Tuesday, April 21, 2020

About Their Attempts to Form a "Government"

By Anna Von Reitz

As you can pick up from reading between the lines, there are a lot of desperate attempts being made to preserve the established world order, at least to the extent of hauling essential chestnuts out of the fire.

Some of you are rightly concerned because you see all sorts of foreign and domestic corporations operating under different names, "offering" to step in and replace the bankrupt governmental services corporations and their banks and other "institutional artifices" with their own.

However, that isn't possible. The States of America have to be rebuilt -- "reconstructed" and they can only be reconstructed by the States. States give rise to States of States. They can't arise like mushrooms overnight, all by themselves, despite what corporations operating "as" States of States might think.

I understand Mr. Trump's dilemma, but the fact is that our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America is the source of all Delegations of Power, and when the Federal Subcontractors-- however they are organized or named, fail due to incompetence, such as bankruptcy, all the Delegated Powers return to us by Operation of Law.

Those Powers don't just hang around in the ethersphere waiting for some new Tom, Dick or Harry governmental services corporation to form. They have to form a viable corporation, if they wish to operate as corporations, and they have to come to us as the Source, and receive our agreement for them to act as Successors to the Constitutional Agreements.

Otherwise, they have no "powers" delegated to them, no contract or authority in evidence. It all slides right back into our laps and we get to tell them what to do, if they want to continue their jobs. Which is what we have been doing for many months with mixed results.

We've already seen Crown Colony of the United States and Unity States of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and United States of North America come and go, and nobody seems to "get it" when we say that they "can't get there from here".

Because they worked this sleight of hand and got away with it in the past, they think they can just continue on in the same vein, spin another round, and continue to skate on our ticket.

However, we have raised our hands and the wheels are in motion that prevent them from just booting up another corporation somewhere, calling it by some deceptively similar name, and taking over operations here.

We have our own government and that government has been successfully called into Session. It's the difference between dealing with a hibernating bear and a bear that is fully awake.

No new governmental services corporation, foreign or domestic, may "assume" any service contract of any kind with us without our explicit consent. Mr. Trump, individually and personally, has a contract. Nobody else does, so they had better keep him alive and well and smiling.

His contract is limited by the standing Constitutional agreements, but he doesn't object to that.
That said, he and the Generals advising him don't appear to fully understand why they can't just boot up another commercial corporation, inherit the farm, and continue on.

To put it simply, the Landlords have come home. The actual Inheritors are here. Our employees and foreign subcontractors can no longer assume control and propose to represent us or inherit any contract to do so absent our consent.

Imagine it this way --- you hire a housekeeping service, and you empower them to do certain things for you. They can have a key to the house, for example. They are authorized to buy cleaning supplies "on ticket".

But their bosses are dishonest and incompetent, and so, the company providing the housekeeping services eventually goes bankrupt despite being very well-paid and despite stealing as much as they can from their employer.

The same bosses think, oh, well, we jettisoned that debt and discharged everything we owed our employers. Guess we will just boot up a new corporation, call it by some deceptively similar name, assume that our old contract is still ours and what ho, carry on.

They actually got away with that in the past while we were asleep, so they don't understand why they can't just do it again now.

The reason is--- we've objected, officially, and now, they have to deal directly with us and "re-up" under our terms and conditions, or stand down.

That goes for all the various entities trying to claim contracts or rights related in any way to The United States and The United States of America.

This has yet to be resolved, along with the hash they have made of the commercial credit and banking system.

Stand by.


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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  1. "His contract is limited by the standing Constitutional agreements, but he doesn't object to that.
    That said, he and the Generals advising him don't appear to fully understand why they can't just boot up another commercial corporation, inherit the farm, and continue on."

    SUGGESTION: Since The United States of America is in the driver's seat, by Operation of Law, it appears "WE" can negotiate a contract with anyone we choose. So, if the Donald, his advisors and Generals don't comprehend what effect of "Operation by Law" really means, why not arrange to negotiate a competing contract with another Group - Sub-Contractors OR

    With DJT, requiring these Advisors and Generals seek other employment, since they obviously are incompetent, belligerent or just plain stupid. After all, why would you make a deal with "criminals", or less than honorable people.

    If ANYONE, truly believes, "they don't fully understand", I can arrange a few bridges to sell ya...

    1. Richard,
      You are correct, the corrupt and treasonous Generals understand too well. If the people are given the power as is their right per the Constitution to negotiate a competing contract; the treasonous General's power trip and gravy train ride will be over. The treasonous Generals are refusing to honor their oath to the Constitution. These bought and paid for traitors are selected and groomed by the financial crime syndicate.

      I believe they eliminated the death penalty for treason - too bad because that's what they deserve.

      There have been some loyal and true Generals but they are few and far between. Major General Smedley Butler in 1935 Butler stated:

      "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." Smedley Butler – War Is A Racket.



      Also see the following web site:
      "What fewer real historians are aware of, however, is Baruch's critical role in grooming and promoting the ambitious military men who were needed to eagerly carry out the orders of those political buffers. These traitor generals included John Pershing and Fox Conner of World War I fame, as well as George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower from World War II."


  2. What happen to due process public elections for key positions otherwise it’s taxation without representation.
    Why do one or two individuals make all the decisions?
    This should be brought before body of people .
