Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Situation Update, Dec. 18th – Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR with China


(Natural News) This is the most important Situation Update we’ve published so far. It’s for Friday, December 18th, and runs 98 minutes. See the video embed below.

I’ve altered the format to make sure that elections information goes first, with vaccine or covid topics at the end. This way, you get the urgent national security / elections information right up front.

Here are the highlights from today’s Situation Update:

  • Trump’s intelligence and military team members have put everything in place for an Insurrection Act scenario, but Trump still has to be the one to pull the trigger. Will he?
  • The Republican party is finished. McConnell just committed career suicide and discredited the entire party by siding with Biden as the “winner” of the obviously fraudulent election.
  • A new political party will arise from all this, and Americans will reject both the hopelessly corrupt DNC and the pathetic, spineless GOP.
  • We’ve all been thinking too small. Signs are now pointing toward war with China, not merely a domestic war with the deep state. America may be in an active international war before Jan. 20th.
  • Cyber hacks that appear to be from China (although the fake news media keeps reporting Russia) have penetrated and compromised the US government agencies that control all nuclear missiles and nuclear material stockpiles. This was a devastating cyber attack, with huge implications for national security.
  • I am designating this event a “Cyber Red Dawn.”
  • Gen. Flynn appears to call for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act. Confirms “foreign interference” in the US elections.
  • Lin Wood accuses SCOTUS Justice Roberts of being a treasonous, corrupt, (possible) pedophile who has betrayed America.
  • SCOTUS now designated as “complicit” in conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.
  • Reminder of the Pentagon order to shut down its internal “secure” communications systems, across the board, due to devastating cyber intrusion.
  • The Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration were both hacked and compromised, revealing national security secrets and details about America’s nuclear missiles, nuclear fuel, conventional power grid assets and more. A huge breach. Cyber warfare.
  • US Army reveals, “We expect adversary actions directed against the homeland.”
  • SCOTUS is slow-walking the Sidney Powell lawsuit in yet another betrayal of America. The courts will NOT be the solution. Only the military.
  • Dr. Jerome Corsi says Trump will win.
  • There is a tug of war within the National Intelligence Agency. Miles Guo (gnews) says, “the war between the CCP and the United States has already started and the battlefield is in the United States.”
  • Vaccine news: A SECOND Alaska healthcare worker has an allergic reaction to Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine just one day after another staff member at the same hospital went into anaphylactic shock.
  • A nurse in the USA passes out and nearly face plants on camera, just minutes after taking the coronavirus vaccine on live TV. Public relations nightmare for the vaccine industry. Doctors rushed to block the camera on the scene…

The ATF is back at it - Enough Is ENOUGH


  1. Well since Executive orders 100 took the Republic down . We now have a bankrupt corporation masquerading as government. The word subject as in the 14th amendment is just a nice way of saying slave .

  2. People need to reject all political parties. It's not about politicians. It's about the dark occult that controls them:

    Satanism Is NOT What People Believe It Is

  3. Magaldi: violo tutti i divieti, a Natale la polizia venga da me
    Scritto il 23/12/20 • nella Categoria: segnalazioni

