Tuesday, March 31, 2020

First 100 Families FREE!!! Mintbuilders New Promotion

First 100 Families FREE!!! from MintBuilder on Vimeo.

To take advantage of this and get your subscription go to:  https://mintbuilder.com/296110

If you are already a member and want to get another subscription to take advantage of this follow the instructions in the video.

Paul Stramer  296110    pstramer@gmail.com   406 889 3183

1 comment:

  1. Updated predictions #2 Reflecting changing energies in America, similar to China Trend:

    May 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to May 29, 2020: Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky corp. Gov’t in Forceful authorities, Physical Injuries, ...

    May 30, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to June 1, 2020: Forceful corp. authorities show force, Physical Injuries... Mid-High neg.Energy exchange.

    June 2-3, 2020: +/- 1-2 days: In pains, sorrow, despair, Political/ Gov’t chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high neg. Energy exchange.

    June 4, 2020: (+/- 1-2 days) #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, Coup d’Etat. Political chaos, extreme relationship breakdown. Mid-high negative Energy exchange.

    June 5, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to June 12, 2020: Forceful narcissist authorities in force, Physical Injuries.. Negative conj. Higher energy exchange. Unity and extreme relationship breakdown, Political still in chaos.

    June 13, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to June 17, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin freedom as well to railroad people to no-end. Tower moment.

    June 17, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to June 28, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... SUPER-HIGH neg. Energy exchange. Extreme relationship breakdown, See Gov’t conspiracy Vs. people below IMPORTANT.

    June 20 to Sept 9- 2020: Corp. Gov’t Conspiracies Vs. people (by foreign –Bar politicians). Lawless in-jail toxic vaccine possible. 30,000 guillotines bought, hidden in FEMA or Govt military compounds, run by UK++, Popes & thievery Bankers.

    June 29 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to July 2, 2020: Ending of freedom, for the vermin as well to railroad people. Tower moment. Political chaos. Unity, United-
    we-stand seen. Extreme relationship breakdown on-going

    Jly 3rd 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to July 10, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injury... Negative conj. High energy exchange. More United relationship & extreme relationship breakdown.

    July 12, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to July 13, 2020: #2 Conspiracies, assassination style, mil. coup d’Etat. Still in chaos. Extreme neg. relationship.

    July 14, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days)
    to July 24, 2020: Forceful authorities in force, Physical Injuries... Decreasing neg. Energy exchange. ** Read the IMPORTANT mid-block. **

    July 28, 2020 (+/- 1-2 days): Ten of swords, Ego, Conspiracy, Sneaky Gov’t shows Forceful lawless authorities, Physical Injuries, mild neg. energy exchange. Both sides: In pains, sorrow and despair.

    June 21st, 2020: Solar Eclipse: Marks the major effects on American homes, security and insecurity. Making us think why or if our Gov’t is worthy to respect. They are in multi-party business, not for us as they pretended to serve, but not per 19-enumerated contract that we hired them to follow. They act as if they are our bosses, when we are their bosses.


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