Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Breaking! Huge Move to Decertify Election Coming Out of Georgia! - Dr. Steve Turley Video

Arizona Senators Sue to Enforce Subpoenas for Election Equipment, Records


  1. Yes breaking all American hopes and dreams...

    Same old. Make America great again since 1907.

  2. As Craig B Hulet (terrorism expert) said. The Americans EU Masters wanted you (victims) to blame everything wrong in America ON their programmed / corrupt politicians, making things seemingly like America still is a democrazy country, but she was usurped long ago.

    Now their Eu masters including Corrupt politicians got caught lying, deceiving, pointing fingers at each other. While giving Huge dollars $1.4 trillions to $740 billions to PAKISTAN, CHINA & RUSSIA this 2020 Christmas.

    Now your blaming games prove you follow their Mind-games in loop forever. You are smarter than a mice. How many lessons do you need to wake up? 20 30?


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