    «Invito sin d’ora vigili, polizia e carabinieri a casa mia, a Natale, accanto ai miei numerosi ospiti: avremo il piacere di rispolverare insieme alcuni articoli della Costituzione». Gioele Magaldi, presidente del Movimento Roosevelt, si auto-denuncia in anticipo: «Continuerò a violare il coprifuoco, a circolare all’aperto senza mascherina e a promuovere assembramenti. E se qualcuno è arrivato a imporre limiti sul numero di persone ammesse in un’abitazione, vorrà dire che nel giorno del “redde rationem” ci divertiremo, in tribunale, ottenendo giustizia nei confronti di chi ha calpestato a tal punto i diritti garantiti dalla Carta costituzionale italiana». Insiste Magaldi: «Tutte le imposizioni contenute nei Dpcm sono illegittime, e quindi impugnabili: nessuna sanzione sarà pagata, e a seguire gratuitamente i cittadini multati saranno gli avvocati del Sostegno Legale che il Movimento Roosevelt mette a disposizione degli italiani». Sul Covid, Magaldi ha le idee chiare: «Il distanziamento è del tutto inutile, oltre che pernicioso per la salute e disastroso per l’economia: occorre anzi che tutti vengano contagiati nel più breve tempo possibile».Semmai, per Magaldi, occorre pontenziare la sanità territoriale «in modo da curare adeguatamente a casa chi dovesse ammalarsi, senza intasare gli ospedali creando l’allarmismo cavalcato dai media». Quanto alla “variante inglese” del virus, secondo il presidente “rooseveltiano” è sospetta: «La voce, subito enfatizzata, sembra quasi voler cautelare i governanti, nel caso in cui i vaccini si rivelassero inefficaci». Insiste Magaldi: «Si tratta di affrontare in modo finalmente serio, cioè ricorrendo a terapie adeguate, un virus influenzale a bassa letalità, finora strumentalizzato da poteri opachi per sabotare l’economia, sospendere la libertà e distruggere il nostro stile di vita occidentale, quello garantito dallo Stato di diritto». Anche Magaldi, intanto, vede «montagne russe» in arrivo, per il governo Conte: «Certo, Renzi non ha alcuna intenzione di far cadere il premier, visto che il suo obiettivo è solo partecipare alla “tavolata” del Recovery Fund. Ma nel frattempo sono intervenute altre forze: una volta avviato il processo di messa in crisi dell’esecutivo, poi non si sa come va a finire».Nessuna illusione, però: «Se anche il pessimo Conte dovesse cadere, sarebbe rimpiazzato da qualche altro “sguattero” dei poteri forti a cui, da troppi anni, i governi italiani obbediscono». A complicare il quadro c’è anche la crisi negli Usa, dove Joe Biden non è ancora stato eletto. «La dialettica fra Trump e Biden continua, anche se in modo diverso sia da come pensano i .

    1. .
      What an a$$hole The language in America is English

    2. google translate: Magaldi: I violate all prohibitions, at Christmas the police come to me
      Posted on 23/12/20 • in Category: reports

      "As of now, I invite the brigade, police and carabinieri to my home at Christmas, alongside my many guests: we will have the pleasure of dusting off some articles of the Constitution together." Gioele Magaldi, president of the Roosevelt Movement, denounces himself in advance: "I will continue to violate the curfew, to circulate outdoors without a mask and to promote gatherings. And if someone has come to impose limits on the number of people admitted to a home, it will mean that on the day of the "redde rationem" we will have fun, in court, obtaining justice against those who have trampled on the rights guaranteed by the Charter to such an extent. Italian constitutional law ". Magaldi insists: "All the impositions contained in the Dpcm are illegitimate, and therefore open to challenge: no fine will be paid, and the fined citizens will be followed free of charge by the lawyers of the Legal Support that the Roosevelt Movement makes available to Italians". On Covid, Magaldi has clear ideas: "The distancing is completely useless, as well as damaging to health and disastrous for the economy: indeed, everyone must be infected as soon as possible". If anything, for Magaldi, it is necessary to force territorial health care "in order to adequately treat those who fall ill at home, without clogging up the hospitals, creating alarmism ridden by the media". As for the "English variant" of the virus, according to the "Rooseveltian" president, it is suspicious: "The voice, immediately emphasized, almost seems to want to protect the rulers, in the event that vaccines prove ineffective". Magaldi insists: "It is a matter of finally addressing in a serious way, that is, by resorting to appropriate therapies, a low-lethality flu virus, hitherto exploited by opaque powers to sabotage the economy, suspend freedom and destroy our Western lifestyle, that guaranteed by the rule of law ". Magaldi, meanwhile, sees a "roller coaster" coming for the Conte government: "Of course, Renzi has no intention of bringing down the premier, since his goal is only to participate in the" table "of the Recovery Fund. But in the meantime other forces have intervened: once the process of putting the executive into crisis has started, then we don't know how it will end. "No illusions, however:" If even the bad Count falls, he will be replaced by some other "Scullery" of the strong powers that, for too many years, the Italian governments have obeyed ». To complicate the picture there is also the crisis in the US, where Joe Biden has not yet been elected. «The dialectic between Trump and Biden continues, even if in a different way that is what i think.

    3. I read the Italian news early 2020, they won't forgive the French for betrayals. Lending Fraud, similar to the GB-FR-U.S.INC problems with Greece.

