Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Pennsylvania Republican Electors Cast Votes for Trump, Pence: GOP

 The Pennsylvania Republican Party said on Monday that Republican electors cast their votes for President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

The state GOP, in a news release posted to Twitter, wrote that the electors met in Harrisburg to “cast a conditional vote” for Trump and Pence “at the request of the Trump campaign.”

Their vote comes as Democratic electors voted in the Pennsylvania Electoral College for Democrat Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) Electors in other states their votes on Monday as well.

The GOP cited the 1960 presidential election between former Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, who would become the eventual winner. Nixon, who became president years later, “was declared the winner in Hawaii … while Democrat legal challenges were pending,” according to the GOP, noting that a conditional vote was cast by Democratic electors for Kennedy when the electors met in 1960.

Read the entire article here: 


1 comment:

  1. THE THIEVES SAID *Let's do it right this time*

    AFTER THEY STOLE SO MUCH FROM US. They don't want to pay back and Dont want to learn any lesson, acting like their parasitic behavior is not the root problems.


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