Saturday, November 28, 2020

Pennsylvania GOP Legislature Will Seek to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors: State Senator


  1. Thievery offering their LOVE ❤️ Full of Guilt & Regret ?? 💔 ~ December 2020. Interstellar 10K views. 5 days ago. 1128-2020. THIEVES Gossiping after they put their legislations to scam people for profits, and the effects of their scams, out of our controls. They cannot exchange sustaining damages for their lies, N.America beware. They are required by law to undo their ongoing new wrong.

  2. Thievery offering their LOVE ❤️ Full of Guilt & Regret ?? 💔 ~ December 2020. Interstellar 10K views. 5 days ago. 1128-2020. THIEVES Gossiping after they put their legislations to scam people for profits, and the effects of their scams, out of our controls. They cannot exchange sustaining damages for their lies, N.America beware. They are required by law to undo their ongoing new wrong.

  3. .

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    It's NOT the job of the media to call elections. And until all recounts, lawsuits and audits are resolved, The Epoch Times will not declare a winner to the 2020 election. Right now, real news is more important than ever before: that's why we're providing our reporting during this election for free to the American people.

    1. Your claim "free" has been examined and is not true, false, fraudulent and you are found to be lying and thus liars. You require us to give you information in exchange for access. If we do not give the information you demand, we cannot "freely " read your publication.
      And if we provide the information, are we not forewarned we also are accepting your terms and conditions? So one is required to familiarize himself with these? I mean before he subjects himself? Or maybe we're making too much of trivial formalities and should resume our former ignorant state of blind trust? That time is past, and we are no longer children


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