Sunday, December 20, 2020

Did Trump Declare a National Emergency?


  1. To believe or not to believe in Alex Jone or Trump you have to base your belief on the consistent findings, not only from the Earth but from HEAVEN also. I want to give you evidences for you to make your own conclusion.

    Notable work: InfoWars; The Alex Jones Show
    Known for: Promotion of multiple right-wing conspiracy theories. A paid media, by powerful manipulators. Likely courrupt politicians. PROOF? HIS FIXED NEG. NEPTUNE, IN POWER SECTOR.

    2) Do you believe Astrologers are 25% or less right with their predictions ? And Tarot readers are much more right, as collective works. If you agree then proceed, to look at other evidences of consistency.
    If disagree, you are easily persuaded by feelings, not by fact, logic, and consistency. Stop here.

    3) Many professionals have said that science is reproduceable by 99.99% same result. My Tarot reading for this finding came from a system achieving 99.99% accuracy level.

    That this very moment, Alex Jones is experiencing 6 (six) powerful NEG. energies total today.

    5 (five) NEG. energies in his work sector, 1 NEG. public image, NEGATIVE means weird, introverted, hiding. Good luck folks with your attempt to get America back. You will win, but not now.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Meaning of 5 (five) NEG. energies in Alex Jones work sector:

      His D.C. politicians work for the same EU masters. They all pretended the Chinese Invading America, to get you to go to war with the Chinese, like Vietnam war.

      Do you know that the Chinese diplomats in America have less than 3 persons? Most of them dont speak English. Go ahead call check them out.

      The British Govt, Vatican, Bill gates, politicians are actually the one's playing games inducing you to go to war with the Chinese. Don't be stupid people, like your past Vietnam war, 911, Ww1, etc..

      You are smarter than a mouse, are you not?


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