Thursday, January 7, 2021

All Roads Lead to Rome

 By Anna Von Reitz

China--- remember the Boxer Rebellion and the blood of the People's Revolution?  Remember how you were cut off and isolated and left to starve?

It appeared to be England and "the" United States at fault, but behind these puppets was Rome, using them as storefronts, scapegoats, and Fall Guys. 

Europe--- remember all the bloody conflicts of the past four hundred years?  Everything that has happened since the English Civil War and the Great Fire of London?  Same story.  The Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Seven Years War, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the entire Napoleonic Era, the Crimean War, the First World War, the Second World War, and all the endless nasty "mercenary conflicts"?  

And all you in the Middle East -- remember the Crusades, all the "killing for Jesus" -- the way your trade routes were decimated, and the way that the British provided themselves with a base and promoted more war by creating Palestine out of thin air, and then supporting the creation of the modern state of Israel?  

Africa--- remember how your every effort to modernize and to lift your people up and to enjoy your own natural resources has been viciously stomped on and stifled?  

Russia -- what Communist Revolution?  

Again, and always, England is the common thread, but why?  

Rome. Rome is really the common thread running through it all, sometimes seen, sometimes unseen.  The Popes manipulated the Kings and Queens of Great Britain, because they owed their thrones and their claim to be Monarch to the Popes. There was a dirty little secret at the bottom of the barrel and the British Monarchs were in effect, being blackmailed from the days of the Magna Carta to today. 

William of Normandy destroyed the British Monarchy on a permanent basis by dividing up the land mass of Britain and giving it all away to his faithful Barons, making each one of them kings in their own right.  He guaranteed this scheme by castrating his eldest son and disinheriting the others, preventing them from owning any land in England. 

That's why Henry II had to go to France and try to regain a foothold on the Continent-- but he still wasn't a King in England. Just a Vassal working as an Overseer of the Commonwealth lands in England for the Pope, and alternatively, being hired as a Mercenary to go fight the Crusades. 

So this "Hidden Hand" relationship has continued, with the high and mighty British Monarchs being Patsies for Rome and playing their part in an endless game that they have been blamed for.  Even I blame them, but not for the same reasons.  I blame them for not having guts enough to expose Rome. 

It's their Hand and Foot game with the Popes and also the Eastern Patriarchs that has cost everyone on this planet so much pain, created so many divisions, and promoted so much violence---- because they provided Rome with what Rome needed most: a foil. Another side to play against, or at least, appear to play against.  

Please note that the more noble the rhetoric, the worse the action. 

Also note that evil means yields evil results every single time.  

And always, predictably, in the background, England (acting for Rome) at the bottom of the dogpile, creating the problems and stirring the pot. 

Also notice how the two, Britain and Rome, interact financially.  The Holy Roman Empire always gets the first cut and choice bits of every misadventure. 
That should tell everyone the truth of the matter, the who-works-for-who, shouldn't it?  

Finally, notice how everything good gets co-opted and transformed into something evil.  That, too, comes from Rome.  Not Christian Rome.  Pagan Rome-- the Roman Empire that has never really succumbed, and which has remained as violent, rigid, bureaucratic, predatory, immoral and insane as ever. 

The United Nations is supposed to be something good -- a world forum for all the various nations to come together to work on the common problems of mankind, and a place to resolve their differences peacefully.  But as Dag Hammarskjold found out, it was really a storefront for a Vichy French (Nazi)/Swiss Investment Corporation, the UN CORP. 

The Federal Reserve was supposed to be something good, that very quickly went bad, and which was used to embezzle the wealth of America. 

Our entire country, America, was supposed to be something good, and yet, thanks to the deceit and criminality of the British-Holy Roman Empire alliance, our quality of life and our reputation in the world has been ruined and we have been mistaken for "the US" and blamed for its misdeeds.

Manipulating the US (INCORPORATED) Presidential Election is pretty small beans for the HRE, something they have done to other smaller countries on a regular basis and by various means for hundreds of years. In this current caper, notice where the knife came from: Naples.   

As all the rot festers out, as it inevitably will, you will hear all sorts of bizarre "the Devil made me do it" excuses, tales of demons and Extraterrestrials and Fallen Angels, but this, too, is a ruse and a game.  

Wrong thoughts lead to wrong feelings, which lead to wrong actions.  

Every thread of corruption and deceit and co-option for the past thousand years, every war, every wrong, leads to Rome---mostly with a bypass through England, with England playing The Stick and Rome playing The Carrot. 

So, no surprises that the Stolen Election was manufactured in Italy, long the home of the world's most adept criminals, and no surprise that the Italian Government is on the hook for the Vatican's misdeeds---- again. 

