Saturday, May 16, 2020

Charlene Bollinger Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits (Part 2)

Found Here:


  1. so many people are asleep and are in fear.

  2. They still got the most popular movie in town, always on TV even signs around "Stay Home" that people are obediently following apparently ingnorant of virus and the huge war especially in hospitals where all the scrubbing and spraying has been going on a long time. Now millions more for masks that cut off oxygen and cause old people and those with breathing problems and the still number one and presently ignored heart disease that was not stopped by government orders to put in millions of dollars of heart attack machines during the heart attack pandemic. Occasionally still see em, defibrillators to try and reorganize the timing cells that can be effected with outside interference like huge microwave towers.

  3. Unless its done in a big way and gets the right coverage by media it does nothing but waste time. These pollies and medical leaders are getting orders from the top of the deep state and will take no notice of what heppens unless its on a massive scale. God bless Trump for attempting to balance this out of control circus and all its monkeys.


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