      The bible needs to teach people law of KARNMA. Or Nature will, as you see now happening.

    4. Don't forget. CANADA INC., AUSTRALIA INC., etc... are part of the UK thievery commonwealth or crusade of the last 84 years. They stick together Agreeing to their satanic occultism.

      FDR helped these guys in secret, with your confiscated gold, that's why he refused to lower his U.S.Inc portion of the shared gold clandestines, in March 1945. His death was programmed by GB, because he will speak up if he was still alive then. Also the US ARMY wouldn't have been controlled by GB until these days in secret.

      God knows everything and passed on to us. Now you see, the law of KARMA is hidden. Like Ohms law etc.. until men discovered them. God won't let the Karma to pass beyond 120 years.

  4. partigiani acritici di Trump, sia da come pensano tutti quelli del mainstream, che tacciono completamente sulle istanze giuridiche ancora in mano ai trumpiani». A pesare – sottolinea Magaldi, esponente della massoneria progressista internazionale – sono le ombre sull’apparente vantaggio di Biden. «Tutto è ancora in gioco, e ci sono contrattazioni che peraltro avvengono nel back-office», dice Magaldi, lasciando aperta la possibilità di colpi di scena, a gennaio. Il presidente del Movimento Roosevelt richiama però l’attenzione innanzitutto sull’Italia: «Metteremo a disposizione dei cittadini una sorta di “manuale di disobbedienza civile”, per aiutarli a resistere agli abusi cui sono sottoposti, con il pretesto del Covid». Parola d’ordine: «Disobbedire, ma in modo leale e dichiarato».Colpisce la sottomissione di molti italiani: «Sembrano pronti a soggiacere in modo passivo a qualsiasi prescrizione, anche la più assurda. E questo è pericoloso, perché incoraggia chi detiene il potere a inasprire i provvedimenti limitando ulteriormente la libertà». Il rischio, dichiara Magaldi, è che si scivoli verso una dittatura. «E’ deprimente che a rassegnarsi a stare a casa alla vigilia di Natale siano le stesse persone che magari si saranno assiepate fino al giorno prima nelle vie dello shopping. E’ l’atteggiamento di chi si piega alle regole, quali che siano». Sottolinea Magaldi: «Si deve obbedire alle leggi, che sono rispettose della Costituzione, mentre se si ama la democrazia si deve disobbedire ai decreti che la calpestano: è anche un fatto di dignità del cittadino, oltre che una protesta essenziale per costringere il governo a limitare gli abusi di cui si sta macchiando, e dei quali un giorno risponderà nei tribunali».
    «Invito sin d’ora vigili, polizia e carabinieri a casa mia, a Natale, accanto ai miei numerosi ospiti: avremo il piacere di rispolverare insieme alcuni articoli della Costituzione». Gioele Magaldi, presidente del Movimento Roosevelt, si auto-denuncia in anticipo: «Continuerò a violare il coprifuoco, a circolare all’aperto senza mascherina e a promuovere assembramenti. E se qualcuno è arrivato a imporre limiti sul numero di persone ammesse in un’abitazione, vorrà dire che nel giorno del “redde rationem” ci divertiremo, in tribunale, ottenendo giustizia nei confronti di chi ha calpestato a tal punto i diritti garantiti dalla Carta costituzionale italiana». Insiste Magaldi: «Tutte le imposizioni contenute nei Dpcm sono illegittime, e quindi impugnabili: nessuna sanzione sarà pagata, e a seguire gratuitamente i cittadini multati saranno gli avvocati del Sostegno Legale che il Movimento Roosevelt mette a disposizione degli italiani». Sul Covid, Magaldi ha le idee chiare: «Il distanziamento è del tutto inutile, oltre che pernicioso per la salute e disastroso per l’economia: occorre anzi che tutti vengano contagiati nel più breve tempo possibile».