Unfortunately, all the Italian Government's promises to reform, it's fine actions discovering the plots and acts of the criminals, it's most determined efforts to do what is right and avoid being stomped on for the sins of the Vatican --- have to be taken with a hefty grain of salt and a quirked eyebrow. 

The successive governments of Italy have been on the payroll and at the trough of the Holy See like nearly everyone else.  It's only when they feel the eyes of the world upon them as the source of all this bunk and violence that they "crack down on the Vatican"--- yet you will notice that the "Vatican" or something like it, always continues to exist. 

We don't need more government reform or any more excuses for the deplorable conditions we all face, the wars and economic upheavals, the enslavements, the poverty, the injustices, the rigged commodity markets, the False Flags, the drugs, and now, the phony man-made diseases.   

What we need is to change our minds, change the way we see things, change the "lens" through which we view the world. 

Then everything snaps into focus.  

We no longer wonder why Donald Trump doesn't use the Insurrection Act and flush Congress down the toilet as any sane person in his position should do. 
We no longer wonder why Americans can't carry guns in what appears to be their own capitol city.   We know why all the major media outlets in this country are owned by foreign interests and why they all sound the same, monotonous, sanctimonious, and mindless note on cue.  

It's like listening to an off-key choir. 

We finally know, after Buckingham Palace is boarded up, why Britain is always at the bottom of every flaming dogpile. 

The next question is: what do we do about it?  What does it take before we all band together and finally deal with the actual problem?   All of us, from every corner of the world? 


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  1. Michael Ables.. The Vatican responsible for the STEAL!!

    1. Simon Parks is confused on his history repeating the propaganda that get countries into war now for sane people that tried it keep us out of ww1 a group of patriots America first group president Jerald Ford and John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Henry Ford, Charles Lenburg, Father Conklin all attacked by zionest Woodrow Wilson’s gang.

    2. Yup folks I affirmed. Why? The Pope's sign is a Firesign = TROUBLEMAKERS.

      The (non-noble) Queen is also a Firesign. Strange encounter or compatible energies? They rule people by deceptive (pretending good) passion. To get your sleepy politicians to work for them....

      PS. When i talked about the planet's Names, or energies type, i mean the 3D analog science (similar to waveforms, not digital) that God created so many million years ago, that men had no clue on how to interpret them. Not being arrogant here.
      People with NO connection with true God, have NO true love for the world. Today GIANT THIEVES / Devils only cared to judge people / creditors.

  2. SO, IS THERE AN ANSWER!?or do we just lay down and DIE, and tell OUR Children ; good luck.

  3. Anna, please remove the duplicate text from the post. Seems like you inadvertently hit the Copy button twice.

    1. ha! thought I'd copied it twice. Put them on word to take with me doing chores.

  4. Make American Great Again; very interesting use of words!, but just what is one addressing? We can all assume something, but what is the something one assumes? just what is one standing on?, not in!. Then there is the word, "Nation" another interesting assumption of assumptions. Then comes the best of the best, like Black African American, Italian American, Irish American, German American and on and on with all this dual American crap, then again one can add the coloring box terms like yellow, red, brown, pink, but white and black are not colors they are pigments and if you are a pigment you are not a color

  5. Question: If there was no such thing as "money", just how would you provide for you and yours? Think hard and deep.

    1. Thomas:
      In 1800's the. FRENCH was not quite corrupt as today in terms of "Paper money". It was called "exchanging ticket" back then.

      Then the British Jews (UK÷× + French + popes + U.S. (INC) Colluded together to rob the world together, increasingly.

  6. ..
    The next question is: what do we do about it? What does it take before we all band together and finally deal with the actual problem? All of us, from every corner of the world?

    When in the last 10,000 years has this happened - except to form and army to concur another country ?

    1. maxi--it take YOU to shut the hell up and Finish the "reconstruction" and take responsiblity and self govern the way this America is supposed to be governed.. The process is laid out for you by the person you are bad mouthing.., We do our part,, the rest of the world follows.. we do nothing... you better find a kid to but waak and eat or THEY are gonna kill you.. pretty simple avrdot com.

    2. The screwy logic is as clear as tbid:

      1) Anthony Stephen Fauci (/หˆfaสŠtสƒi/; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. Since January 2020, he has been one of the lead members of the Trump administration's White House Coronavirus TASK FORCE ADDRESSING the COVID-19 PANDEMIC in the United States. In January 2021, HE WILL BECOME CHIEF MEDICAL ADVISOR to the PRESIDENT in the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION. FAUCI  is ONE OF...
      2) WHO claims. vaccine will NOT END COVID-19 pandemic
      Sky News Australia. 2891 views 2 weeks ago.๐Ÿ˜‚
      This page isn't available. Sorry about this monkey mice! Try searching for something else. YouTube's here to help you confused in our Corps๐Ÿท๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅข๐Ÿฝ ways.

