Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Three and a half days - Bill Whittle

Found here:  https://www.youtube.com/embed/OAOrT0OcHh0


  1. They don't have jobs by design and the bastards who set this whole mess up know it too
    College education was pushed to get them in to debt and once on the outside there would be no jobs for them except shit jobs they have planned which is nothing but low wage shit jobs
    Education and regionalism - THEY PLANNED THIS

  2. Shelby, the people were free before Henry the 8th, he took their lands and their means of sustaining themselves, took their homes and made them homeless Paupers. They had to go to churches for sustainability and then the church rented the people out to work houses, that's how this whole thing including the shity jobs started.

  3. The people were sovereign before King John who in 1213 sold the people's sovereignty to the pope.

    This should be challenged as it is a maxim in law that you cannot give away what you do not own, and he definitely did not have the right's over people's sovereignty.
