripting, and perhaps this is the sole objective of today’s mischief: to embarrass rank-and-file Republicans so badly that they won’t blame their Representatives and Senators for not objecting — to provide Congresspersons with political cover. We’ll see if they take it any further — such as to arrests, impeachment, or a 25th Amendment removal — tomorrow.



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