    3. Fauchi is Martin Short - this is my own interpretation

      His bio is all fake

  7. "We no longer wonder why Donald Trump doesn't use the Insurrection Act and flush Congress down the toilet as any sane person in his position should do."

    13 Days and counting... or is this comment based upon "inside knowledge or just Speculation...????


    Replay of the Gunpowder Plot

    1. I like his take on it the DISINFO RANGER
      Lots of sheckels to be made putting folks in their for profit jails
      Not to mention the more focus they can put on those pesky guns you protect yourself with the more hollywood family members who are sitting as representatives can vote to have them steal them all from you

  9. Skip Anna’s rant and read your analysis.
    Would just add Babylon Talmud 1700 BC practiced by our den of vipers as JC called them.
    Well kazars that prayed of a self imposed toll road to orient Silk Road they set up shop in Constantinople we’re the Romans built them a trading post .
    Emperor Justinian once exiled from Rome stayed with prince of the kazars and married his daughter.
    As Emporer he created the Justinian code identity shifting word changing being tutored by the mob .
    Pope told Constantine were Rome failed we will succeed as Priest in black robes practiced civil law strict adherence to what the senate decree.
    Little muddy the relationship but definitely in bed with each other .

  10. You reall think the (((Deep State))) will allow some old fogies to remove them from power ?
    Haven’t see but rare occasions patriots win in court or anywhere else.
    In Theory sounds plausible but Patrick Henry greatest oration of his day said “unfortunately tyrants only understands one thing force”.
    Founding father understood it well.

  11. Interesting in this video
    The mutation of the 'virus' started in the same exact location that the first vaccines were ADMINISTERED

    Anyone else think this woman looks like Shelly Duvall from THE SHINING?
    About half way through the video

  12. Operation Warp Speed and the Hebrew 666 and CUBE OR Q

  13. Gabriel over the white house folks - a film from 1933

  14. Was there any hidden hand in the abdication yesterday of the people claiming responsibility to represent the real interests of the real people, among the pwers that be aka high contracting powers? You know, the real adults in the room, who always talk over the children. They who decide for the rest of us, and what they say, goes.
    THEY met yesterday, to decide again. But it was commonly known that the old system was dead, so this was not ordinary as it would decide the new system of government for America.
    It was common knowledge the president acknowledged by stating several times he was there to give power back to the people.
    It was common knowledge the full congress would assemble for the electoral college. The time and place for these decisions.
    The people and priority interested party were publicly notified and invited to the time and place of decision. By the President no less.
    The appointed day arrived and the assembly took place. The republicans and democrats were there representing secondary interests. The people who heard and felt interested also came.
    The people were allowed in the capitol building at which point the secondary interested parties stood down and abdicated. They recessed themselves away to hide from their creditors. What now was to be their fate?
    After a few hours of holding the capitol, it was assumed sufficient, and they were asked to leave. The people left and went home.
    Then the other 2 parties returned to see!
    "What form of government have they given us?" What did they decide?
    Having looked around, nothing meaningful was discovered as having been done by the people. Only disturbance, disorder, and damage. Apparently only the children came and to disrupt the truly responsible adults. So the 2 parties resumed the status quo, and the new thing, an offspring of the beast which the people couldve slain in the womb and prevented ever coming here, was conjurred to grow on our land.
    The table was set and all parties notified. The high contracting powers met and it was decided the communist technocracy of America. The shiny new giant in the land.
    Do those representing us at the big table not have eyes to see and ears to hear?
    They did not feel addressed by the invitation? What we are doing has nothing to do with that?
    Of all people on the planet, why did the leaders not sense a outstretched hand in that invitation? This I cant figure out, to whom was he speaking besides the specific priority interest of record with the full published voluminous record of action and claim by the people?
    What if the assembly showed up prepared with that complete record, at the appointed time and place to decide such? And they went in? And the subcontractors fled? And the People occupied their House and read the Law?! In hearing of 150000 now free Americans outside?
    But the people of the assembly didnt show. Would that outcome not have interested them? Judge for yourselves the focus of information presented as relevant and important in the past few weeks. That is time the people couldve been preparing for the big day. What kinda stuff took priority? Because thats what we got from those responsible to be in that meeting on our behalf. Instead of, it is possible; we couldve had it all.

  15. Did Francise lull the assembly into sealing the steal?


    Even if we complete the necessary preclinical studies and clinical trials, the marketing approval process is expensive, time-consuming and uncertain, and we may not be able to obtain approvals for the commercialization of any product candidates we may develop. Any immunotherapy we may develop and the activities associated with its development and commercialization, including design, testing, manufacture, recordkeeping, labeling, storage, approval, advertising, promotion, sale and distribution, are subject to comprehensive regulation by the FDA and by comparable global health authorities. To obtain the requisite regulatory approvals to commercialize any of our product candidates, we and our collaborators must demonstrate through extensive preclinical studies and clinical trials that our products are safe and effective, including in the target populations. Successful completion of clinical trials is a prerequisite to submitting a biologics license application, or BLA, or a new drug application, or NDA, to the FDA, a Marketing Authorization Application, or MAA, to the EMA, and similar marketing applications to comparable global regulatory authorities, for each product candidate and, consequently, the ultimate approval and commercial marketing of any product candidates.