    Semmai, per Magaldi, occorre pontenziare la sanità territoriale «in modo da curare adeguatamente a casa chi dovesse ammalarsi, senza intasare gli ospedali creando l’allarmismo cavalcato dai media». Quanto alla “variante inglese” del virus, Magaldisecondo il presidente “rooseveltiano” è sospetta: «La voce, subito enfatizzata, sembra quasi voler cautelare i governanti, nel caso in cui i vaccini si rivelassero inefficaci». Insiste Magaldi: «Si tratta di affrontare in modo finalmente serio, cioè ricorrendo a terapie adeguate, un virus influenzale a bassa letalità, finora str
    umentalizzato da poteri opachi per sabotare l’economia, sospendere la libertà e distruggere il nostro stile di vita occidentale, quello garantito dallo Stato di diritto». Anche Magaldi, intanto, vede «montagne russe» in arrivo, per il governo Conte: «Certo, Renzi non ha alcuna intenzione di far cadere il premier, visto che il suo obiettivo è solo partecipare alla “tavolata” del Recovery Fund. Ma nel frattempo sono intervenute altre forze: una volta avviato il processo di messa in crisi dell’esecutivo, poi non si sa come va a finire»

    1. ummmm... excuse mmeee.. wtf did you just say ???''.. Ummmm...America ??/

    2. .
      What an a$$hole The language in America is English

    3. google translate: uncritical partisans of Trump, both from how all those in the mainstream think, who are completely silent on the legal issues still in the hands of the Trumpians. To weigh - emphasizes Magaldi, exponent of international progressive Freemasonry - are the shadows on the apparent advantage of Biden. "Everything is still at stake, and there are negotiations that also take place in the back office," says Magaldi, leaving the possibility of twists open in January. However, the president of the Roosevelt Movement draws attention first of all to Italy: "We will make available to citizens a sort of" manual of civil disobedience ", to help them resist the abuses they are subjected to, under the pretext of Covid". Password: "Disobey, but in a fair and open manner." It affects the submission of many Italians: "They seem ready to submit passively to any prescription, even the most absurd. And this is dangerous, because it encourages those in power to tighten the measures by further limiting freedom ». The risk, Magaldi declares, is that it will slide towards a dictatorship. "It is depressing that the same people who may have crowded the shopping streets until the day before are resigned to staying at home on Christmas Eve. It is the attitude of those who bow to the rules, whatever they are ". Magaldi underlines: "You must obey the laws, which are respectful of the Constitution, while if you love democracy you must disobey the decrees that trample on it: it is also a matter of dignity of the citizen, as well as an essential protest to force the government to limit the abuses he is guilty of, and for which he will one day answer in the courts ”.
      "As of now, I invite the brigade, police and carabinieri to my home at Christmas, alongside my many guests: we will have the pleasure of dusting off some articles of the Constitution together." Gioele Magaldi, president of the Roosevelt Movement, denounces himself in advance: "I will continue to violate the curfew, to circulate outdoors without a mask and to promote gatherings. And if someone has come to impose limits on the number of people admitted to a home, it will mean that on the day of the "redde rationem" we will have fun, in court, obtaining justice against those who have trampled on the rights guaranteed by the Charter to such an extent. Italian constitutional law ". Magaldi insists: "All the impositions contained in the Dpcm are illegitimate, and therefore open to challenge: no fine will be paid, and the fined citizens will be followed free of charge by the lawyers of the Legal Support that the Roosevelt Movement makes available to Italians". On Covid, Magaldi has clear ideas: "The distancing is completely useless, as well as damaging to health and disastrous for the economy: indeed, everyone must be infected as soon as possible".

      If anything, for Magaldi, local health care must be applied "in order to adequately treat those who fall ill at home, without clogging up the hospitals, creating the alarmism ridden by the media". As for the "English variant" of the virus, according to the "Rooseveltian" president, Magaldis is suspicious: "The voice, immediately emphasized, almost seems to want to protect the rulers in the event that the vaccines prove ineffective".

    4. Magaldi insists: "It is a question of finally facing seriously, that is, by resorting to appropriate therapies, a flu virus with low lethality, previously str
      umentalized by opaque powers to sabotage the economy, suspend freedom and destroy our Western lifestyle, the one guaranteed by the rule of law ". Magaldi, meanwhile, sees a "roller coaster" coming for the Conte government: "Of course, Renzi has no intention of bringing down the premier, since his goal is only to participate in the" table "of the Recovery Fund. But in the meantime other forces have intervened: once the process of putting the executive into crisis has started, then we don't know how it will end "


  5. .
    He may have something good to say but ......
    What an a$$hole The language in America is English

    There are language conversions programs are there not?


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