    Under the Jobs Act and other shit listed in this SEC filing it will blow your mind the exceptions for this biotech company to sidestep all kinds of rules and test their products on the public and gain results they need to take their products to market and for approval if at all possible

    Even if we complete the necessary preclinical studies and clinical trials, the marketing approval process is expensive, time-consuming and uncertain, and we may not be able to obtain approvals for the commercialization of any product candidates we may develop. Any immunotherapy we may develop and the activities associated with its development and commercialization, including design, testing, manufacture, recordkeeping, labeling, storage, approval, advertising, promotion, sale and distribution, are subject to comprehensive regulation by the FDA and by comparable global health authorities. To obtain the requisite regulatory approvals to commercialize any of our product candidates, we and our collaborators must demonstrate through extensive preclinical studies and clinical trials that our products are safe and effective, including in the target populations. Successful completion of clinical trials is a prerequisite to submitting a biologics license application, or BLA, or a new drug application, or NDA, to the FDA, a Marketing Authorization Application, or MAA, to the EMA, and similar marketing applications to comparable global regulatory authorities, for each product candidate and, consequently, the ultimate approval and commercial marketing of any product candidates.

    Failure to obtain marketing approval for a product candidate will prevent us from commercializing the product candidate in a given jurisdiction. We have not received approval to market any biopharmaceutical product candidates from regulatory authorities in any jurisdiction, and it is possible that none of our product candidates, or any product candidates we may seek to develop in the future, will ever obtain regulatory approval. We have limited experience in filing and supporting the applications necessary to gain marketing approvals and may need to rely on third-party contract research organizations, or CROs, regulatory consultants or collaborators to assist us in this process. To our knowledge, there is no current precedent for an mRNA-based immunotherapy such as the type we are developing being approved for sale by the FDA, European Commission or any other regulatory agency elsewhere in the world.

    The populations of the world are their clinical trials folks

    The information clipped aboive is from page 21

    1. Page 22 of the same document

      No mRNA immunotherapy has been approved, and none may ever be approved. mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to the novel and unprecedented nature of this new category of therapeutics.

  17. I like this guy folks

    1. I like him and he makes a lot of good points however he is not admitting to himself that Trump is in on the CON

  18. So, has the USA surrendered to the CCP?

  19. I’m looking for the video just the other evening when the White House was breached with people in the crowd yelling out that’s Antifa! I believe YouTube took it down.

    1. Jon - this vid on the staged even, even shows police opening the barriers for the Antifa thugs to casually walk in:
      1.7.21: ANTIF@ BUSTED! HE DID NOT CONCEDE! STAY AWAY FROM MSM! - if you watch it at 1.25 speed its still clear, just faster.

  20. You mean the british not the English big difference ever since the union with Scotland it's the briitish Fabians who always cause the problems with their corruption world wide. The british have tried hiding the fact that we have our English constitution which is law above laws and stands to this day. As with what's happening in America whose constitution was given by the English. The british also tried stopping that from happening. As with the present day situation we find ourselves in the do not like that we have the power of speech and freedom because of the constitution right that we the people have and will continue to have because we will not allow this evil to take ovรจr completely. Good over evil, light over dark. Freedom over slavery. ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ

  21. @ Everyone- You seem to think that Anna is connected to God at the hip or something. She has made it very plain that she comes to the conclusions using her own God given intellect, beyond actually stating that it came from another source insider, etc. She has studied -A LOT- is intelligent, and anyone can connect the dots if you understand that there are dots using inner eyes as well as common sense. If you go beyond your emotional triggers, fear being the big one, your mind is able to grasp meaning that your emotional mind will not. This explains why you fail to see red flags in relationships when you are "in love" etc. One of our problems is that we tend to rely on others for understanding, failing to realize we are supposed to connect to God/Source directly and have an unpolluted stream of conscious and comprehension. If you follow a leader you should always have your connection to Source as your primary mover. That will then help you to know that the leader's words and actions are correct or that you may need to help them correct their situation. If we all did that then we wouldn't be heading over the cliff continually as we have seen from very long ago to the present day. See if you can confirm or debunk a topic on your own before pulling the emotional trigger on your mouth.

  22. ALL ROADES LEAD TO HOLLYWOOD - Rome is just a prop

  23. All roads to Rome lead to our divine Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/heaven!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) in Paradise/Heaven!!!


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